Trending Projects
For a Cause
Sumedha needs your help again, please Donate for her
Chunderdeep Family and FriendsDear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out to you once again with heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support during our previous crowdfunding campaign. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise the necessary funds for a bone marrow transplant for our beloved Sumedha, who is battling acute leukemia. Unfortunately, after a few months, Sumedha has relapsed and is now facing an even tougher fight. She has had to return to India for further treatment. This relapse has been a significant emotional and financial burden on the family as the estimated cost is again set at Rs 2 million. We humbly ask for your continued support during this challenging time. Your unwavering generosity can make a life-saving difference for Sumedha once again. With sincere gratitude, Chunderdeep family and friendsMedical ExpensesRs 595,985 Raised: Rs 1,000,00068For a ProjectEnsemble, donnons vie au livre Moris Ikonik !
In Other Words EditionsUn petit mot sur notre projet Vous êtes... ... un Mauricien fier de son île ? ... un amoureux de la culture ? ... un amateur de beaux livres ? ... un expatrié curieux d'en savoir plus sur Maurice ? Notre projet va vous plaire ! On se lance dans une grande aventure Nous produisons cette année Moris Ikonik, notre tout premier livre ! Dans cet ouvrage coloré et plein d’esprit sont réunis 50 emblèmes locaux. Qu’ils fassent la fierté des Mauriciens, le plaisir des touristes ou partie intégrante de l’histoire de notre île, chacun a une jolie histoire à nous raconter ! Moris Ikonik, c’est : 220 pages | 1 000 exemplaires | 25x32 cm Et c'est aussi de belles collaborations. Nous travaillons avec certains des meilleurs artistes, graphistes et photographes de l’île : Julie Télot, Brian Lamoureux, Karen Pang, Anne-Lise Ramooloo, Stéphane Mussard, GADA, Keivan Cadinouche, Patrick Laverdant, Javed Jeetoo, Xavier Koenig, Alexandre Lassémillante, Max Gifted, Noémie de Ravel, Jacques de Spéville... Et bien d'autres encore ! On a besoin de vous ! Produire un livre, c’est… génial. C’est sûr : ce n’est pas nous qui dirons le contraire. Mais ça représente un coût élevé. De la rédaction à l’impression, en passant par la direction artistique et le montage, les postes de dépenses sont nombreux et variés. Et pour faire de la qualité, il n’est pas question de faire l’impasse sur l’un ou l’autre ! C’est pourquoi nous avons besoin de vous. Votre apport nous permettra de financer le graphisme et les collaborations avec les artistes (= 30 % des frais totaux). Si nous dépassons notre objectif, les fonds supplémentaires nous permettront de financer une partie de la rédaction et d'entamer la traduction du livre en anglais. 3 bonnes raisons de nous soutenir ! (parmi d'autres) (1) Un projet ambitieux Moris Ikonik est un coffee-table book aux standards internationaux, entièrement produit à Maurice. (2) Porteur de belles valeurs Nous valorisons nos talents locaux – des artistes aux métiers de l’édition ; et nous nous engageons pour une impression responsable. (3) Vecteur d’un beau message Une île Maurice attachante et colorée à savourer et à (re)découvrir au fil des pages. Le timeline du projet Septembre 2024 : début du projet Octobre 2024 : collecte des fonds et production de l'ouvrage (en version française) Février 2025 : départ en impression Mars 2025 : lancement du livre (en version française) Courant 2025 : lancement du livre (en version anglaise) - sous réserve de financements À propos de nous Nous sommes Elena, Sandra et Mélissa, et cela fait plus de 10 ans que nous sommes dans le métier ! Nous avons une conviction : celle que les livres sont un vecteur de partage, de transmission… Mais aussi de plaisir ! Nous avons donc créé In Other Words Editions, la petite maison d'édition qui porte les belles idées. Moris Ikonik est notre premier livre. Alors, prêts à rejoindre l’aventure ? Merci, merci, merci ! Votre contribution, quelle qu’elle soit, nous est précieuse et nous permettra de publier un livre aussi beau qu’on l’imagine. Update du 1er septembre : grâce à votre générosité, nous visons plus haut et avons accru le palier du crowdfunding à Rs 300 000. Continuez de passer le mot autour de vous ! What’s next ? Nous prévoyons de sortir le livre en mars 2025 (en version française), et nous partagerons la liste des points de vente sur nos réseaux sociaux dès que le livre sera en distribution. D’ici là, suivez nos actus ! Facebook : InOtherWordsMauritius Instagram : inotherwords_mauritius Linkedin : inotherwords Mécénat Vous souhaitez rejoindre l’aventure en tant que mécène ? Contactez-nous directement pour en discuter autour d’un café ! hello@inotherwords.muArts & CultureRs 237,204 Raised: Rs 300,00021For a CauseH.O.P.E for the Youth
Nemamiah AssociationHello par ici! Je fais un APPEL AUX DONS! Avec la collaboration de la MITD de Mahebourg, j’ai lancé une série de sessions de formation avec 230 jeunes qui ont besoin d’un coup de pouce ,dans le domaine du savoir etre et bien-être (mindfulness, art thérapie, positivité, etc.) ! Pour mener à bien ces 13 sessions, je fais un appel à vous pour l’achat du matériel, et un petit gouter/repas pour chaque participant. Je vous remercie de votre contribution a travers le Crowdfund pour soutenir le projet qui début en Aout 2024 avec un premier groupe de 30 jeunes. Vous pouvez aussi partager le lien autour de vous. Chaque petite contribution est un pas vers l’épanouissement d’un jeune, par Participant cela coute approx Rs 8,500. Milles mercis à vous par avance, vos contributions et partages seront très précieux ! Je remercie ceux qui ont déjà contribuer et merci pour vos messages d’encouragement ! Nemamiah, une plateforme d'action entre art thérapie et développement personnel... Pour retrouver le pouvoir de nos potentiels créateurs. SOUTENEZ UN PROJET plein de sens, des initiatives essentielles aujourd'hui qui reconnectent le pouvoir de l'action artistique au sein de nos sociétés, et qui soutiennent et enrichissent de manière tellement essentielle, nos évolutions personnelles et collectives... Dans un monde en plein changement. Notre campagne de Crowfunding est un moyen de financement et nous remercions du fond du coeur tous nos contributeurs ! Nous avons 45 jours pour atteindre le montant fixé. Chaque geste compte... Nous comptons sur chaque personne qui se sent interpellée par nos actions Pour participer et nous soutenir, faites un don. ---------------------------///////////////////////////---------------------------------- Hello everyone ! I'm calling for DONATIONS! In collaboration with MITD Mahebourg, I have launched a series of training sessions with 230 young people who need a helping hand in areas such as mindfulness, art therapy, positivity, and more! To successfully conduct these 13 sessions, I am reaching out to you for help in purchasing materials and providing a snack/meal for each participant. I appreciate your contributions through Crowdfund to support the project starting in August 2024 for a first batch of 30 youth. You can also share the link around. Every small contribution is a step towards a young person's well-being. Each participant costs approximately Rs 8,500. A thousand thanks in advance for your contributions and shares! Your support is invaluable! Thank you to those who have already contributed and for your encouraging messages! Nemamiah is a platform for action between art therapy and personal development... To reclaim the power of our creative potentials. SUPPORT A MEANINGFUL PROJECT, essential initiatives today that reconnect the power of artistic action within our societies and support and enrich our personal and collective evolutions... in a changing world. Our Growfunding campaign is a way to finance, and we deeply thank all our contributors! We have 45 days to reach the target amount. Every gesture counts... We rely on each person who feels moved by our actions. To participate and support us, do help us Thank you!Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 8,515 Raised: Rs 500,00039For a ProjectProject Bees is a initiative dedicated to safeguarding the bee population in Mauritius
Christopher JostProject Bees is an initiative dedicated to safeguarding the bee population in Mauritius. We invite you to be part of this vital mission and help us create a thriving environment for our precious pollinators we invite the public to come and learn about the importance of bees and the challenges they face in mauritius we are at Gros Cailloux and have a beautiful site with all the islands saved bees. WHAT IS SAVING BEES? Saving Bees is a project, born by The Bee Guy, with the purpose to spread the Bee-culture and to create a new Bee-conscience: the conscience of the fact that without the bees, life ends. To protect the Bees and to promote beekeeping, this is our first objective and we do it as an action of love, for our children and the future generations. BEES ARE SO IMPORTANT? Maybe for you Bees are the producer of your honey pot, maybe you are scared of them and often you are not able to recognize them as a Hornet, but in fact they play a vital part in helping provide at least one third of the food we eat. They are our friends. They are here to help us, bees would never hurt you for no reason. Without bees we would not be able to have most of the vegetables and fruit we eat, and we would not be able to feed the most of our cattle. Of the 100 plants from which we can get 90% of the food of the world, 71 will disappear without the Bees pollination. Bees are essential in pollinating both crops and other plants and without bees there would be no-one to provide the vital service pollination is. Animals eat the plants that bees pollinate just as Humans do, and this also for the fruit trees in fact would not be most of the fruit without pollination. Dear Supporters, We are excited to introduce Project Bees, an initiative dedicated to the conservation and protection of bees in Mauritius. Our mission is to educate the public about the crucial role bees play in our ecosystem and to engage the community in efforts to save these essential pollinators. If we all stop spraying pesticides and learn about bees, the situation would be much better, It is everyone's responsibility We all need to feel responsible. Without bees we won't go far. Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of bees in Mauritius The added pictures show how badly bees are losing their habitat and having to find places that are not good for bees, with your help you can make a change to the better future for the bees in mauritius We have organized many awareness days about our pollinators For this we need your help, your generosity and your love for our bees. Thanks to your generosity we have already raised 14.200 rs. We are still missing 547,410 rs to reach our goal. We are creating a new crowdfund to make this dream project become a reality. Help us fund our new bee pick up van so that we can start rescuing more bees that are off road we have all over the island. Let’s work together to improve the well-being of all living creatures in Mauritius Why We Need Your Support: Educating the Community: Workshops and Seminars: We aim to conduct workshops and seminars to educate people of all ages about beekeeping, the importance of bees, and sustainable practices. School Programs: Introducing educational programs in schools to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards. Establishing the Bee School: Facilities and Equipment: Funds are needed to build and maintain our state-of-the-art Bee School, including purchasing beekeeping equipment and setting up observation hives. Interactive Learning Spaces: Creating engaging and interactive learning environments for hands-on experience. Conservation Efforts: Habitat Restoration: Initiatives to restore and protect bee habitats, ensuring they have a safe and thriving environment. Research and Monitoring: Supporting research projects to monitor bee health and develop strategies to combat threats such as pesticides and habitat loss. How You Can Help: Your generous donations will directly support our educational programs, the establishment of the Bee School, and our conservation efforts. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant impact. Sponsor a Hive: Sponsor a hive and receive regular updates on its progress, including photos and honey samples. Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer and participate in our various programs and activities. facebook Join Us in Making a Difference: Bees are vital to our ecosystem, and with your support, we can ensure their survival and prosperity. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for our bees and our planet. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to this important cause.AgricultureRs 4,900 Raised: Rs 500,00033All Projects
For a Project
Please donate to help me gain back my mobility
KARRIMBUCCUS DOOMUN NUSRATHHello everyone For 7 years now am fighting to get back mobility through a reconstructive surgery which started after my accident in 2017 at Jeetoo Hospital, then to Darne floreal which eventually has been delegated to Indian doctors precisely at Artemis Delhi India where I've already gone for 3 times already, and now I've to go for a 4th time for tibia grafting process t be followed my metalplatings, nailing n illizarove. For all these years through loans and help through donations I've managed to go for surgery in India 3 times. But now, am not eligible for loans, so I desperately need ur help n prayers dear friends. Also I have got legal police papers for asking for financial help from public but unfortunately publishing permit is not allowed.. Anyone who wants to check cn visit me personally. Please help me t get back on legs for my family, myself and my 2 kids. May God always bless n protect all of us.. Amen Thnk u allHealth & FitnessRs 0 Raised: Rs 500,00084For a ProjectEnsemble, donnons vie au livre Moris Ikonik !
In Other Words EditionsUn petit mot sur notre projet Vous êtes... ... un Mauricien fier de son île ? ... un amoureux de la culture ? ... un amateur de beaux livres ? ... un expatrié curieux d'en savoir plus sur Maurice ? Notre projet va vous plaire ! On se lance dans une grande aventure Nous produisons cette année Moris Ikonik, notre tout premier livre ! Dans cet ouvrage coloré et plein d’esprit sont réunis 50 emblèmes locaux. Qu’ils fassent la fierté des Mauriciens, le plaisir des touristes ou partie intégrante de l’histoire de notre île, chacun a une jolie histoire à nous raconter ! Moris Ikonik, c’est : 220 pages | 1 000 exemplaires | 25x32 cm Et c'est aussi de belles collaborations. Nous travaillons avec certains des meilleurs artistes, graphistes et photographes de l’île : Julie Télot, Brian Lamoureux, Karen Pang, Anne-Lise Ramooloo, Stéphane Mussard, GADA, Keivan Cadinouche, Patrick Laverdant, Javed Jeetoo, Xavier Koenig, Alexandre Lassémillante, Max Gifted, Noémie de Ravel, Jacques de Spéville... Et bien d'autres encore ! On a besoin de vous ! Produire un livre, c’est… génial. C’est sûr : ce n’est pas nous qui dirons le contraire. Mais ça représente un coût élevé. De la rédaction à l’impression, en passant par la direction artistique et le montage, les postes de dépenses sont nombreux et variés. Et pour faire de la qualité, il n’est pas question de faire l’impasse sur l’un ou l’autre ! C’est pourquoi nous avons besoin de vous. Votre apport nous permettra de financer le graphisme et les collaborations avec les artistes (= 30 % des frais totaux). Si nous dépassons notre objectif, les fonds supplémentaires nous permettront de financer une partie de la rédaction et d'entamer la traduction du livre en anglais. 3 bonnes raisons de nous soutenir ! (parmi d'autres) (1) Un projet ambitieux Moris Ikonik est un coffee-table book aux standards internationaux, entièrement produit à Maurice. (2) Porteur de belles valeurs Nous valorisons nos talents locaux – des artistes aux métiers de l’édition ; et nous nous engageons pour une impression responsable. (3) Vecteur d’un beau message Une île Maurice attachante et colorée à savourer et à (re)découvrir au fil des pages. Le timeline du projet Septembre 2024 : début du projet Octobre 2024 : collecte des fonds et production de l'ouvrage (en version française) Février 2025 : départ en impression Mars 2025 : lancement du livre (en version française) Courant 2025 : lancement du livre (en version anglaise) - sous réserve de financements À propos de nous Nous sommes Elena, Sandra et Mélissa, et cela fait plus de 10 ans que nous sommes dans le métier ! Nous avons une conviction : celle que les livres sont un vecteur de partage, de transmission… Mais aussi de plaisir ! Nous avons donc créé In Other Words Editions, la petite maison d'édition qui porte les belles idées. Moris Ikonik est notre premier livre. Alors, prêts à rejoindre l’aventure ? Merci, merci, merci ! Votre contribution, quelle qu’elle soit, nous est précieuse et nous permettra de publier un livre aussi beau qu’on l’imagine. Update du 1er septembre : grâce à votre générosité, nous visons plus haut et avons accru le palier du crowdfunding à Rs 300 000. Continuez de passer le mot autour de vous ! What’s next ? Nous prévoyons de sortir le livre en mars 2025 (en version française), et nous partagerons la liste des points de vente sur nos réseaux sociaux dès que le livre sera en distribution. D’ici là, suivez nos actus ! Facebook : InOtherWordsMauritius Instagram : inotherwords_mauritius Linkedin : inotherwords Mécénat Vous souhaitez rejoindre l’aventure en tant que mécène ? Contactez-nous directement pour en discuter autour d’un café ! hello@inotherwords.muArts & CultureRs 237,204 Raised: Rs 300,00021For a CauseSumedha needs your help again, please Donate for her
Chunderdeep Family and FriendsDear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out to you once again with heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support during our previous crowdfunding campaign. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise the necessary funds for a bone marrow transplant for our beloved Sumedha, who is battling acute leukemia. Unfortunately, after a few months, Sumedha has relapsed and is now facing an even tougher fight. She has had to return to India for further treatment. This relapse has been a significant emotional and financial burden on the family as the estimated cost is again set at Rs 2 million. We humbly ask for your continued support during this challenging time. Your unwavering generosity can make a life-saving difference for Sumedha once again. With sincere gratitude, Chunderdeep family and friendsMedical ExpensesRs 595,985 Raised: Rs 1,000,00068For a CauseStray dogs in distress
Rashila RamchurnDear friends volunteers and animal lovers I am doing a crowdfunding as fund is not enough to feed more than 350strays daily. From. Khoyratty to Pont Praslin. Daily feeding is costing rs 3500 1bal ration rice 2bals pongos 20kg each rs 2700fuel rs 1000and chicken carcass rs 500.mIn addition my dog shelter needs maintenance and I must buy iron sheets as it has no iron sheets on 2sides and rain pours inside. I need to buy fence and mend where dogs have broken it. A water tank must be bought as in summer there is water shortage and I must clean dog shelter daily and bath 25dogs on Sundays. Extension of dog shelter for 5more strays. I rely on crowdfunding to make the project a reality.Pets & AnimalRs 300 Raised: Rs 180,0001For a CauseHelp us get our rescue dogs home to SA
Kyleigh ArmstrongMy partner and I moved to Mauritius due to a work oppurtunity I was given in July 2022. We welcomed the opportunity with open arms and looked forward to a new adventure and to embracing the island with all we had. We do not have much and wanted to try create a better life for ourselves. As much as we loved the ocean life and beautiful nature that surrounded us, we could not help but be heartbroken at the state the stray dogs were living in. We heard many stories of Expats coming to the island for a few years, adopting or bringing pets in, and then abandonining them outside their gates while they left onto their next adventure. Our constant staple we have on us is pet food, which we always stop and share with packs of strays as we drive around the island. I know my colleagues do the same, and I have seen many locals feed the strays and organize sterilisation drives. The vets on the island are the true heroes, assisting often for nothing in return, and are at capacity at their clinics with the amount of strays they take in. It also makes it extremely difficult that 80 percent of the homes for rent in Mauritus are not pet friendly, so there is only so much we can do to house the strays we come accross. In September, 2023 we went to Mont Choisy beach for the day to enjoy the beach. Unbeknown to us, we fell pray to the most gorgeous stray puppies who had been dumped for dead on the beach. Which is a common occurance. We spent the whole day with them, feeding them and playing with them. It is safe to say that as much as we imprinted on them, they imprinted on us. We were there the next day, the next day and the next. Feeding them and checking in on them. They were in a terrible state. Covered in mange and on their last legs of parvo. We decided to leave our current unit and search the island far and wide to find a pet friendly place to be able to house them. This was a challenge in its own and the only place we could find was in a stranded and at a very high price. Our home barely has water, and often has power cuts, but we couldnt care less. We could take our babies home. We had been warned puppies often get poisoned on the beaches and we could not handle the thought. By the last time we visited them, the were chasing us to our car and chasing our car whilst we left into the busy road. Needless to say we needed to get them out of there and fast. We took them straight to the most wonderful vet we have gotten to know on the island. Sue from Animo in the Vale. And she got to work on saving these parvo, flea ridden puppies. She said they were days from not surviving and that they would not have lasted the week had they stayed on that beach. They stayed with Sue for three weeks and got agressive treatment for their parvo and mange. They were fattened up and treated like gold. We rushed to get them into our now pet friendly place and have been spoiling them ever since. Our life has suddenly taken a turn, and we need to return back to SA for health reasons. We will under no circumstances leave our precious Pixie and Bear behind, nor our cat Abbey who we brought along with us from SA. Hoever, due to the mass amount we have been paying in the one pet friendly home we could find and the cost of living we are struggling to put the money together to get our babies home. Any and all assistance howver small will be so greatly recieved and will be put straight to the cost of exporting our babies out of Mauritius and importing them into South Africa. We are desperate to get them home before Christmas, and to continue to give them the life all of these strays so deserve. With all my heart thank you, for any and all support offered.Pets & AnimalRs 0 Raised: Rs 196,05336For a CauseH.O.P.E for the Youth
Nemamiah AssociationHello par ici! Je fais un APPEL AUX DONS! Avec la collaboration de la MITD de Mahebourg, j’ai lancé une série de sessions de formation avec 230 jeunes qui ont besoin d’un coup de pouce ,dans le domaine du savoir etre et bien-être (mindfulness, art thérapie, positivité, etc.) ! Pour mener à bien ces 13 sessions, je fais un appel à vous pour l’achat du matériel, et un petit gouter/repas pour chaque participant. Je vous remercie de votre contribution a travers le Crowdfund pour soutenir le projet qui début en Aout 2024 avec un premier groupe de 30 jeunes. Vous pouvez aussi partager le lien autour de vous. Chaque petite contribution est un pas vers l’épanouissement d’un jeune, par Participant cela coute approx Rs 8,500. Milles mercis à vous par avance, vos contributions et partages seront très précieux ! Je remercie ceux qui ont déjà contribuer et merci pour vos messages d’encouragement ! Nemamiah, une plateforme d'action entre art thérapie et développement personnel... Pour retrouver le pouvoir de nos potentiels créateurs. SOUTENEZ UN PROJET plein de sens, des initiatives essentielles aujourd'hui qui reconnectent le pouvoir de l'action artistique au sein de nos sociétés, et qui soutiennent et enrichissent de manière tellement essentielle, nos évolutions personnelles et collectives... Dans un monde en plein changement. Notre campagne de Crowfunding est un moyen de financement et nous remercions du fond du coeur tous nos contributeurs ! Nous avons 45 jours pour atteindre le montant fixé. Chaque geste compte... Nous comptons sur chaque personne qui se sent interpellée par nos actions Pour participer et nous soutenir, faites un don. ---------------------------///////////////////////////---------------------------------- Hello everyone ! I'm calling for DONATIONS! In collaboration with MITD Mahebourg, I have launched a series of training sessions with 230 young people who need a helping hand in areas such as mindfulness, art therapy, positivity, and more! To successfully conduct these 13 sessions, I am reaching out to you for help in purchasing materials and providing a snack/meal for each participant. I appreciate your contributions through Crowdfund to support the project starting in August 2024 for a first batch of 30 youth. You can also share the link around. Every small contribution is a step towards a young person's well-being. Each participant costs approximately Rs 8,500. A thousand thanks in advance for your contributions and shares! Your support is invaluable! Thank you to those who have already contributed and for your encouraging messages! Nemamiah is a platform for action between art therapy and personal development... To reclaim the power of our creative potentials. SUPPORT A MEANINGFUL PROJECT, essential initiatives today that reconnect the power of artistic action within our societies and support and enrich our personal and collective evolutions... in a changing world. Our Growfunding campaign is a way to finance, and we deeply thank all our contributors! We have 45 days to reach the target amount. Every gesture counts... We rely on each person who feels moved by our actions. To participate and support us, do help us Thank you!Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 8,515 Raised: Rs 500,00039For a ProjectProject Bees is a initiative dedicated to safeguarding the bee population in Mauritius
Christopher JostProject Bees is an initiative dedicated to safeguarding the bee population in Mauritius. We invite you to be part of this vital mission and help us create a thriving environment for our precious pollinators we invite the public to come and learn about the importance of bees and the challenges they face in mauritius we are at Gros Cailloux and have a beautiful site with all the islands saved bees. WHAT IS SAVING BEES? Saving Bees is a project, born by The Bee Guy, with the purpose to spread the Bee-culture and to create a new Bee-conscience: the conscience of the fact that without the bees, life ends. To protect the Bees and to promote beekeeping, this is our first objective and we do it as an action of love, for our children and the future generations. BEES ARE SO IMPORTANT? Maybe for you Bees are the producer of your honey pot, maybe you are scared of them and often you are not able to recognize them as a Hornet, but in fact they play a vital part in helping provide at least one third of the food we eat. They are our friends. They are here to help us, bees would never hurt you for no reason. Without bees we would not be able to have most of the vegetables and fruit we eat, and we would not be able to feed the most of our cattle. Of the 100 plants from which we can get 90% of the food of the world, 71 will disappear without the Bees pollination. Bees are essential in pollinating both crops and other plants and without bees there would be no-one to provide the vital service pollination is. Animals eat the plants that bees pollinate just as Humans do, and this also for the fruit trees in fact would not be most of the fruit without pollination. Dear Supporters, We are excited to introduce Project Bees, an initiative dedicated to the conservation and protection of bees in Mauritius. Our mission is to educate the public about the crucial role bees play in our ecosystem and to engage the community in efforts to save these essential pollinators. If we all stop spraying pesticides and learn about bees, the situation would be much better, It is everyone's responsibility We all need to feel responsible. Without bees we won't go far. Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of bees in Mauritius The added pictures show how badly bees are losing their habitat and having to find places that are not good for bees, with your help you can make a change to the better future for the bees in mauritius We have organized many awareness days about our pollinators For this we need your help, your generosity and your love for our bees. Thanks to your generosity we have already raised 14.200 rs. We are still missing 547,410 rs to reach our goal. We are creating a new crowdfund to make this dream project become a reality. Help us fund our new bee pick up van so that we can start rescuing more bees that are off road we have all over the island. Let’s work together to improve the well-being of all living creatures in Mauritius Why We Need Your Support: Educating the Community: Workshops and Seminars: We aim to conduct workshops and seminars to educate people of all ages about beekeeping, the importance of bees, and sustainable practices. School Programs: Introducing educational programs in schools to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards. Establishing the Bee School: Facilities and Equipment: Funds are needed to build and maintain our state-of-the-art Bee School, including purchasing beekeeping equipment and setting up observation hives. Interactive Learning Spaces: Creating engaging and interactive learning environments for hands-on experience. Conservation Efforts: Habitat Restoration: Initiatives to restore and protect bee habitats, ensuring they have a safe and thriving environment. Research and Monitoring: Supporting research projects to monitor bee health and develop strategies to combat threats such as pesticides and habitat loss. How You Can Help: Your generous donations will directly support our educational programs, the establishment of the Bee School, and our conservation efforts. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant impact. Sponsor a Hive: Sponsor a hive and receive regular updates on its progress, including photos and honey samples. Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer and participate in our various programs and activities. facebook Join Us in Making a Difference: Bees are vital to our ecosystem, and with your support, we can ensure their survival and prosperity. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for our bees and our planet. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to this important cause.AgricultureRs 4,900 Raised: Rs 500,00033For a ProjectEmpowering Youth: Fundraising for Mauritius Team at FIRST Global Robotics Challenge 2024 - Greece
Sohail JugbandhanI am Sohail J, a student at UWC Atlantic and alumni Northfields International School. I am also the Founder of STARS, an NGO and charitable organization registered in Mauritius. I am thrilled to share that Mauritius as a country will be participating in the upcoming FIRST Global Challenge 2024 in Greece and I am leading the Mauritius Team as the Captain. A lifetime experience! I am reaching out for your support in this fundraising campaign to assist the Mauritian team with robotics kits, accommodation, travels and to expand STEM outreach initiatives in Mauritius and globally. I am driven by a vision of empowering today’s youth through the transformative power of robotics, innovation and STEM. The impact of our involvement in the FIRST Global Challenge extends far beyond the competition itself. It is about instilling a sense of curiosity, creativity and critical thinking in the minds of the youth. After an intensive scouting and selection process, YUVA Mauritius and FIRST Global have built a team of five young robotics-passionate, whom will be bringing their diverse skills and exceptional background in STEM together over the next few months as the Mauritian cohort prepares for the eagerly anticipated FIRST Global challenge 2024 edition. The FIRST Global challenge is a prestigious platform where 190+ nations unite to “celebrate STEM like we celebrate athletics”. In addition to helping every child live their passion for robotics, the competition fosters a culture of all nations working collaboratively towards the planet’s sustainability goals. The theme of this year’s edition: “Feeding the future” centres around the usage of robots in sustainable food production. The competition is indeed nothing short of an Olympic-style robotics competition. Please support and donate Mauritius Team. Together we can build a more sustainable future, inspire a generation of innovators and harness the power of technology for a better world! With sincere gratitude, Sohail J. FIRST Global Mauritius TeamEducationRs 31,926 Raised: Rs 75,0002For a CauseBring a smile to JCTBA
Jacques Cantin Talking Books AssociationThe Jacques Cantin Talking Books Association (JCTBA) provides blind and visually impaired people across the country access to books in audio format. More than a hundred subscribers benefit from the free service offered by the JCTBA. The association encourages people with visual difficulties to use their hearing sense and thus helps their development and integration in the society. The quality of the recording of texts being essential, the organization assists and monitors very closely the training of its story tellers, called 'Donneurs de Voix', in order to give blind and visually impaired people quality audio books. It is, however, entirely dependent on the ‘Donneurs de Voix’ to ensure that the text is recorded in good conditions and in an appropriate location. The association offers free access to a recording booth if necessary. The library remains open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. It also offers Listening Classes to school children. In the long term, the Jacques Cantin Talking Books Association (JCTBA) encourages the participation of other people interested in lending their voice as 'Donneurs de Voix' and to extend its service to old age persons throughout the island, with visual difficulties. Since the non-profit Association does not generate any funds, we rely on the financial support of volunteers to carry out our work and ensure the salary of a permanent Administrative Secretary. In essence, JCTBA plays a crucial role in promoting social integration by providing access to information, fostering educational opportunities, facilitating community engagement, promoting independence, enriching cultural experiences, advocating for accessibility, leveraging technology, and nurturing support networks among the blind and partially sighted population. Bless are those who can see and make life easier for others... Do visit our web page for more details : www.jctba.orgNonprofit (NGO)Rs 10,920 Raised: Rs 500,00030For a ProjectLa musique à besoin de votre aide
Jérôme ArèleChers amis de la musique, Je suis Jérôme Arele, ancien élève du Conservatoire de l'Île Maurice et de l'Atelier Mo'zar. Après avoir poursuivi mes études en France, je suis devenu membre d'un quatuor de clarinettes, Ébène Pack, composé de musiciens issus des conservatoires et des orchestres parisiens. Nous avons l'immense honneur d'avoir été invités à jouer au Caudan Arts Centre le 9 août 2025. En plus de ce concert, nous avons pour projet de promouvoir la clarinette auprès des jeunes en offrant des masterclass gratuites. Pour réaliser ce projet, nous avons besoin de votre aide pour couvrir nos frais de logement et de transport. Nous lançons donc un appel solidaire afin de nous permettre de concrétiser ce projet et d'en faire profiter les Mauriciens. Un immense merci d'avance pour votre soutien et votre générosité.Arts & CultureRs 0 Raised: Rs 40,00023For a CauseBuilding a shelter for our strays
Usha Oodit10 years ago she started rescuing dogs from the street , did adoption,sterilisation vaccination treatment for strays She registered her charity trust named Pink Pony Charity Trust in 2017 When she started doing adoption didnt get anyone because mostly people look for breed dogs Now she has over 120 dogs She has to relocate the dogs because she lives in a residential place and the dogs do not have lots of place to play around Lots of dogs of hers are the one which were in distress in the street and she did the treatment but did not have the heart to release them again. She is currently building a shelter at La Flora on a land which was donated by Miss Mary, Miss Farah and Mr Ashvin. She needs funds to build the shelter for her over 120 dogs. She needs you help and contributions to make it happen. Please share and donate as much as you can. Thank you all in advance for supporting this cause.Pets & AnimalRs 45,900 Raised: Rs 500,00022For a CauseSupport Monad Charity learning centre
Monad CharityIn video : Many children from vulnerable regions face educational challenges, including learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and slow learning. Parents often lack the resources or knowledge to provide adequate help. The Learning center will offer remedial classes, holistic and creative workshops, and therapeutic support to provide psychological and emotional assistance. Our aim is to inspire ambition, motivation, and a sense of effort in these children from vulnerable families. The causes of children's educational difficulties are varied and include: Resource Constraints: Lack of school materials, proper nutrition, uniforms, and clothing due to financial limitations. Parental Limitations: Some parents lack the educational background or ability to help their children with homework. Social Stigma: Negative judgments and prejudices from teachers or peers based on social backgrounds. Family Dynamics: Dysfunctional family situations affecting the child's mental state and learning capability. Communication Barriers: Parents' difficulties in effectively communicating with the school. Single-Parent Challenges: Balancing work, school transportation, and ensuring children's attendance, leading to high absenteeism. Parental Attitudes: Negative attitudes towards education influencing children's perceptions and motivation. Psychological Factors: Feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence. Mindset and Beliefs: Poverty mindset influencing learning experiences. This project aims to address these challenges by offering support and resources to improve academic performance, boost self-esteem, and provide equal access to quality education. Project Objectives Improve children's education and school performance. Provide necessary resources. Create a supportive environment. Offer free remedial classes for vulnerable children. Provide holistic and creative activities and workshops aimed at the overall development of the child. Offer moral, emotional, and psychological support to the child. Today, this project needs a boost to get started. Use of Donations The collected donations will help in: Purchasing school supplies and books for children. Meals: Regular meals during remedial classes and other center activities. Setup Costs: Educational materials, teaching aids, boards, building signage, chairs, tables, office supplies, audiovisual equipment, kitchen equipment, utensils, curtains, tablecloths, a first aid kit, bookshelves, library, gardening supplies, training two intern teachers, purchasing baking class materials, paying for labor for paving and creating a welcoming play and discovery area. Operating and Maintenance Costs: Electricity and water bills, internet costs for the building, household gas, cleaning and maintenance supplies, teacher equipment and materials. Allowances: Transportation and subsistence allowance for teachers, paying professionals for sessions with psychologists, counselors, artists, etc. Building Rent. Monad Charity is committed to the ongoing success of this project and to providing comprehensive educational support to the vulnerable children of the region.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 6,700 Raised: Rs 300,0006For a CauseHelp Save Roukmani: Fighting Against Clival Tumor
Association Solidarité Mauriciens d'ailleurs by Vanessa NagapillayFrançais: Chers Amis et Bienfaiteurs, Permettez-nous de vous présenter Madame Roukmani Aurokium, une femme courageuse de 45 ans confrontée à un défi de taille : elle a reçu le diagnostic d'une tumeur clivale s'étendant jusqu'à son sinus sphénoïdal droit, accompagnée de Rhinorrhée de LCS. Malgré sa résilience et sa détermination, Roukmani a désespérément besoin de notre soutien collectif pour surmonter cette condition potentiellement mortelle. Depuis un certain temps, Roukmani reçoit des soins à la Clinique Wellkin à Maurice, où une équipe médicale dévouée lui prodigue des soins empreints de compassion. Cependant, la complexité de son état nécessite une intervention spécialisée qui n'est pas disponible localement. Par conséquent, elle a été conseillée de subir une intervention chirurgicale à l'Hôpital Foch en France, renommé pour ses soins spécialisés. Malheureusement, le coût total de l'intervention médicale de Roukmani à l'Hôpital Foch s'élève à 35,000 €, un fardeau financier considérable pour elle et sa famille. Sans cette chirurgie, le risque de complications supplémentaires est imminent, mettant en péril sa santé et son bien-être. C'est là que nous intervenons. Votre soutien et vos dons peuvent faire toute la différence pour Roukmani. En contribuant selon vos moyens, vous pouvez alléger le fardeau financier qui pèse sur elle et sa famille, lui permettant de se concentrer sur sa guérison sans avoir à se soucier des factures médicales qui s'accumulent. Chaque don, aussi modeste soit-il, rapproche Roukmani un peu plus du traitement vital dont elle a désespérément besoin. Ensemble, nous pouvons lui offrir espoir, force et une chance pour un avenir plus radieux. Unissons nos forces et soutenons Roukmani dans sa lutte contre cet adversaire redoutable. Votre générosité et votre compassion peuvent faire toute la différence dans sa vie. Nous vous remercions pour votre gentillesse, votre soutien et votre générosité. Avec une gratitude profonde de la part de toute la famille. English Dear Friends and Supporters, Meet Mrs. Roukmani Aurokium, a brave 45-year-old woman facing a formidable challenge: she has been diagnosed with a Clival tumor extending to her right sphenoid sinus, accompanied by CSF Rhinorrhoea. Despite her resilience and determination, Roukmani urgently needs our collective support to overcome this life-threatening condition. Roukmani has been undergoing treatment at the Wellkin Clinic in Mauritius, where her medical team has been providing compassionate care. However, the complexity of her condition requires specialized intervention that is not available locally. As a result, she has been advised to undergo surgery at the renowned Foch Hospital in France, where she can receive the specialized care she desperately needs. Unfortunately, the cost of Roukmani's entire medical intervention at Foch Hospital amounts to €35,000, a significant financial burden for her and her family. Without this surgery, the risk of further complications looms large, threatening her health and well-being. This is where we come in. Our support and donations can make a world of difference for Roukmani. By contributing whatever we can, we can help alleviate the financial strain on her and her family, allowing her to focus on her recovery without the added worry of mounting medical bills. Every donation, no matter how small, brings Roukmani one step closer to receiving the life-saving treatment she urgently needs. Together, we can give her hope, strength, and a chance at a brighter future. Let's join hands and rally behind Roukmani in her fight against this formidable adversary. Your generosity and compassion can make all the difference in the world to her. Thank you for your kindness, support, and generosity. With heartfelt gratitude from all her family.Medical ExpensesRs 104,737 Raised: Rs 500,00021For a ProjectAtelier Kestrel
Autisme MauricePreparing and assisting young adults with autism to integrate the labour market in professional fields such as music, handmade crafts, cooking, baking, and pastry workshops is an important and valuable endeavor. By offering specialized training and support, these individuals can develop their skills and talents, gain employment opportunities, and achieve greater independence and fulfillment in their lives. Providing vocational training in musical skills allows young adults with autism to explore their passion for music and develop their talents to a professional level. This can involve learning to play various instruments. Through structured programs and individualized instruction, these individuals can acquire the necessary skills to pursue careers as musicians, music teachers, or performers. It provides a platform for emotional expression, enhances communication and social skills, which also act as a therapy. Similarly, engaging young adults with autism in handmade crafts workshops empowers them to express their creativity and develop marketable skills. These workshops can focus on various crafts such as painting, Tie and dye, sewing, bag making, or jewelry making. Those young adults can produce unique and high-quality products for sale, either independently or through partnerships with local businesses. This not only provides them with an income source but also boosts their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. In the culinary field, cooking, baking, and pastry workshops offer young adults with autism the opportunity to acquire essential culinary skills and knowledge. These workshops can cover various aspects, including food preparation, baking techniques, recipe development, and food safety. With appropriate training and support, participants can gain the skills necessary to work in professional kitchens, cafés, bakeries, or even start their own food-related businesses. As our school is under the SENA scheme, which caters for pupils aged 5 to 20. Our students who reach the age of 20 no longer have a plateform for them. That's why we're working on Atelier kestrel to help them integrate into society with some workshops. In conclusion, creating inclusive workplaces that embrace diversity and provide reasonable accommodations can help ensure a positive and supportive work environment for individuals with autism.EducationRs 38,048 Raised: Rs 500,00071For a CauseDonations for Surgery
Vele RamenHello Everyone, I am Vele Ramen. I am 50 years old and I suffering from nose cancer since 2016. I have already had 2 surgeries for which I had to go overseas,Chennai. The medical expenses for my first surgery was covered by the Government Grant. The tumor was successfully removed in 2021. I had to go for another surgery in 2023, for a nose reconstruction as a hole occured on the nose area due to the first surgery. Unfortunately, now im in need of another surgery for my nose reconstruction which will cost approximately Rs300,000 including accomodation and flight tickets. My family and I are making an appeal for your help in order to raise sufficient funds to cover the treatment. Please find the attached supporting documents. Thank you for your support.Medical ExpensesRs 3,800 Raised: Rs 300,00052For a CauseHelp us raise fund for Baby Jazeel, 2 years old, for his heart operation in India
Shamira AlirajaWe are the Kassim family from the south of Mauritius. Our son Jazeel, 2 years old was diagnosed with a Complex Congenital Heart Disease since his birth. This was an emergency case and we had to travel for India for advanced medical treatment 2 weeks after his birth, where he underwent his 1st surgery which costed Rs 1.6M. We received financial support from the overseas grant and the remaining balance from families and friends. He did a second intervention in August 2022 thanks to the donations of many generous mauritians. He currently has a hole in his heart which makes him very vulnerable. The hole increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs and over time, it may cause damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. However as he is very little, the doctors told us that he will need several interventions before getting better. After 2 successful interventions, our baby has been on cobservation in Mauritius. However we were told that he will need another surgery (Intracardiac repair) in the 1 month. We are making an appeal to you to help us raise funds so we can travel to India for baby Jazeel. We would be forever grateful if you could donate any amount suitable for you to help us for his operation. We really wish to see him get better and grow up without all these complications. We thank you for your kind help.Medical ExpensesRs 4,783 Raised: Rs 500,00021For a CauseBluer Ocean Project 2024
Bluer Ocean ProjectFR\\ Pour sa quatrième année d’activité BLUER OCEAN PROJECT poursuit son action de propagation corallienne, sensibilisation à l’environnement marin et sa formation de jeunes à notre mission spécifique Nous en sommes maintenant à plus de 6300 boutures à l’eau grâce à l’aide de tous les acteurs du projet (donateurs, techniciens, plongeurs et skippers) Nous continuons notre effort sur un site dans le sud de L’ile pour le transformer en sentier sous marin pour les amateurs de snorkeling et dans le nord, sur la restauration de sites de plongée dégradés. Comme par le passé, vous pouvez nous aider en faisant des donations ou en adoptant des coraux. N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site internet et à nous suivre sur Instagram et facebook « blueroceanproject ». ENG\\ For its forth year of activity BLUER OCEAN PROJECT continues its action of coral propagation, raising awareness about the marine environment and its training of young people for our specific mission We now have more than 6,300 coral nubbins in the water thanks to the help of all those involved in the project (donors, technicians, divers and skippers) We are continuing our efforts on a site in the southern lagoon of Rodrigues to transform it into an underwater trail for snorkeling enthusiasts, and in the northern part of the island, with the restoration of degraded diving sites. As in the past you can help us by making donations or adopting corals. Do not hesitate to visit our website and follow us on Instagram and Facebook « blueroceanproject ».Nature & EnvironmentRs 242,800 Raised: Rs 500,000113For a ProjectMUSIC FOR YOUNG PEOPLE CF2
Music Mauritius FoundationDear Music Lovers, It is a proven fact that Music brings people together and the Magic Bond stays forever. The vision of Music Mauritius Foundation (MMF) is to create the possibility for young people from deprived regions to learn music and play a musical instrument and eventually to play in various types of ensembles. The overall goals are; 1. to foster, by way of music, a positive personal development of underprivileged children and 2. to enable widespread, high quality and sustainable music tuition in Mauritius. MMF therewith aims at fighting poverty, unemployment , drug abuse and prostitution and towards contributing to a flowering and rich music culture in Mauritius. Our mission is to convey music skills with special pedagogical focus by an internationally supported “three-point programme”: MENTOR teach TEACHERS teach CHILDREN. This allows high standard educational skills be conveyed in the most effective way. The programme relies both on digital and physical tuition and shall meet the standards of ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). Music Mentors will be from Mauritius and Overseas- Germany initially. Who are we? MMF is a team of Mauritian and German volunteers, musicians and music lovers who joined hands to put up this project led by Antoine Goorsahye, Simone Strohmeier, Shyam Roy, Martin Hollmann, Rechad Chummun, Paul Olsen & others. We want to bring back musical education to Mauritius in a systematic way and free of charge for children and youth in deprived areas. How do we use the Funds Most of the funds will be used for payment of salaries for Mentors and Teachers which will grow with time. Some funds will be used for purchase of instruments. Annual costs estimated for year 2023 will conservatively be around Rs1,5M. Short Term Goals We need to build up MMF and its infrastructure, set up the resources in terms of Music Mentors and Music Teachers and set up schools of music across the island Long Term Goals Have around 3000 young people with knowledge of music and learning music by 2030 and One day, we hope to have a National Youth Orchestra in Mauritius. Please Donate generously to this Great Project. More info on www.musicmauritius.foundationMusic, Dance & TheaterRs 6,804 Raised: Rs 500,00082For a CauseRaise funds to pay medical expenses abroad
Mr Sadeho LUXIMONDear All,I am Sadeho Luximon, I am a police officer of 51 years old from Coromandel. I am a cancer patient since August 2019. First of all, I want to thank everyone who contributed in my previous campaign ( After chemio therapy at Candos hospital and upon advice of my treating doctor Mrs Hemoo as my health was deteriorating, I had to proceed to Manipal hospital Bangalore on 19 March for further treatment - nuclear PRTT Therapy and I was advised to do at least three more PRTT Therapy every 8 - 9 months. I had done two more Therapies in December 2020 and December 2021 respectively and a fourth PRTT THERAPY was scheduled in July 2022 but due to financial problem I was not able to do in December 2022. I was feeling pain at my liver and belly , I performed a Pet Scan at Eagle cancer clinic at Rose Belle in Mauritius and it was confirmed that there are three lesions affected with tumor stage 4 and my treating doctor in Mauritius advised me to do the fourth PRTT Therapy to prevent from spreading in my body. I really need your support and donations to be able to proceed with my treatment. Thank you all for your generosity and help. Sadeho.Medical ExpensesRs 17,100 Raised: Rs 500,00052For a CauseUrgent Relocation of the shelter
Ingrid Maria PudaruthURGENT HELP TO RELOCATE THE SHELTER From 2015 to the present day, more than 400 cats and dogs have undergone medical treatment, sterilization, and have been placed in homes across the Islands. Since 2018, the Black Cat Coffee Shelter's founder has managed all of this single-handedly, without receiving any payment and with complete transparency. Despite suffering from multiple spine injuries that hindered her ability to work a regular job, she transformed her small house in St Aubin into a shelter that once housed up to 70 animals in need. Currently, there are 20 animals with handicaps and behavioral issues that remain under her care. However, the property where she resides has requested that she vacate the premises by the end of June 2023, and she will face forced expulsion. Despite her efforts to seek assistance from acquaintances for financial aid, land, housing, or supplies, she has not been successful. With time running out, we urge you to spread the word and share this message with as many people as possible to help her in this situation. Thank you for everyone bringing their support in one way or another ❤️Pets & AnimalRs 79,450 Raised: Rs 160,00052For a CauseMass sterilization campaign - Mobile sterilization clinic
Steriliz Ou ZanimoA dog can have a litter of puppies as from 6 months old The gestation period is 2 months A dog can have a minimum of two litters per year With 6 to 12 puppies per litter Every year, until the end of her life Within 4 years, a single dog may have given birth to about 4096 puppies! A cat can give birth to kittens as from 6 months old The gestation period lasts 2 months A cat can have up to 3 litters per year With 4 to 8 kittens per litter Every year, until the end of her life In just 4 years, a pair of cats can give birth to more than 20,000 kittens! The situation in Mauritius is critical We have seen an increase in the number of abandoned puppies and kittens in the last year A large increase in sick and injured animals Sick Injured Hit by a car Poisoned Mistreated and malnourished The situation has never been this bad Sterilisation remains the only kind and effective solution to the proliferation of dogs and cats in Mauritius If each Mauritian spayed or neutered their pet, the situation would not be the same It is not the responsibility of associations, NGOs or rescuers It is everyone's responsibility Your cat or dog is under your own responsibility We all need to feel responsible Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of sterilization in Mauritius We have organized many awareness days about sterilization Our next milestone is to acquire a van and convert it into a mobile clinic for sterilization We want to set up a mass sterilization campaign over the whole island No need to worry about transport, we will come straight to your door For this we need your help, your generosity and your love for animals! Thanks to your generous we have already raised 382,590 rs. We are still missing 547,410 rs to reach our goal (just for the van). Attached is a document of the estimated costs. We are creating a new crowdfund to make this dream project become a reality. Help us fund our mobile clinic so that we can start the mass sterilization campaign all over the island. Let’s work together to improve the well-being of all living creatures in MauritiusNonprofit (NGO)Rs 162,598 Raised: Rs 500,00082Finished Projects
For a Cause
Un repas chaud hebdomadaire pour les sdf
Fraternité Nouvel Espoir LtéeFraternité Nouvel Espoir Ltée a été créé en 2021 par Ludovic LABONNETTE un philanthrope suite à la décision de changer de statut d'ONG à entreprise. Cette entreprise à but non lucratif dont l’objectif principal est de lutter contre la pauvreté et remettre l’homme debout. Nous sommes aussi appelés à fournir conseil et soutiens aux personnes qui sont dans le besoin. Nous oeuvrons pour la réinsertion, l'accompagnement et le bien-être des sans domicile fixe et des familles démunis de l'île. Notre mission est de ; Fournir un repas chaud journalier aux SDF de l’ile, soutenir des familles les plus démunis de l’ile à travers des conseils, ateliers et supports psychosocial. Conscientiser le publique au sujet de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion. Conscientiser le publique au sujet des droits humains, de la Constitutions et des lois en générale. Organiser des collectes de vives, denrées, vêtements, et autres produits ou accessoires qui serviront à offrir des jours meilleurs a ceux et celles qui ont besoin de notre soutien. Organiser des collectes de sang bi annuel à travers l’ile. Cibler les personnes les plus vulnérables de notre société afin de les encadrés pour qu’ils deviennent autonome. Combattre la pauvreté. Notre objectif est de pouvoir continuer nôtre missions qui est d’offrir un repas chaud, une boisson et un dessert sur une base hebdomadaire à nos tontons et tantines. Vu la conjoncture économique et sanitaire actuel nous manquons drastiquement de ressources et de donateurs pour pouvoir continuer nôtre mission. Chaque samedi nos membres et nos bénévoles parcourent les rues de Quatre Bornes, Belle Rose, Rose Hill, Beau Bassin et Port Louis pour apporter un peu de réconfort à nos 180 bénéficiaires. Pour ces distributions hebdomadaires il nous faut compter 300 roupies par repas, incluant l'achat des produits, la préparation, et la distribution. De ce fait chaque semaine nous devons trouvé un budget de 54,000 roupies pour offrir à manger à nos bénéficiaires, chose qui n'est pas toujours facile sans l'aide de partenaires ou de donateurs car étant une entreprise à but non lucratif nous n'avons pas de source de revenus à part des donations. Depuis nôtre création à ce jour nous avons offerts plus de dix neuf mille repas chaud aux tontons, tantines, et familles démunis à travers l'île grâce à nos partenaires tel que Winners, Foodwise, Tariq Snack, Domaine de Saint Antoine et nos généreux donateurs. Nous faisons un appel à vôtre générosité pour que grâce à vôtre contribution nous puissions mener à bien ce projet. Nous savons que vu la situation actuel ce n’est pas évident pour tout le monde mais nous avons besoin de votre soutien.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 200 RaisedFor a ProjectUn Talent Musical Extraordinaire
Music Passion(English Translation below) Le jeune Jayzy Soupe (11 ans) de Grand Baie, apprend la guitare classique depuis 3 ans. Il vient d'une famille fragilisée par la drogue. Mais son talent naturel et ses accomplissements récents ont donné de l'espoir à sa famille, de la confiance et estime de soi a notre jeune guitariste. Il a joué 3 fois au Caudan Arts Centre, et au concours de musique Kalachand et, il est passé à la TV récemment. Voici son histoire et ses objectifs immédiats. Son père est une victime de la drogue mais ce dernier fait maintenant des efforts pour s'en sortir grâce à l'inspiration que lui donne son fils. Jayzy est entouré par ses grand-parents qui s'occupent de lui comme des parents. Claudia et James l'ont élevé depuis sa tendre enfance. Jayzy fait aussi preuve d'une grande résilience mentale face à cette situation et prend un grand plaisir à jouer et grandir, comme tout enfant normal. En se produisant au Caudan Arts Centre, dans le cadre du Festival de Musique Classique, en groupe, puis en tant que soliste, il a acquis énormément d'assurance et de confiance en soi. Son talent de développe vite grâce à ses facilités naturelles et prédispositions pour faire de la musique. Il est aussi un percussionniste de grand talent et souhaite développer cet aspect aussi. Pour progresser davantage, il lui faudrait une guitare de qualité, et un supplément de cours instrumentaux et musicaux comme la théorie, le solfege et des instruments de percussions et des partitions / methodes musicales. Jayzy compte sur votre générosité, encouragement et appréciation et vous exprime sa gratitude profonde pour toute contribution.. The promising young Jayzy Soupe (11 y.o) from Grand Baie, has been learning guitar for 3 years now..He comes from an underprivileged background ( drug-affected family). He has had great success recently by performing at the Caudan Arts Centre, in the Classical Music Festival and at the Kalachand competition. He made a little name for himself among his peers.. His father is a victim of hard drugs and Jayzy has been raised by his grandparents, Claudia & James, since infancy. Since he started playing guitar, progress has been so dramatic, that the father has stopped taking drugs, and is rehabilitating. He just got himself a steady job also. He sees hope through his son and the family generally is in a more positive space. Jayzy is also a wonderful percussionist and has obvious natural talent in music, above the average child of his age. Jayzy has already performed 4 times at the Caudan Arts Centre, ( as a soloist, and with other artists, during Tango Passion and other festival concerts). He has gained enormous self-confidence from these experiences. To enable more progress, he would need a quality instrument, made in Spain, and additional musical coaching along with percussion instruments, new sheet music and methods, to develop a holistic approach to his music studies. Jayzy counts on your generosity and care, and is immensely grateful to whatever contribution you choose to make. --Music, Dance & TheaterRs 54,600 RaisedFor a CauseSave Dylan's eye.
Dylan NepalDylan Nepal is a young man of 31 years old... He lost his left eye due to a proliferative diabetic retinopathy and now the right eye was diagnosed with the same problem, the urgency is to do an operation asap otherwise he will become blind. His story is tragic, in 2022 he did surgery for a cataract in his left eye that was a success but after few months his vision was not so clear, the doctors at the hosptial tried a laser treatment for few months, but the gap between the sessions were way too long, and his vision was getting worse and worse; Dylan lost his left eye after 8 months because they couldn’t do anything to save it. He recently went to see Dr Julienne for his right eye and he now advises him for an urgent surgery to try to save his only eye.He has to remove another cataract and treat a vitreous hemorrhage due to a severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The hospitals can't do this surgery in the next days and this is why Dr Julienne is his last option. He is reaching for help as he cannot afford the cost of the operation. Thank you so much for your kindness towards Dylan ps: Please find all the details in the attachment.Medical ExpensesRs 47,276 RaisedFor a ProjectMuaythai is my passion!
Nathalie MametHello, I am Nathalie Mamet, proud mother of Nelly Mamet a Muaythai Athlete. Nelly is 17 years old and is a passionate of sports. She discovered Muaythai since a few years and is today an amazing fighter. Since she started competitions in 2022, Nelly is thriving in her category of age and weight. She is unstoppable. She is now champion in Mauritius and started winning on regional competitions like in Reunion Island. Nelly's dream is to grow more and more in her sports, and become one day a professional fighter. For her dream to come true, she needs to have a maximum amount of fights and gain more experience. She would also like to participate in the next International World Championships and who knows, now that Muaythai is in the Olympic games, Nelly would like to proudly represent her country in that event. In view of all these, Nelly needs a maximum support, going from technically to mentally to financially. As a parent, I am here to give her all I can as support. Nelly being still a minor, I am currently travelling with her on her Regional competitions to ensure she is safe and comfortable to combat. The support goes from physical, mental to financial. Up to now, we have been able to finance all the travels and other expenses with the help of some reliable sponsors, by our own means and with the help of few friends around at times. Nelly has a project for this year. She wants to be on the Podium, raising the Maurtian Flag at the IFMA International Youth World Championships that will be held in September in Thailand and to be ready for that one, going on a Training Camp in Thailand to fine tune her technique and grow confident is more than required. This project has a cost and we as her parents, cannot finance it 100%. We need your help! Would you be willing to help a young girl build up her future as a Muaythai Athlete and make our country proud?Health & FitnessRs 25,208 RaisedFor a ProjectEmpower Creativity: Fuel My Journey to Afrik Urbanarts 2024 in Abidjan!
Jean Renat AnamahThe Project We're raising funds to support our dance project aimed at putting Mauritius on the international dance map. As passionate dancers dedicated to our craft, we believe in the power of art to transcend borders and unite cultures. With your help, we'll be able to showcase the rich diversity and talent of Mauritius on a global stage. Our project includes a collaboration with a talented Malagasy dance artist, Julie Iaorisa, adding a unique and dynamic dimension to our performance. This cross-cultural exchange not only enriches our own artistic journey but also fosters connections and understanding between our communities. By donating to our fundraiser, you're not only supporting our dream of representing Mauritius internationally but also promoting cultural exchange and collaboration. Together, let's make our mark on the world stage and inspire others with the beauty and energy of Mauritian contemporary dance. Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in our pursuit of artistic excellence. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Using the funds Participating in Afrik Urbanarts Abidjan 2024 necessitates funds for flights, accommodation, inland transport, per diem, and sustenance. Your support will empower our involvement in this enriching cultural exchange. Bio Jean Renat Anamah's dance journey began in 1980 when he became the local Disco Dance Champion of the EMI Disco Dancing Championship, leading to representation in London. After a scholarship in London, he combined fashion design with teaching dance in Mauritius. He pursued choreography and teaching, later earning a teacher's diploma in France. Anamah's dance style evolved to incorporate Mauritian culture, leading to collaborations in Reunion Island and South Africa. He won international prizes and continued teaching and choreographing, focusing on contemporary dance and cultural identity. Anamah's work expanded to films, workshops, and collaborations worldwide, emphasizing social awareness and artistic expression.Music, Dance & TheaterRs 14,110 RaisedFor a ProjectFormation en Ecoconstruction
Karl AhneeGOOD NEWS!!! The crowdfund has evolved into a reward-based project, and I'm committed to taking it to the next level with you. Do you dream of having a rustic, eco-built cooking space in your garden for future barbecues, pizza nights, and homemade breads? Your donations can help make this exciting project a reality. Ahead of your project, a quote is prepared, and your donation amount will be deducted from the final cost of the personalized project. Every donation of Rs. 2,000 and above will serve as a deposit towards the total project cost. Funding Proposal for Cob House Eco-Building Training INSTRUCTORS: Claudine Desiree & VIVA HANSEN - CruzinCobGlobal Description of Eco-Building and Cob House Eco-building is an approach to construction that aims to minimize the environmental impact of buildings. It is based on the use of sustainable materials, environmentally friendly construction techniques, and bioclimatic design. Cob House is a traditional construction technique that uses a mixture of earth, sand, and straw to create strong and insulating walls. This technique is simple to implement and does not require special tools or materials. It is also environmentally friendly, as it uses local materials, it does not produce waste and is also one of the most affordable types of building material. Cob wall structures, due to their width, lend themselves to having load bearing walls, however, a wood or concrete ‘ring beam’ is recommended to support the roof structure. Advantages: High thermal mass is very energy efficient in both summer and winter, and ideal for passive solar heating and cooling. Indoor temperatures vary only about 5 degrees Celsius between summer and winter (17-22 degrees Celsius), making it naturally cool in summer and warm in winter. Environmentally friendly: Low carbon footprint and embodied energy. Relatively easy to build for owner builders and unskilled labor. Lends itself to free-form walls Excellent sound insulation Cob buildings are capable of withstanding seismic activity, but must have a ring beam Fireproof Can easily be built up to 3 storeys Cob can easily be recycled. Who am I and what are my motivations for taking a cob house training course? My name is Karl Ahnee. I am a Mauritian artist and photographer, with 15 years of experience and since 2017, I've started personal research on ecology, agriculture, and conservation, driven by a passion for environmental sustainability. Aiming to reorient my professional activities towards these fields, I am currently taking online courses, such as: A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration" from Erasmus University Rotterdam Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation Google Project Management certification Through this training, my objective is to leverage the acquired knowledge and exchange of experiences to reinforce and disseminate expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius. The training will introduce to everything I need to learn to build a Cob Building from foundation to roof, including electricity (housing & outlet/switch boxes not wiring), plumbing prep, plaster, floor and artistic elements. The Global C.O.B. Team (Community of Biobuilders) consists of trained cob builders of all nationalities, ages, specialties and in all areas of the world, ready to teach a workshop or lead a project. In support of more earthen construction replacing concrete on the Planet and increasing awareness and experience of natural building everywhere, especially in the non-Western countries where the awareness and need is greater for well-built earthen housing. Claudine Désirée - Master Cobber/Cob Instructor Born and raised in NYC, Claudine carried her Manhattan/European roots to California and beyond. She studied Geography, International Relations/Development and International Environmental Policy in the academic world in California, France, and Switzerland. She has 20+ years of experience in ecoconstruction and has been leading workshops on the subject in the US, in South America, Europe and Africa. CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) vision: First, CCG seeks to expand the global awareness, understanding and practical experience of Earthen “Cob” Construction as a safe, healthy, ecological, economical, strong and durable building technique everywhere on the Planet. Secondly CCG seeks to contribute to the reduction in concrete-based construction and cement production thereby increasing the well-being of all life and the biosphere. CCG’s mission is to collaborate with individuals and communities around the planet in organizing and holding Cob Building workshops in which they lead an international/intercultural group of 10-15 students in the construction of all (foundation, walls and roof) or part (just walls) of a small structure (10-15m2 or 110-165ft2) in a period of 10-28 days. CruzinCobGlobal is on a planetary mission to teach cob building, as it is practiced in California and Europe. CCG leads workshops for local and international students who learn and build together, not only a beautiful ecological structure, but intercultural communication and understanding. It is a multi-faceted opportunity to learn cob building, a language, a culture and community living. After 7 years of teaching in the US, CCG is proud to have launched the international model, CruzinCobGlobal in 2015, and has already taught 12 workshops in: Spain, the Canaries, Senegal, Cabo Verde, France, Morocco and Santa Cruz, CA since starting in March of 2015. In the Spring and Summer of 2017 hold workshops in Cabo Verde, the Azores and Portugal. Detailed workshop description & schedule Cob Outdoor Kitchen with Oven, Rocket Cooktop & Reciprocal Roof in the Azores Islands (São Miguel) Participants in this workshop will learn: The ins and outs of earth-based building, including cob, wattle and daub & earthen plasters How to design and install a reciprocal frame roof structure All about rocket stove technology: history, design, principles of combustion, fuel selection, best practices, and how to integrate one into other cooking systems such as the Lorena stove How to design, build, and operate a clay-based oven A general approach towards designing an outdoor kitchen, including space optimization and efficiently locating appliances The cob construction used for our case study will be a clay-based outdoor kitchen, covered by beautiful reciprocal roof structure (self-supporting roof construction). The kitchen will include a wood-fired cob oven (masonry oven). In weeks 2 & 3 we will start with building various dimensions of interconnected lava stone foundations to support our Cob Oven, Rocket Stove Cooktop, and Counter/Work Table and Shelving and then begin making cob as the students learn the technical building of an Oven and Rocket Stove & Cooktop. In week 4 the work is completed when the students learn about earthen plasters and how to apply them. Most materials will be local to the island, except the refractory bricks and possibly one straw bale. This workshop is designed as a crash course to familiarize participants with the global skills for building an outdoor kitchen. A lot of material will be covered and a lot of different tasks and processes will be happening simultaneously. Theoretical discussions and lectures will help contextualize the work we will be doing. 4-Week Schedule: Week 1: Reciprocal roof Week 2: Foundations and drainage, Cob, Rocket Stove Core, and plumbing prep Week 3: Oven and Lorena stove, install cabinet, shelving, storage and prep surfaces, and begin plaster prep Week 4: Finish plaster prep, plaster Course Details: September 15th to October 13th, 2024 (4 weeks) Tuition, Camping, Snack & Meals: 1,750 € 200 € off working 1 hour/day with Host or Instructor prep. Overall formation costs (all included): 1, 550 € All traveling fees: 1,600 € TOTAL FUNDING ESTIMATION: 3,190 € Approx: 160,000 MUR Socio-economic landscape: Women and children are the most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. Leveraging and disseminating the expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius, will provide the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in serving their communities. Having decent and affordable homes are in many ways the stepping stones of neighborhood revitalization. This is a long-term, holistic strategy that supports residents to improve the quality of life in under-resourced communities. According to Non-profit Organization Habitat for Humanity International, helping future homeowners build their own homes alongside volunteers, enables them to achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families. Ensuring that access to adequate housing is prioritized, leads to greater climate justice, gender equality and political inclusion. all pictures used to illustrate this description are the property of CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) and are available on their website. 148,200 RaisedFor an OccasionHelp me Participate in Paralympics 2024
Vishnu ChedumbrunHelp me Participate in the Paralympic Games 2024 as a Volunteers! The Dream of a Lifetime! It is a great pride to have been selected as a volunteer for the next Paralympic Games which will take place in Paris, France, as from August 2024. I was selected from 300,000 applications to be one of only 45,000 selected. However, for volunteers, travel, accommodation and food costs for the two weeks that I will be in Paris are not covered. A Sport Passionate! As a sport passionate, it would be the dream of a lifetime to be part of Paris 2024 as a volunteer. I might be one of the only Mauritian to be there as a volunteer and I shall take this opportunity to make our flag fly high. I was a volunteer in charge of Press & Communication for CJSOI 2022 held in Mauritius for Table Tennis and the African Championship in Athletics held in Maurtiius at Cote D'Or in 2022. Through those events, i was able to gather major experience for an international event and this eased my way to be selected for Paris 2024 Paralympic Games as a Volunteer. The Dream! I was born in a middle-class family, with three brothers and we lost our dad quite early. My mother raised us on her own and we had to struggle a lot to reach where we are today. Each of us have our own careers today and being part of the Paris 2024 Olympic/Paralympic Games will be a childhood dream come true! Your support here will be the most beautiful thing ever. Thank you!OtherRs 9,600 RaisedFor a CauseAvec les athlètes mauriciens jusqu'aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024
ECOLE DU CENTRETous les élèves de CM2 (10 et 11 ans) vont courir le 18 juin au matin sur un parcours d'environ 400 mètres autour de l'Ecole du Centre et tenter de réaliser un maximum de tours. Chaque élève est parrainé par un ou plusieurs donateurs qui s'engagent à verser sur cette cagnotte un montant pour chaque tour réussi (voir le carnet de parrainage dans la partie document). Vous n'avez pas d'enfant scolarisé dans nos écoles françaises ? Mais vous souhaitez aussi soutenir les sportifs mauriciens, pas de problème ! Versez la somme qui vous conviendra sur cette cagnotte et laissez votre commentaire qu'ils liront avec plaisir. Tous ensemble, faisons grimper cette cagnotte, donnons les moyens aux sportifs de l'élite de grimper les marches des podiums ! Les écoles françaises du réseau AEFE de MauriceNonprofit (NGO)Rs 239,110 RaisedFor a ProjectConstruisons la Serre de PEIZAN: Cultivons ensemble :
Péizan de l'Est LteeBonjour à tous, Nous sommes Coraline et Christopher, les fondateurs de Péizan, une aventure aquaponique qui a vu le jour en août 2022. Depuis lors, nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver des légumes sains en élevant des poissons, et à les livrer à notre fidèle clientèle ainsi qu'à nos restaurateurs locaux. Il est essentiel de souligner que Péizan est un projet de développement fermier autosuffisant. Nous générons notre propre électricité grâce à des panneaux photovoltaïques et récupérons notre eau à travers divers systèmes de captage. De plus, nos produits cultivés sont sans intrant ni produits chimiques, garantissant ainsi leur qualité et leur pureté. Notre parcours n'a pas été sans embûches. Nous avons surmonté de nombreux défis agricoles grâce à notre détermination et à notre capacité à trouver des solutions innovantes. Chaque difficulté a été une opportunité d'apprentissage enrichissante. Malheureusement, en ce début d'année 2024, les caprices météorologiques ont mis à rude épreuve notre détermination. Le premier cyclone de la saison, Belal, a détruit notre serre, et avant que nous ayons pu la réparer, le second cyclone, Eleanor, a achevé le travail. Nous sommes maintenant contraints de cultiver en plein air, ce qui est extrêmement difficile et insoutenable à long terme. Pour continuer notre mission et assurer la pérennité de Péizan, nous avons besoin de votre soutien financier. Une étude approfondie a été réalisée pour concevoir un nouveau modèle de serre, plus résistant aux intempéries. Cependant, nous manquons cruellement de moyens financiers pour le mettre en œuvre. C'est pourquoi nous faisons appel à votre générosité. La construction de cette nouvelle serre est urgente. Chaque contribution, aussi modeste soit-elle, nous rapproche de notre objectif financier. Nous vous invitons donc à nous soutenir dans cette aventure. Ensemble, construisons une serre qui non seulement permettra de protéger nos cultures, mais aussi de préserver notre engagement en faveur de l'écologie. Votre aide est indispensable pour assurer le succès continu de Péizan. Merci du fond du cœur pour votre soutien. Coraline, Christopher et l'equipe PéizanAgricultureRs 144,169 RaisedFor a CauseA prothesis for our dad
Lutchmanah AnsuyaBonjour à tous! La somme de vos gestes pourrait, complètement, changer la vie de notre père Soonill pour qui tout a basculé en octobre 2023 à l'âge de 51 ans. Suite à une infection mal traîtée par les professionnels de la santé, il a dû subir une amputation de la jambe perdant sa mobilité et son emploi en même temps. Très courageux, notre père a pourtant du s'adapter à une réalité brutale dans laquelle il est difficile d'être autonome sans aide ou un équipement sur mesure! Aujourd'hui, il a la possibilité d'avoir une prothèse idéale pour lui permettre de retrouver une mobilité, un confort, le sourire et surtout un emploi! La prothèse coûte 314 687 roupies et ce n'est, hélas, pas à la portée de notre famille, même en réunissant toutes nos économies! C'est pourquoi nous appelons à votre génerosité! Nous avons besoin de l'aide de ceux qui comprennent la difficulté dans laquelle nous nous trouvons tous car un des piliers de notre famille est aujourd'hui sans ressources! Merci de votre attention, compréhension et bienveillance. Chaque roupie sera accueillie avec joie et prière car elle aura la valeur de votre génerosité et nous ouvrira la porte du soulagement! Merci à tous de tout notre coeur!Medical ExpensesRs 2,800 RaisedFor a ProjectHelp Team Mauritius Beach Volleyball on the Road to Paris 2024
Liza Bonne & Valentine PaulCoucou Maurice! Désolées, nous sommes encore une fois (la dernière, nous l'espérons, cette fois-ci) obligées de nous tourner vers toi et te demander un coup de main pour te faire honneur. Nous, les beach-volleyeuses nationales, avons à coeur de te représenter et de brandir ton quadricolore en terre étrangère mais pas que! Le but ultime du pèlerinage que nous entreprenons en mai prochain à travers l'Europe, c'est la qualification pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 que nous irons chercher en juin au Maroc. Nous allons affûter nos armes sur le champ de bataille international avant d'aller à la conquête de l'Afrique lors de la Coupe continentale au Maroc. Notre mission: te ramener un précieux billet d'entrée aux JO sous les feux de projecteur de la Tour Eiffel. La cloche qui retentit à l'aube de ce périple sportif ambitieux sonne, malheureusement, faux. Jusqu'à présent, aucun budget ne nous est alloué pour cette qualification olympique. Mais nous ne baisserons pas les armes et nous nous battrons pour monter sur la plus haute marche du podium et faire flotter tes couleurs au zénith! Alors que nous briguons sans relâche le soutien d'entreprises locales pour sponsoriser nos déplacements, nous n'avons d'autre choix que de te lancer un appel à l'aide pour trouver les fonds nécessaires afin de nous loger et nous nourrir pendant nos 6 semaines d'expédition. Petite ou grande, toute aide est la bienvenue pour réaliser ce rêve ✨ Rallie-toi derrière nous, s'il te plaît, et aide-nous à rendre notre île fière!Health & FitnessRs 9,750 RaisedFor a CauseContribute for Yoan's Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery
Yoan ChetteYoan Chette, aged 29 years, residing in Port Louis, has met with an accident last year due to which his cervical disk has been moved. Following his first MRI, he was put under treatment by his treating doctor, when the reports did not show how much the disk has moved. Since October this year, he was not feeling too well. When he went to see the doctor, he underwent a second MRI where he was told that he has no other choice than to do the surgery, if not, he can be paralysed in the future. This unforeseen event has not only caused immense physical pain but has also taken a toll on his emotional well-being. The cost of this procedure, however, is substantial and exceeds what Yoan and his family can manage on their own. The operation will cost around MUR 600,000. The full amount has to be paid before his admission for the surgery for his cervical disk replacement. This is where we come in as a community united by compassion and generosity. We are launching this GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for Yoan's cervicle disk replacement surgery and associated medical expenses. Your support, no matter the size, will make a meaningful difference in helping Yoan embark on the path to recovery. Let's rally together and show Yoan that he is not alone in this journey. Your contributions will not only alleviate the financial burden but will also serve as a powerful message of solidarity and care. Every donation, every share, and every kind word brings us one step closer to giving Yoan the opportunity to embrace life with renewed strength and optimism. Thank you for being a part of this compassionate community. Together, we can make a profound impact on Yoan's life and contribute to a brighter, healthier future.Medical ExpensesRs 9,107 RaisedFor a ProjectLe Sanctuaire Des Papillons
Noah VictorEN ●The Butterfly Sanctuary. Hello everyone, I introduce myself Noah Victor, 20 years old and I am raising funds to create a project that I called the butterfly sanctuary. This consists of creating a closed botanical garden and including host plants, endemic plants and butterflies from our island. The goal is to show and share my knowledge to young people by highlighting the rare insects and butterflies of our island and in the hatchery more than 60% butterflies will be released in the forest. Moreover, I cordially invite you to visit my Facebook page which I use to share my photos and knowledge. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. http:// ●Uses of collected funds: --According to my research I will need around 180 plants including several species, a greenhouse and an incubator where our young butterflies will emerge. --- Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of nature, We gather today to discuss a crucial subject which concerns the richness of our environment in Mauritius: the preservation of our butterflies. These delicate and magnificent creatures, symbols of transformation and beauty, are now facing an unprecedented threat that risks pushing them towards extinction. Our island contains around 30 butterfly species, 6 of which are endemic. First, let me remind you of the importance of butterflies in our ecosystem. They play a vital role in the pollination of plants because yes bees do not pollinate all species of plants, thus helping to maintain biodiversity and ensure the survival of many plant species, on which other animals also depend, including us. However, despite their importance, butterflies in Mauritius face multiple threats that compromise their survival. Habitat loss due to increasing urbanization, deforestation, and intensive agricultural practices are all factors that are reducing the areas where these magnificent insects can live and reproduce. Additionally, the widespread use of pesticides and insecticides in agriculture directly threatens the health of butterflies by contaminating their food and environment. Climate change also exacerbates these threats by altering natural habitats and disrupting butterfly life cycles. It is therefore imperative that we take urgent action to protect these wonderful creatures before it is too late. We must promote the conservation of natural habitats, it is essential to raise awareness and educate the population on the importance of butterflies and the actions that everyone can take to protect them. Together, we have the power to make a significant difference to ensure a future where butterflies continue to grace our world with their magical presence. Let us commit today to preserving these natural treasures for future generations. THANKS. FR ●Le Sanctuaire Des Papillons. Bonjour à tous je me présente Noah Victor, âgé de 20 ans et je fais cette levée de fonds pour créer un projet que j'ai nommé le sanctuaire des papillons. Celui-ci consiste à créer un jardin botanique fermé et y inclure des plantes hôtes, endémiques et des papillons de notre île. Le but est de faire visiter et de partager mes connaissances aux jeunes en mettant en valeur les insectes et papillons rares de notre île et dans l'hatchery plus de 60% des papillons seront relâchés en forêt. Je vais ajouter ses détails aussi. D'ailleurs je vous invite cordialement à visiter ma page Facebook que j'utilise pour partager mes photos et connaissances. N'hésitez surtout pas à me poser des questions. ●Utilisations des fonds collectés: --Selon mes recherches j'aurai besoin aux alentours de 180 plantes dont plusieurs espèces, d'une serre et d'un incubateur ou émergeront nos jeunes papillons. --- Mesdames et Messieurs, chers amis de la nature, Nous nous rassemblons aujourd'hui pour discuter d'un sujet crucial qui concerne la richesse de notre environnement à l'île Maurice : la préservation de nos papillons. Ces créatures délicates et magnifiques, symboles de transformation et de beauté, sont aujourd'hui confrontées à une menace sans précédent qui risque de les pousser vers l'extinction. Notre île contient environ 30 espaces de papillons dont 6 sont endémiques. Premièrement, permettez-moi de vous rappeler l'importance des papillons dans notre écosystème. Ils jouent un rôle vital dans la pollinisation des plantes car oui les abeilles ne pollinisent pas toutes espèces de plantes, contribuant ainsi à maintenir la biodiversité et à assurer la survie de nombreuses espèces végétales, dont dépendent également d'autres animaux, y compris nous-mêmes. Cependant, malgré leur importance, les papillons de l'île Maurice sont confrontés à de multiples menaces qui compromettent leur survie. La perte d'habitat due à l'urbanisation croissante, la déforestation, ainsi que les pratiques agricoles intensives sont autant de facteurs qui réduisent les zones où ces magnifiques insectes peuvent vivre et se reproduire. De plus, l'utilisation généralisée de pesticides et d'insecticides dans l'agriculture menace directement la santé des papillons en contaminant leur nourriture et leur environnement. Les changements climatiques exacerbent également ces menaces en altérant les habitats naturels et en perturbant les cycles de vie des papillons. Il est donc impératif que nous prenions des mesures urgentes pour protéger ces merveilleuses créatures avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Nous devons promouvoir la conservation des habitats naturels, il est essentiel de sensibiliser et d'éduquer la population sur l'importance des papillons et des actions que chacun peut entreprendre pour les protéger. Ensemble, nous avons le pouvoir de faire une différence significative pour assurer un avenir où les papillons continuent à embellir notre monde de leur présence magique. Engageons-nous dès aujourd'hui à préserver ces trésors de la nature pour les générations futures. Merci.EducationRs 13,200 RaisedFor a CauseSarah Lee a besoin de votre aide pour vaincre son cancer !
Lisebie MeriteSarah Lee a été diagnostiquée d'un cancer du sein à 19 ans. Elle est ensuite guérie après deux opérations au sein et avec la chimio thérapie, l'immunologie et l'hormones thérapie. Après deux ans, elle rechute de son cancer du sein mais en Stage 4. Le cancer s'est propagé dans sa colonne vertébrale, aux poumons, au foie et encore au sein. Les médecins de l'hôpital public lui donnent deux ans pour vivre. En mai 2023, ils mettent fin à sa chimio thérapie et en novembre 2023 à l'immunologie. Début décembre 2023, elle a de nouveaux symptômes. Après MRI urgent en Afrique du Sud, les médecins découvrent que son cancer est propagé dans son cerveau. Le cerveau est complètement couvert de métastase avec un risque de ne pas se réveiller et perdre la mémoire. Après 15 radiothérapies du cerveau, les médecins passent au traitement de son sein, sa colonne vertébrale et ses poumons. Un nouveau traitement est prescrit pour empêcher le cancer du sein de se propager plus loin dans son corps. Le soin prescrit n'est pas disponible dans les HOPITAUX PUBLIQUES MAURICIEN. Si le traitement est acheté dans le privé, cela nous revient à Rs150,000 par mois. Cependant, si le traitement est acheté en Afrique du Sud, le traitement revient à Rs100,000 par mois IMPORTANT. Ce traitement est seulement pour la tenir et la permettre de vivre ses rêves quelques temps de plus PARCEQUE ELLE EST EN STAGE TERMINALE ET INCURABLE Malgré son état, elle continue son travail d'esthéticienne. Ayant son propre business depuis ses 19 ans, elle est aussi diplômée en sport de l'Université de Technologie. MERCI à tous de l'accompagner dans son combat. Son vécu peut être suivi sur sa page TikTok: Bellator ( Combattant )Medical ExpensesRs 80,060 RaisedFor a ProjectMedical expenses and purchase of a medical bed for Roan
Joanne ZephireRoan is a twelve year old boy and is suffering from Cerebral Palsy since childhood. Since January 2024 he started having seizures and painful dystonic episodes which had gradually increased in frequency and severity. He started having feeding difficulty as well. He was admitted in Wellkin due to continuous dystonia and seizures. As he was not responding to the treatment he was transferred to ICU where he fought for his life for nearly one week. A new treatment was adopted to which he responded positively. Roan is cared for by his mother Jessica who is a single mum. Due to his condition Jessica cannot work. His current treatment and medication are very expensive and Jessica cannot bear all the expenses on her own. In addition Roan needs a medical bed both for this comfort and well being as he has also developed bed sores. An NGT ( Nasogastric Feeding Tube) was placed through his nose down to his stomach to facilitate his feeding and medication intake and a special nutrition treatment was adopted. Jessica is reaching out to the public in raising the necessary funds to help her provide Roan with his current treatment and to buy a medical bed. Any contribution no matter the size will make a significant difference in their life. Thank you.Health & FitnessRs 11,000 RaisedFor a CauseDaruty Paws Rescue: Mass Sterilization Campaign
Dweeshada RamguttyHello Animal Lovers ! Fueled by a shared love for animals, particularly stray dogs in the Daruty area, our mission is to catch, rehabilitate, and release approximately 25 stray dogs, offering them a chance at a better life. Your support will fund the following key aspects of our initiative: 1. Capturing the dogs We are hiring professional dog catchers to capture the stray dogs since they are wild and not used to the human touch. 2. Post-sterilization care The dogs will be kept under supervision in a shelter where the team will monitor their recovery. The funds raised will cover veterinary care, vaccinations, and necessary medical treatments to ensure that every sterilized dog receives comprehensive attention. MSAW vouchers will be used to cover for the cost of sterilization. In Partnership With: Rumila Ramkelawon, Juilette Baulard Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to creating a positive impact on the lives of these vulnerable animals. Join us in making a difference, as we strive to create a safer and more compassionate environment for the stray dogs of Daruty!Pets & AnimalRs 26,650 RaisedFor a ProjectMo'zar : Nu p bizin zot
Mo'zar Espace ArtisticL'histoire de l'association Mo'Zar est un récit inspirant de transformation sociale à travers la musique. Son fondateur, José Thérèse, avec son engagement et sa vision, a catalysé un changement significatif dans son quartier défavorisé de Roche Bois, offrant aux jeunes une alternative positive à un environnement marqué par la pauvreté et la criminalité. Depuis 2018, Mo'Zar a mis en place un programme d'excellence qui comprend notamment la participation d'élèves à des stages de musique à l'étranger. Cette année, six élèves participeront au Berklee at Umbria Jazz Clinics qui aura lieu en Italie au mois de juillet. Ce stage organisé par le Berklee College of Music est un véritable tremplin pour les jeunes musiciens de Mo'Zar car il leur permet d'obtenir des bourses d'études de cette prestigieuse école américaine de musique. Nous lançons donc un appel à la solidarité pour aider ces jeunes musiciens de Mo'Zar à participer à ce stage de musique.EducationRs 69,952 RaisedFor a CauseDe l'aide pour Dolly
Well-Being Of StraysDolly, petite chienne trouvée dans les rues de l'île Maurice blessée et débordante de vie. Grâce à plusieurs bons samaritains, une maison aimante l'attend en France. Pour son départ nous avons besoin d'une cage qui coûte 4500rs et aussi pouvoir couvrir les frais vétérinaires et de transport. Nous faisons un appel de don pour que Dolly puisse partir et rejoindre sa maison. Nous espérons que Dolly puisse commencer sa nouvelle vie :)....Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 1,394 RaisedFor a CauseParticipation des athlètes paralympiques mauriciens aux championnats du monde à Kobe (Japon) – 17 Mai – 25 mai 2024
Mauritius Paralympic CommitteeSOUTENEZ NOS CHAMPIONS PARALYMPIQUES MAURICIENS POUR LES CHAMPIONNATS DU MONDE DE KOBE 2024. NE BRISONS PAS LEURS REVES ! Nos athlètes paralympiques mauriciens, tels que Noémi Alphonse, Yovanni Philippe, Anaïs Angeline, Cedric Ravet, Roberto Michel, Anndora Asaun, Eddy Capdor, Loic Bhugeerathee, Brandy Perrine et Mitchell Prosper entre autres, se sont dévoués corps et âme pour atteindre le sommet de leur discipline. Leur détermination et leur talent les ont propulsés au niveau mondial, une réalisation remarquable qui les distingue des autres athlètes mauriciens qui brillent au niveau régional et continental. Malheureusement, malgré leurs performances exceptionnelles, le gouvernement a récemment annoncé qu'il ne couvrira que 25 % des frais de déplacement pour les Championnats du Monde de Kobe. Ce manque de financement compromet la participation de ces athlètes et met en péril leurs rêves de représenter dignement Maurice. Cela fend le cœur quand on entend un athlète, les larmes aux yeux, vous dire : « nous avons travaillé et étudié nuit et jour pendant des années pour réussir nos examens. Aujourd’hui, à la veille des examens, on nous dit que nous ne pourrons pas y passer. Comment voulez-vous qu’on continue… » Nos athlètes paralympiques sont les véritables ambassadeurs du sport mauricien, faisant la fierté de toute une nation. Ils ont tous atteint le top 10 mondial dans leurs catégories respectives et certains ont déjà fait leurs preuves sur la scène internationale. Noémi Alphonse, le fer de lance de ce groupe, a décroché deux médailleshistoriques (une d'argent et une de bronze) lors des précédents Championnats du Monde. Yovanni Philippe a quant à lui battu le record des championnats monde au 400m en 2023, décrochant une médaille de bronze.Ce jeune athlète de 21 ans était à sa première participation à des Mondiaux. Derrière ces exploits se cachent des heures d'entraînement intensif, avec en moyenne 10 séances par semaine. Nos athlètes ont surmonté d'innombrables obstacles, faisant face à des déficiences physiques ou mentaux, pour se hisser au sommet du sport paralympique. Leur détermination et leur résilience en font des modèles incontestables pour toute la communauté mauricienne, luttant contre les préjugés et l'exclusion sociale. Nous les avons découvert en 2019 lors des Jeux des îles à Maurice. Tout le pays pouvait, pour la première fois, découvrir leurs talents et leur capacité de briller au-delà de l’océan Indien et de l’Afrique. Et ils l’ont fait ! Aujourd'hui, nous faisons appel à votre générosité pour ne pas briser le rêve de chacun de ces champions. Chaque contribution compte pour assurer leur participation aux Championnats du Monde de Kobe 2024 et les soutenir dans leur quête de l'excellence sportive. Ensemble, aidons-les à porter haut les couleurs de notre quadricolore !Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 0 RaisedFor a CauseHappy Tails: Paws for a Cause
Happy Tails FoundationHappy Tails Foundation : Paws for a Cause Help Us Create Happy Tails for Every Furry Friend! Dear compassionate community members, We believe that every pet deserves a happy and healthy life filled with love and care. Unfortunately, not all furry friends have the privilege of receiving the attention they need, especially when it comes to their health. Happy Tails is on a mission to change that, and we need your support! The Challenge: Vet Bills and Animal Neglect Many pets in our community suffer due to limited access to veterinary care. The struggle to get to the vet or afford the bills often leads to neglect, impacting the well-being of our furry companions. With stricter laws now in place, cases of animal neglect can result in hefty fines. Our Vision: Creating a Compassionate Community Happy Tails aims to address this issue head-on by providing a two-fold solution. Firstly, we want to raise awareness about the importance of sterilization, animal welfare, and regular vet check-ups. Prevention is key, and education plays a vital role in ensuring pets receive the care they deserve. Where Your Support Goes: Pet Taxis, Vet Bills & Grooming Your contributions to Happy Tails will directly fund pet taxis, ensuring that pets in need can reach the vet promptly. Additionally, we will use the funds to cover veterinary bills, making quality healthcare accessible to all pets, regardless of their owners' financial situations. The lack of grooming of fluffy dogs has led to many of them being abandoned in terrible states, with serious skin conditions. There is an increase in these cases, the best way to avoid abandonment is to simply clip their fur when needed... unfortunately many locals do not realise this has a high cost when they aquire a fluffy dog breed. How You Can Make a Difference: Donate Today! Your support can transform lives! By contributing to Happy Tails, you are actively participating in building a compassionate community that cares for its animals. Spread the Word: Share, Like, and Follow Us on Social Media! Let's come together as a community and make a lasting impact on the lives of our four-legged friends. Happy Tails envisions a world where no pet is left behind, and with your help, we can turn this vision into reality. Happy Tails - Because Every Pet Deserves a Happy Ending! Thank you for your generosity and commitment to making our community a better place for all its inhabitants. With love and gratitude, The Happy Tails Foundation TeamPets & AnimalRs 36,250 RaisedFor a CauseFree Sterilization Campaign Fond Du Sac
Dr. Bhavin K. BeeharryThe 3rd May 2017 was the first, fully funded sterilisation campaign I attended in my village, Fond Du Sac. I helped organize with my friends Emma and Richard Squires who sponsored the campaign. The goal was to provide the local villagers with the opportunity to sterilise their animals, free of charge, as many didn’t have the means to pay for it, nor transport to take their pets to the vet. The initial day was such a success that it was followed by many more, also sponsored by Emma & Richard. Most recently, a sterilisation day was held by All Life Matters Animal Sanctuary and sponsored by Grit on the 28th of July 2023. At that time, I was still a volunteer trying to help to make a difference in any way I could. 7 years after I began my journey, here I am finally a fully qualified and registered vet continuing my journey. I now have the pleasure of also being able to perform the sterilisations myself and to make even more of a difference. For this reason, I have created a crowd fund for my own sterilization campaign and to mark my 24th birthday on the 24th of April 24’. This will mark my first ever campaign in my vetinary career, and in my village. Please help me raise as much as possible through the All Life Matters Animal Sanctuary. Thank you all in advance for supporting my causePets & AnimalRs 119,028 RaisedFor a CauseAnou Aide 1 Famille
Anou Aide Nou ProchainAnou Aide 1 Famille Our NGO monthly donates Food Vouchers to several families in the Northern part of the island. Due to the increasing demand it is difficult to sustain the project on a long term. Hence we are requesting for help so that No single family especially children sleeps on empty stomach. It is customary for our association to help vulnerable families each month in terms of food alimentaires and school materials or sometimes we organise lunch for the vulnerable groups so as to bring everyone together.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 6,500 RaisedFor a CausePlease Donate for my Cardiac surgery
Ajagen ChinanDear Sir/ Madam, I present myself Mr. Ajagen Chinan, 28 year old. I am facing extraordinary challenges throughout my life. Born with paraplegia with spina bifida and requiring dialysis since 2014, I recently undergone bilateral amputations due to arterial calcification. Despite these immense hurdles, my resilience continues to inspire me. However, I am now facing another critical health challenge. I urgently requires a complex aortic root surgery and epicardial pacemaker implantation to ensure my survival and improve my quality of life. As you can imagine, the cost of such a procedure is substantial, and my family is unable to bear the financial burden alone. Therefore, we are reaching out to the public to request for assistance in raising the necessary funds. We aim to raise 2 million rupees to cover the expenses associated with his surgery and post-operative care. Your contribution, no matter the size, would make a significant difference in giving this young man a chance at a better and healthier life. Each donation will not only provide financial assistance but also serve as a beacon of hope for me and my family during this challenging time. Thank you. Warm regards, Ajagen ChinanMedical ExpensesRs 78,000 RaisedFor a cour des GRANDS
Ecole de Football de Pointe aux cour des GRANDS Ecole de Football de Pointe Aux Sables a l'immense plaisir de vous informer que notre équipe des moins de 11 ans (ENFANTS) (U11) est invitée a participer en mai 2024 (samedi 18 et dimanche 19) au prestigieux Tournoi International de Football Dirinon a Brest, en Bretagne, en France. Ce tournoi est organisé annuellement par l'Association Sportive de Dirinon. C'est une compétition de renom qui ce joue sur deux jours. Les équipes de la Ligue 1 et Ligue 2 française, les équipes de renom européennes ainsi que plusieurs autres pays y participent régulièrement. C'est une compétition d'envergure pour tous ces enfants. Les plus talentueux et chanceux ont la possibilité de se faire repérer avec la possibilité d'avoir une belle carrière de footballeur professionnel. Ce sera peut-être un moment et une opportunité unique pour nos petits mauriciens. Le tirage au sort du tournoi a eu lieu le vendredi 15 mars 2024. EDF Pointe aux Sables est dans le groupe J en compagnie du club légendaire AS St Etienne, St Brice FC, Quimper Kerfeunteun FC, GDR Guipavas et Foot Sud 74. 15 pays et 4 continents seront représentés. 14 équipes professionnelles sont en liste chez les garçons. Benfica et FC Porto de Portugal, Cagliari Calcio de l'Italie. AS Monaco, Olympique de Marseille, OGC Nice, Stade Rennais FC, SCO Angers, EA Guingamp, US Concarnoise, FC Lorient, AS Saint-Etienne, Stade Brestois 29 et Paris FC de France. Les clubs étrangers non-professionnels qui y participent; Ecole de Football de Pointe Aux Sables (République de Maurice), Zatovo (Madagascar), Plimob Sighet et Viitorul Baia Mare (Roumanie), JFV Hunfeld (Allemagne), BGFSC Bangalore (Inde), Saint Day AFC (Angleterre), AS Assirem (Algérie), AS Le Truitier (Haïti), EFR Dakar (Senegal), Cyss Berdychyv et Kolos Chernivtsi (Ukraine) et Genève Soccer Academy (Suisse). Ecole de Football de Pointe aux Sables sera composée de 11 enfants et de 3 éducateurs. Les noms des enfants: Jake Maurice, Esaie Abel, Noah Jamac, Alexsandro Shibchurn, Damiane Mamode, Quylian Orange, Tyron Fanfan, Yuri Dupre, Eloic Pyanee, Stan Mangalon et Ryley Wong. Notre participation à cette prestigieuse compétition est estimée à Rs 680,000 A ce jour, nous avons sécurisé un montant de Rs 385,000 (contribution des parents, les aides de quelques entreprises et levée de fonds par EDF Pointe aux Sables). Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d'un minimum de Rs 295,000 additionnel pour acheter au plus vite les billets pour tout le groupe. Nous ne baissons pas les bras malgré que l'événement se rapproche à grands pas. EDF Pointe aux Sables continue de chercher de l'aide de tout part. Nous sollicitons votre generosité et votre soutien pour que le rêve et opportunité unique de ces enfants puissent se réaliser, car jamais une école de football mauricienne n'a participé à un tournoi international avec autant de grands clubs européens et autant de pays. Ecole de Football de Pointe aux Sables vous remercie pour votre généreuse donation.Health & FitnessRs 47,912 RaisedFor a ProjectGrand Studio
Lucas Desvaux de Marigny(FR) Le projet Grand est destiné à redéfinir l'écosystème musical local. Ce projet a pour objectif de développer un environnement formateur pour les plus démunis, comprenant des formations, des masterclasses, des ateliers et des événements de rencontres entre artistes. Il aura un impact socioculturel en formant les jeunes aux métiers de la production tout en étant un tremplin pour les artistes locaux. En faisant venir des artistes internationaux dans le studio Grand, ce sera également des opportunités pour les artistes locaux en termes de rencontres, de création de lien, de développement de leurs réseaux et autres. L'émergence de talents exceptionnels sur notre île mérite d'être soutenue par des infrastructures de classe mondiale. C'est aussi dans cette optique que s'inscrit ce projet de développement d'un studio professionnel. Les personnes ayant investi dans cette cagnotte auront la possibilité de venir enregistrer, visiter ou assister à des workshops selon les disponibilités. En vous remerciant d'avance pour votre aide précieuse. (EN) The project Grand is intended to redefine the local music ecosystem. The goal of this project is to develop a training environment for underprivileged people, including workshops, masterclasses, and events for artist networking. It will have a socio-cultural impact by training young individuals in production skills while serving as a stepping stone for local artists. Bringing international artists to the studio Grand will also create opportunities for local artists in terms of networking and other engagements. The emergence of exceptional talents on our island deserves support from world-class infrastructures, and it is with this perspective that the development of a professional studio is envisioned in this project. Those who have invested in this fund will have the opportunity to record, visit, or attend workshops based on availability. Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance.Arts & CultureRs 1,600 RaisedFor a CauseNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: TROPICAL CYCLONE BELAL DONATIONS!
Sov LanatirNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: TROPICAL CYCLONE BELAL DONATIONS! As one People, as one Nation. Join Sov Lanatir in a compassionate mission! We're launching a crowdfunding campaign to aid those impacted by the severe weather and Cyclone Belal. Just like with our previous Wakashio initiative, transparency is our priority. Your contributions will directly support the affected, guided by open and accountable financial decisions. Why donate? Emergency Relief: Donations can provide immediate relief in the form of essential supplies like food, water, clothing, and shelter for those affected by the cyclone. Environmental Cleanup and Restoration: Donations can play a crucial role in supporting environmental cleanup efforts, helping to remove debris, restore natural habitats, and mitigate the ecological impact of the cyclone. This includes initiatives to clean up beaches, rivers, and other affected areas, promoting a healthier and more sustainable environment for the community. Clean Water and Sanitation: Cyclones can disrupt water supplies and sanitation facilities. Donations can support initiatives to provide clean water and improve sanitation, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases. Community Resilience Programs: Investing in community resilience programs can help communities better prepare for and respond to future disasters, enhancing their ability to withstand and recover from such events. Transparent Allocation of Funds: Following the model set by Sov Lanatir NGO in the Wakashio initiative, donated funds will be allocated transparently, ensuring accountability and providing donors with a clear understanding of how their contributions are making a positive impact. Remember that every donation, no matter how small, can contribute to the overall recovery and rebuilding efforts in Mauritius. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the cyclone. Together, let's make a difference! Want to know more about us? Visit - Sov Lanatir, youth-led environmental registered NGO.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 10,742 RaisedFor a ProjectQBVBC - 2024 African Clubs Championship - Egypt
Quatre-Bornes Volleyball ClubPrivées de la Coupe des Clubs Champions de la Zone 7 tenue à Madagascar récemment par manque de fonds, nous souhaitons retenter l'aventure de la Coupe d’Afrique des Clubs Champions en Egypte du 23 avril au 05 mai 2024. L’année dernière grâce à votre contribution, nous avons fait le déplacement vers la Tunisie. Cette année, le désir de se transcender est encore plus présent car, malgre notre assiduité aux entrainements, nous n'avons pas eu de compétition depuis presque un an et c'est ainsi que nous retapons à votre porte pour nous soutenir une fois de plus dans cette épopée. Nous avons estimé le coût de cette participation à Rs2.5M et nous espérons pouvoir compter sur votre soutien.Health & FitnessRs 43,021 RaisedFor a CauseSupport Citizens and NGOs: Taking the Fight for Mauritian Environmental Tribunal Access to the Privy Council on March 5, 2024
Eco-SudNotre combat pour la reconnaissance du droit des citoyens et des ONG à accéder au tribunal de l’environnement pour contester un EIA licence est porté devant le Privy Council le 5 mars 2024. --english below-- Soutenez Eco-Sud dans ce combat, faites un don ! Le 18 juillet 2023, la Cour Suprême de l'Île Maurice siégeant en appel a marqué l'histoire en rendant un jugement historique (Eco-Sud v The Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change 2023 SCJ 284) en droit de l'environnement. Ce jugement assouplit grandement les critères que toute personne souhaitant saisir le Tribunal de l'Environnement (ELUAT) d’une demande d’annulation d’un permis Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) émis par le Ministère de l'Environnement, doit remplir. Ce jugement donne la possibilité aux ONGs environnementales et aux citoyens d’avoir recours à ELUAT même en l'absence de preuve que le projet contesté leur porte préjudice. Nombreuses sont les actions judiciaires qui ont été rejetées par ELUAT dès le départ , faute des demandeurs de pouvoir prouver un tel préjudice personnel. Dans l'état actuel du droit mauricien, en matière de contamination, de biodiversité ou d'utilité des wetlands par exemple, il est quasiment impossible de pouvoir prouver un tel préjudice direct personnel. Le jugement de la Cour Suprême vient donc enlever ce critère jusque là obligatoire en appliquant une approche multicritères qui se focalise sur la crédibilité du demandeur et son implication dans la cause qu’il défend, les chances de succès de l'action judiciaire, et l’importance de l’impact du projet sur l'environnement. Cette victoire constitue une avancée majeure car elle donne enfin aux citoyens et aux ONGs un rôle participatif dans la protection de l'environnement, notamment face à un Ministère de l'Environnement qui a depuis longtemps déjà cessé de jouer le rôle que lui a confié le Environment Protection Act en 2002, celui de s’assurer que les normes du EPA soient respectées par les promoteurs souhaitant développer des projets dans des zones environnementalement sensibles. Suite à cette victoire, le Ministère de l'Environnement et le promoteur, ont fait appel devant le Privy Council. L'appel sera entendu le 5 mars 2024 à Londres. Compte tenu de l’importance de ce jugement pour l’avenir de notre île, et pour la protection de notre environnement, Eco-Sud défend sa position ainsi que le jugement de la Cour Suprême qui lui a donné raison. Une levée de fond au service d’une mission Eco-Sud a besoin de votre soutien financier pour pouvoir continuer le combat juridique. Notre équipe légale mauricienne et anglaise nous a déjà soutenu en grande partie bénévolement dans les actions suivantes : Challenge de la licence EIA devant ELUAT Appel devant ELUAT Application du Ministère de l'Environnement pour pouvoir faire appel au Privy Council Application du promoteur pour pouvoir faire appel au Privy Council Nous devons devant le Privy Council nous donner les moyens financiers qui nous permettront de pouvoir défendre au mieux notre position dans cette affaire historique qui a les pouvoirs de changer la face de notre droit de l'environnement pour toujours. Les fonds collectés aideront à payer une partie du temps que l’équipe légale passera sur ce dossier, les frais liés au déplacement de l’équipe mauricienne à Londres et ainsi que les actions relatives au plaidoyer d’Eco-Sud.. Rejoignez ce combat citoyen, contribuez à la campagne de financement participatif sur Ensemble faisons évoluer le droit environnemental ! Que 2024 soit l’année ou la Nature devienne notre priorité ! Merci --english version-- Our fight for the recognition of the right of citizens and NGOs to access the Environmental Tribunal to challenge an EIA licence is being brought before the Privy Council on the 5th of March 2024. Support Eco-Sud in this fight, make a donation! On 18 July 2023, the Supreme Court of Mauritius, sitting on appeal, made history by delivering a landmark judgement (Eco-Sud v The Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change 2023 SCJ 284) in environmental law. This judgement greatly relaxed the criteria that anyone wishing to apply to the Environmental Law and Land Use Tribunal (ELUAT) to quash an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) licence issued by the Ministry of Environment must meet. This ruling gives environmental NGOs and citizens the possibility of appealing to ELUAT even in the absence of proof that the disputed project is detrimental to them. Many legal actions have been rejected by ELUAT from the outset, because the plaintiffs were unable to prove such personal harm. In the present legal situation in Mauritius, in matters of contamination, biodiversity or the utility of wetlands, for example, it is practically impossible to prove such direct personal injury. The Supreme Court's ruling removes this previously mandatory criterion by applying a multi-criteria approach that focuses on the credibility of the plaintiff and his involvement in the cause he is defending, the chances of success of the legal action, and the significance of the project's impact on the environment. This victory is a major step forward because it finally gives citizens and NGOs a participatory role in protecting the environment, particularly in the face of a Ministry of Environment that has long ceased to play the role assigned to it by the Environment Protection Act 2002, that of ensuring that EPA standards are respected by developers wishing to undertake projects in environmentally sensitive areas. Following this victory, the Ministry of Environment and the developer have appealed to the Privy Council. The appeal will be heard on 5th March 2024 in London. Given the importance of this judgement for the future of our island, and for the protection of our environment, Eco-Sud is defending its position and the Supreme Court judgement which ruled in its favour. A fundraising campaign to support a mission Eco-Sud needs your financial support to continue its legal fight. Our Mauritian and English legal team has already supported us on a pro bono basis in the following actions: EIA licence challenge before ELUAT Appeal before ELUAT Application by the Ministry of Environment to appeal to the Privy Council Application by the developer to appeal to the Privy Council We have to be financially able to defend our position before the Privy Council in this historic case, which has the power to change the face of environmental law forever. The funds raised will help pay for part of the time that the legal team will spend on this case, the costs associated with the Mauritian team's travel to London and Eco-Sud's advocacy work. Join this citizen's fight and contribute to the crowdfunding campaign on Together, let's change environmental law! Let 2024 be the year when Nature becomes our priority! Thank you!Nature & EnvironmentRs 280,974 RaisedFor a ProjectSourire enn zenfant édition 2
Only good vibes EventCe projet, intitulé "Sourire ene Zenfan" (Une journée en famille remplie de bonnes vibrations), a été initié par Michaëlla Aurelie Moutousamy. La première édition à déjà etait fait à Rose-Hill le 28 Jan 2024. L'objectif de ce projet sourire enn zenfan édition 2 est d'organiser une journée spéciale L'amphithéâtre de Mahebourg de 11hr a 18hr, pour les enfants en difficulté à travers l'île. Nous souhaitons offrir un soutien et un encadrement à ces enfants qui se trouvent dans des situations complexes dans les quartiers défavorisés de Maurice. Pour cela, plusieurs Artiste seront impliquées, notamment dans la sensibilisation contre les drogues, la violence domestique et bien d'autres causes essentielles. Des stands seront également mis en place pour des ateliers de dessin animés par Nathalie Jauffret et un atelier de Musique par Mathieu Carosin school seront proposés aux enfants. Plusieurs artistes seront également présents pour permettre à la nouvelle génération de découvrir la musique dans le respect et l'amour. De plus, nous aurons la présence d'un animateur et un Dj pour apporter de la bonne musique et créer une ambiance festive. Ce sera une journée en famille où de nombreuses activités attendent les petits: - Maquillage fantaisie - Château gonflable - Spectacle des Artistes (Live et Sound system) - Spectacle de l'école de batterie de Mathieu Carosin avec la participation des enfants - Un photographe professionnel sera présent pour capturer tous les précieux moments de cette journée inoubliable. Pour rendre tout cela possible, nous sommes à la recherche de sponsors qui pourraient contribuer à 100% à cet événement dédié aux enfants. En faisant partie des donateurs dans ce projet, vous aidez à offrir aux enfants les plus démunis une journée de bonheur et de joie, ainsi que de belles opportunités éducatives et artistiques. Vous faites partie d'une chaîne de solidarité qui a le pouvoir de transformer des vies et de faire une différence réelle. Merci d'avance pour votre soutien et votre générosité. Ensemble, nous pouvons changer des vies et apporter un sourire sur le visage de chaque enfant à l'île Maurice. Only good vibes Event à était créé pour les événements à travers l'île par Michaëlla Aurelie Moutousamy FnB et Events manager depuis plusieurs années qui maintenant à pris son indépendance et s'investit à 100% dans le social pour les enfants. Michaëlla Aurelie Moutousamy Only Good Vibes EventArts & CultureRs 1,481 RaisedFor a CausePlus d'Animaux Secourus pour moins de souffrance !
NouZanimo Humane TrustUn Nouveau « carrosse » pour NouZanimo ! Bienvenue Chez NouZanimo – notre passion, c'est le bien-être des animaux à l'île Maurice. Poussés par notre devise "Soulager la misère, lutter contre la cruauté, et améliorer la qualité de vie des animaux, principalement celle des chiens," nous nous consacrons chaque jour à soutenir nos amis à quatre pattes de toutes les manières possibles. Actuellement, NouZanimo opère avec un seul véhicule utilitaire qui nous permet d'apporter une aide cruciale aux propriétaires d'animaux n'ayant pas de moyen de transport. Que ce soit pour des visites vétérinaires, des soins, des vaccins ou des stérilisations, notre équipe se mobilise pour offrir un soutien inestimable. Depuis janvier 2022, nous avons entre autres organisé la stérilisation de 198 chiens et 15 chats, la plupart ayant des propriétaires qui n'étaient pas conscients de la nécessité de cette démarche. Nous avons fait adopter pas moins de 70 chiens et 9 chats… Durant cette période, nous avons également assuré le transport de 600 chiens et chats pour de multiples besoins. Avec la nourriture collectée lors de nos « caddys days » nous venons en aide à de nombreuses personnes engagées à nourrir les chiens errants, abandonnes et/ou malades à Maurice. Cependant, la demande continue de dépasser nos capacités actuelles. Des situations d'urgence se présentent fréquemment, et il nous est parfois impossible de répondre rapidement aux appels pour aider un animal en détresse. **Notre Projet : Acquérir un Nouveau Véhicule pour Maximiser Notre Impact** Acquérir un van Nissan NV200 à un prix très raisonnable de Rs 660 000 tous frais compris (environ 13 200 euros) et compter sur chacun pour en faire l'acquisition au plus vite. **Comment Vous Pouvez Aider : Faites un Don pour Notre Nouvelle Fourgonnette En contribuant pour l'achat de cette fourgonette, vous jouez un rôle clé dans notre capacité à répondre aux urgences, à ameliorer le sort des chiens à l'île Maurice et à étendre notre portée pour offrir un soutien continu aux animaux nécessiteux.. Chaque contribution nous rapproche de notre objectif, et chaque don compte. **Notre Objectif Final : Des Animaux Secourus, des Vies Changées** Rejoignez-nous dans cette noble cause. Faites un don aujourd'hui et aidez-nous à écrire un nouveau chapitre d'espoir pour les animaux à l'île Maurice. **NouZanimo : Ensemble pour un Avenir Meilleur pour nos Amis à Quatre Pattes !**Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 125,921 RaisedFor a CauseSupport Our Remedial Classes - Empower Young Minds
Monad CharitySupport Our Remedial Classes - Empower Young Minds Monad Charity is on a mission to make a difference in the lives of children in the Eau Coulee region. Our Remedial Classes program is transforming futures, and we need your support! What Your Donation Will Achieve Student Packs: Provide school materials and essential supplies for kids. Nutrition Boost: Ensure children have healthy meals during classes. Educational Activities: Equip classrooms with teaching aids and digital support. Running Costs: Maintain a conducive learning environment. Why Your Support Matters Enrollment & Demographics: We've already enrolled 14 children from local schools. Dedicated Teaching Team: 3 volunteer teachers provide individualized support. Flexible Schedule: Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Community-Centered: Held at the Lapeyrouse Community Centre. Holistic Development: Beyond academics, we offer a wide range of educational activities. Family Engagement: We involve parents in their children's educational journey. Join Us in Shaping Brighter Futures Learn More About Our Mission Annual Report 2021 and 2022: Read Here Watch Our Activity: Watch Here Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of these young learners. Together, let's nurture their potential and create a brighter future! Monad Charity - Empowering the Next GenerationNonprofit (NGO)Rs 11,110 RaisedFor a ProjectSupport a historical first: 6 Mauritian athletes will represent Mauritius in the World Aquatics Master’s Championship In Doha, Quatar
Moka Rangers Sports ClubFebruary 2024, will mark a historical milestone for our country’s aquatic sports. Six Mauritian seniors affiliated to the Moka Rangers Sports Club will proudly represent Mauritius by taking part in the World Aquatics Master’s Championship In Doha, Quatar. It will be the first time Mauritian senior swimmers take part in a world championship! Our six swimmers are as follows: David CHOW Dimitri LAURATET Gino ALLET Adrien GENEVIEVE Annah AUCKBURAULLEE Philippe MOURAND The total budget required to cover air travel, hotel accommodation and miscellaneous expenses is estimated to be approximately Rs1,000,000. The Moka Rangers Sports Club needs your help to cover these expenses and allow our 6 Mauritian athletes to proudly represent our Mauritian flag in Qatar. Here is how you can help us in this patriotic venture and make Mauritius shine in Qatar: Make a donation Share the link with family, friends, colleagues and on social media Thanking you warmly for your help The Moka Rangers Sports Club ============================================================== Première historique: 6 athlètes mauriciens vont représenter Maurice au World Aquatics Master’s Championship à Doha, Quatar Février 2024 marquera une première historique pour le sport aquatique de notre pays. Six seniors mauriciens affiliés au Moka Rangers Sports Club vont fièrement représenter l’ile Maurice en prenant part au World Aquatics Master’s Championship à Doha, Quatar. Ce sera la première fois que des nageurs seniors mauriciens participeront à un championnat du monde ! Nos 6 nageurs sont comme suit : David CHOW Dimitri LAURATET Gino ALLET Adrien GENEVIEVE Annah AUCKBURAULLEE Philippe MOURAND Le budget total pour couvrir les frais de voyage et d’hébergement s’élève à approximativement 1,000,000 de roupies. Le Moka Rangers Sports Club a besoin de votre aide pour couvrir ces dépenses et permettre à nos 6 athlètes mauriciens de fièrement représenter notre quadricolore au Qatar. Voici comment vous pouvez contribuer à cette aventure patriotique et faire briller l’ile Maurice au Qatar: En faisant un don En partageant le lien avec les membres de votre famille, vos amis, vos collègues et sur les média sociaux Merci pour votre aide Le Moka Rangers Sports ClubTravelRs 34,423 RaisedFor a CausePlease help my mom to fight cancer
Rudeereen MootooveerenHello Everyone, I am Rudeeren Mootooveeren. I am raising fund for my mother, Pamela Mootooveeren, aged 45 years old, who has been diagnosed with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma ( Renal Cancer) in December 2022. She went to India on our personal charges. She was put on Immunotherapy Injections for 4 months. She went again in June 2023 under the government overseas grant where she continued her treatment of Immunotherapy. In January 2024, her injection dose will be over and since she will not be able to underdo any surgery unless the tumour decreases in size, she will have to go to India again next January. This will cost us around MUR 1,300,000 which is beyond our mean. We are reaching out to you in the hope that you might be able to provide some financial assistance to help us pay for our mother's medical treatment. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated and would help ease the financial burden on our family.Medical ExpensesRs 47,400 RaisedFor a ProjectCCCOI at Madagascar
Union de Curepipe 1979 Volley-ball ClubL’équipe féminine de l’Union 79 a connu une belle aventure. Elle a été créée en 1990 et a débuté en D2. Les filles ont remporté huit titres de champion et ont empoché plusieurs coupes et trophées, sans compter des victoires aussi éclatantes que 15-2, 15-5 et 15-3, face à une formation du Sud, allant jusq’uà remporter la Coupe des Clubs de l’Océan Indien en 1996 avant de finir 4e en Coupe d’Afrique des Clubs en 1999. L'Union 79 chute en 2008 par une faute administrative pour reprendre avec une 3ème génération en 2019, soit 29 ans après la création par l'entraîneur Mario Lepois et son assistante Stéphanie Petit. En 2022, les filles de l'Union ont évolué en D2 et ont tout données pour être championnes de cette saison pour jouer chez l'élite, soit la D1. En 2023 elles rejoignent la cour des grandes en D1 et se qualifient pour représenter le Club et l'île Maurice à Madagascar pour la Coupe des Clubs Champion de l'Océan Indien (CCCOI) de la Zone 7 du 22 février 2024 au 02 mars 2024. Pour continuer sur cette belle lancée, nous faisons appel à vous pour nous aider car il nous manque encore une certaines sommes mais on ose croire que d'ici là fin du mois de janvier vous nous aiderez à récolter cette somme. Nous devons confirmer notre participation et avons des frais à payer. Nous sommes à Rs 600,000 et il nous manque presque Rs500,000. Nous tenons à vous faire part que si vous nous sponsorisez, le logo de votre compagnie sera affiché sur nos maillots de jeu, nos t-shirts d'échauffement ainsi que nos tracksuits. Nous vous remercions d'avance. Sportivement vôtre. Mary JaneTravelRs 8,100 RaisedFor a CauseContribute for Lucas recovery
Maelle PitotDear Friends and supporters, On 23rd December 2023, our dear friend Lucas, 27, who has lived in Mauritius all his life before going to work in Berlin 4 years ago, had a severe injury during his holiday back home. While spending the day on a boat with his friends, he had a severe accident which led to a fracture of the C7 vertebra in his spine, and accute spinal cord injury. He was directly transported to the hospital, where he underwent surgery and is currently receiving intensive care in Mauritius. Plans are underway for his repatriation to Berlin through a medical evacuation flight in the coming days. While it remains premature to definitively ascertain Lucas's prognosis, it is essential to acknowledge the potential life-altering impact of such an injury. Presently, Lucas lacks sensation in his legs and abdomen, facing the risk of permanent disability. The journey toward recovery involves extensive months, possibly years, of rehabilitation. Given the urgency of the situation, this fundraising initiative seeks immediate contributions to address his medical, rehabilitation, and adaptive needs. As of today, MUR 1,000,000 has already been spent to cover his surgery and medical care. An additional EUR 30,000 (MUR 1,500,000) is needed for his rapatriation flight to Berlin in the coming days, where he needs to be to get the best possible rehabilitation. We thank you for your generous donations, which will significantly assist Lucas' recovery.Medical ExpensesRs 406,721 RaisedFor a ProjectSourire enn zenfant
Michaëlla MoutousamyHello la famille J'ai besoin de votre aide pour soutenir un projet incroyable qui vise à apporter du bonheur et de l'espoir aux personnes les plus nécessiteuses à l'île Maurice. Ce projet, intitulé "Sourire ene Zenfan" (Une journée en famille remplie de bonnes vibrations), a été initié par Michaëlla Aurelie Moutousamy. L'objectif de ce projet est d'organiser une journée spéciale le 28 janvier 2024 au Stade de foot à Rose-Hill, pour les enfants en difficulté à travers l'île. Nous souhaitons offrir un soutien et un encadrement à ces enfants qui se trouvent dans des situations complexes dans les quartiers défavorisés de Maurice. Pour cela, plusieurs ONG seront impliquées, notamment dans la sensibilisation contre les drogues, la violence domestique et bien d'autres causes essentielles. Des ateliers de dessin animés par Thierry Amery et des expositions d'art numérique par Mns Pascal Chellen seront proposés aux enfants. Plusieurs artistes seront également présents pour permettre à la nouvelle génération de découvrir la musique dans le respect et l'amour. Nous avons également la chance d'accueillir Om LOMBARD, mannequin et propriétaire des cliniques Zoomania et Vetmania, qui animera une conférence sur le thème "L'animal et l'enfant : un amour inconditionnel !". De plus, nous aurons la présence de l'animateur Olivier Sirop pour apporter de la bonne musique et créer une ambiance festive. Ce sera une journée en famille où de nombreuses activités attendent les petits: - Maquillage fantaisie - Château gonflable - Distribution de fournitures scolaires pour les enfants - Spectacle de chanteurs talentueux tels que Saaya, Oeson, Born to be music, Jonas (système de sonorisation) - Spectacle de l'école de batterie de Mathieu Carosin avec la participation des enfants - Stand du Mauritius Sport Council pour promouvoir le sport et l'activité physique - Stand Pastrelle pour sensibiliser contre la violence domestique - Stand Ailes pour sensibiliser contre la drogue - Un photographe professionnel Ziggy photography, sera présent pour capturer tous les précieux moments de cette journée inoubliable. Pour rendre tout cela possible, nous sommes à la recherche de sponsors qui pourraient contribuer à 100% à cet événement dédié aux enfants. Chaque contribution compte, quelle que soit sa taille. En investissant dans ce projet, vous aidez à offrir aux enfants les plus démunis une journée de bonheur et de joie, ainsi que de belles opportunités éducatives et artistiques. Vous faites partie d'une chaîne de solidarité qui a le pouvoir de transformer des vies et de faire une différence réelle. Je vous encourage tous à partager ce message, à taguer vos amis et à inviter autant de personnes que possible à participer à cette cause noble. En unissant nos forces, nous pouvons créer un monde meilleur pour les enfants qui en ont le plus besoin. Merci d'avance pour votre soutien et votre générosité. Ensemble, nous pouvons changer des vies et apporter un sourire sur le visage de chaque enfant à l'île Maurice. Avec gratitude, Michaëlla MoutousamyArts & CultureRs 500 RaisedFor a CauseMagical Christmas 2023
Monad CharityMagical Christmas 2023 For 45 children from vulnerable regions Date: Between 17 to 25 December 2023 Activities: An educational and discovery outing at the Curious Corner of Chamarel Lunch Development activities Distribution of toys and educational material USEFUL LINKS: 2021 Event 2022 Event Our NGO Reports Our NGO Website Find Us on Facebook Rough Estimation: Entrance (including accompanying adults) Rs14,250 Transport for the day itinerary Rs10,000 Meals and drinks for the whole day event Rs30,000 Christmas gift and educational materials for this event Rs18,000 If we exceed the expected amount thanks to you/sponsors, we can offer gifts, special Christmas food packs, and school supplies to more children, and for our youth and children mentoring project because it remains a long-term commitment. If we receive less, we may need to reduce the number of children, gifts, or activities, depending on the donations collected. The exact number of children and the exact date will depend on the total amount raised on time.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 4,300 RaisedFor a CauseDonate for Sumedha's Treatment.
Chunderdeep Family and friendsDear friends and supporters, We urgently require your help for our dear friend Sumedha Chunderdeep who is battling Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). She is only 27 and facing a critical moment in their journey and require an urgent life-saving Allogeneic Bone Marrow transplant by the end of this year. The medical expenses are overwhelming, and we are reaching out to our community for contributions to ease the financial burden. The treatment cost can reach up to Rs 2 million. Your generosity can make a profound difference and give our friend a fighting chance for a healthier, brighter future. Please consider donating to our fundraiser, as every contribution, no matter how small, can have a tremendous impact. Together, we can help them on their path to recovery and healing. Thank you for your kindness and support. With heartfelt gratitude,Medical ExpensesRs 1,884,561 RaisedFor a CauseBLUER Ocean Project 2023
BLUER Team///FRENCH/// Bluer Ocean Project après un an et demi d’existence propose pour cette année 2023 de continuer son effort de propagation corallienne et de sensibilisation à l’environnement marin. À ce jour 51 frames et plus de 3600 boutures ont été transplantées grâce à 44 donateurs et sponsors et 6 partenaires techniques, 4 jeunes ont également été formé à la plongée sous marine et à la mission pour renforcer l’équipe. Couzoupa un site protégé dans le lagon sud de Rodrigues subi une pression anthropique conséquente par son utilisation pour le snorkelling (palmes masque tuba) par un nombre croissant d’opérateurs. Bluer Ocean Project propose pour diminuer la pression sur ce site de recréer grâce à la propagation corallienne un nouveau site d’intérêt pour la randonné et la découverte aquatique. Bluer Ocean Project a également l’intention d’intensifier son action de restoration corallienne sur un site de plongée sous marine du nord de l’ile afin augmenter la concentration de biodiversité associée au déploiement de nos nurserie (frames). En parallèle Bluer Ocean Project continuera de former des jeunes à la plongée sous marine et la restoration corallienne afin de faire perdurer notre action et, on l’espère, créer des vocations. Comme par le passé vous pouvez nous aider en faisant des donation ou en adoptant des coraux. N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site internet et à nous suivre sur Instagram et facebook bluer_ocean_project. ///ENGLISH/// Bluer Ocean Project, after a year and a half of existence, proposes for 2023 to continue its effort of coral propagation and awareness on the marine environment. To date 51 frames and more than 3600 nubbins have been transplanted thanks to 44 donors and sponsors and 6 technical partners, 4 young people have also been trained in scuba diving to carry on with our mission and strengthen the team. Couzoupa, a protected site in the southern lagoon of Rodrigues, is under significant anthropogenic pressure due to its use for snorkelling by a growing number of operators. Bluer Ocean Project proposes to reduce the pressure on this site by creating, using coral propagation, a new site of interest for aquatic discovery. Bluer Ocean Project also intends to intensify its coral restoration action on a scuba diving site in the north of the island in order to increase the biodiversity concentration associated with our nurseries (frames) deployment. At the same time, Bluer Ocean Project will continue to train young people in scuba diving and coral restoration in order to sustain our action and, we hope, create vocations. As in the past you can help us by making donations or by adopting corals. Feel free to visit our website and to follow us on Instagram and Facebook bluer_ocean_project.Nature & EnvironmentRs 732,870 RaisedFor a CauseConstruction of dog shelter, feeding of stray dogs
Rashila ramchurnDear supporters, I am rescuer Rashila Ramchurn who feeds around 350 stray dogs on a daily basis. I have adopted 23 vulnerable dogs and built a common dog shelter, thanks to our previous crowdfunding campaigns. Now the dogs have grown and become big and strong. After two serious fights among them two dogs were hurt and one had to do surgery. It is not safe anymore to to put all of them together. Therefore, the aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to build another dog shelter and few separate kennels, along with their daily feeding. I make a wish that the project is successful and by Christmas my adopted dogs can enjoy nice time in their dog shelter. Together we can do it. Thank you.Pets & AnimalRs 43,750 RaisedFor a CauseNoël solidaire fête d'amour et de partage
Fraternité Nouvel Espoir LtéeFraternité Nouvel Espoir Ltée a été créé en 2021 par Ludovic LABONNETTE un philanthrope. Cette entreprise à but non lucratif dont l’objectif principal est de lutter contre la pauvreté et remettre l’homme debout. Nous sommes aussi appelés à fournir conseil et soutiens aux personnes qui sont dans le besoin. En marche pour la Noël 2023, nous faisons appel à vôtre générosité pour que ces trois projets soient un succès. 1.Noël étant une fête d'amour et de partage nous comptons offrir le 25 décembre, 50 bûches de Noël à 50 familles vulnérables à travers l'île. 2.180 repas chaud aux 180 tontons et tantines des rues la nuit du 24 décembre. 3.Le 25 décembre distribution de 60 jouets à 60 enfants démunis. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien et de votre contribution pour que ces projets se réalisent! Si nous obtenons 25% de la somme nous devrons malheureusement réduire le nombre de bénéficiaires à 12 bûche de noël, 45 repas et 15 jouets, si nous obtenons 50% 24 bûche, 90 repas, 30 jouets, et 75% 36 bûche, 135 repas et 45 jouets. Notre mission est de ; 1. Fournir un repas chaud hebdomadaire aux SDF de l’ile, soutenir des familles les plus démunis de l’ile à travers des conseils, ateliers et supports psychosocial. 2. Conscientiser le publique au sujet de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion. 3. Conscientiser le publique au sujet des droits humains, de la Constitutions et des lois en générale. 4. Organiser des collectes de vives, denrées, vêtements, et autres produits ou accessoires qui serviront à offrir des jours meilleurs a ceux et celles qui ont besoin de notre soutien. 5. Parrainer deux enfants malades par an afin qu’ils puissent se faire opérer dans les plus brefs délais. 6. Organiser des collectes de sang bi annuel à travers l’ile. 7. Cibler les personnes les plus vulnérables de notre société afin de les encadrés pour qu’ils deviennent autonome. 8. Combattre la pauvreté. Notre Moto : « Ensemble contre la pauvreté » Nous comptons vraiment sur vôtre générosité pour que ces projets aboutissent.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 1,100 RaisedFor a CauseEnd Polio Now - Support Rotarians in this global mission!
Joint Initiative of 27 Rotary Clubs in MauritiusRotary End Polio Now - Mauritius "Pas laisse li revini" - Rotarians in Action No child should suffer from this vaccine-preventable disease. If Polio exists anywhere in the world, it is still a threat everywhere and it can come back ! Join us to End-Polio Now. (FRANCAIS Ci-dessous) 27 Rotary Clubs, Rotaract and Interact Clubs in Mauritius are joining forces to celebrate the International Polio Day on Tuesday 24 October 2023, and we are appealing to each and everyone to donate generously to this End Polio Now Campaign. Rotary International is a major partner with UN and WHO in the global polio eradication programs throughout the world. More than 1.2 million Rotary members have donated their time and money to eradicate polio, and every year, hundreds of members work with health workers to vaccinate children in countries affected by polio. Rotary members work with UNICEF and other partners to prepare and distribute informational materials for people in areas that are isolated by conflict, geography, or poverty. They also mobilize to recruit fellow volunteers, assist in transporting the vaccine, and provide other logistical support. Polio Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a paralyzing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. Poliovirus invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in hours. It can strike people of any age but mainly affects children under five. Polio can be prevented by vaccines, but it is not curable. Unlike most diseases, polio can be eradicated. PolioPlus For more than 30 years, Rotary and our partners have driven the effort to eradicate polio worldwide. Our PolioPlus program was the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication by vaccinating children on a massive scale. As a core partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary focuses on advocacy, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and awareness-building. Rotary members have contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort. Polio Today When Rotary and its partners formed the GPEI in 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries every year. Today, we have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent, and just two countries continue to report cases of wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Because of the efforts of Rotary and its partners, nearly 19 million people who would otherwise have been paralyzed are walking, and more than 1.5 million people are alive who would otherwise have died. The infrastructure we helped build to end polio is also being used to treat and prevent other diseases (including COVID-19) and create lasting impact in other areas of public health. Challenges Rotary and our partners have made tremendous progress against polio, but eliminating all cases is going to take even more progress and perseverance. Afghanistan and Pakistan face unique challenges, including political insecurity, highly mobile populations, difficult terrain, and, in some instances, vaccine refusal and misinformation. With sufficient resources, the commitment of national governments, and innovations that improve access to remote areas, we are optimistic that we can eliminate polio. Ensuring Success Rotary has committed to raising $50 million per year for polio eradication. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to match that 2-to-1, for a total commitment of $150 million each year. These funds provide much-needed operational support, medical workers, laboratory equipment, and educational materials. Governments, corporations, and private donors all play a crucial role in funding. Celebrity Support Rotary has a growing list of public figures and celebrities who support our fight against polio, including Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; actresses Kristen Bell and Archie Panjabi; actor and wrestling superstar John Cena; supermodel Isabeli Fontana; Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu; action-movie star Jackie Chan; actor Donald Sutherland; boxing great Manny Pacquiao; pop star Psy; golf legend Jack Nicklaus; conservationist Jane Goodall; premier violinist Itzhak Perlman; Grammy Award winners A.R. Rahman, Angélique Kidjo, and Ziggy Marley; and peace advocate Queen Noor of Jordan. These ambassadors help Rotary educate the public about the disease and the fight to end polio for good. Francais Rotariens en action Aucun enfant ne devrait souffrir de cette maladie curable par la vaccination. La polio existe partout dans le monde et représente toujours une menace Rejoignez-nous pour « End-Polio Now ». 27 Rotary Clubs, Rotaract et Interact Clubs à Maurice unissent leurs forces pour célébrer la Journée internationale de la polio le Mardi 24 Octobre 2023, et nous lançons un appel à chacun pour faire un don généreux à cette campagne End Polio Now. Le Rotary International est un partenaire majeur des Nations Unies et de l'OMS dans les programmes mondiaux d'éradication de la poliomyélite à travers le monde. Plus de 1,2 million de membres du Rotary ont donné de leur temps et de leur argent pour éradiquer la polio, et chaque année, des centaines de membres travaillent avec des agents de santé pour vacciner les enfants dans les pays touchés par la polio. Les membres du Rotary travaillent avec l'UNICEF et d'autres partenaires pour préparer et distribuer du matériel d'information pour les personnes vivant dans des zones isolées par les conflits, la géographie ou la pauvreté. Ils se mobilisent également pour recruter d'autres volontaires, aider au transport du vaccin et fournir un autre soutien logistique. Polio La poliomyélite, ou polio, est une maladie paralysante et potentiellement mortelle qui menace encore les enfants dans certaines régions du monde. Le poliovirus envahit le système nerveux et peut provoquer une paralysie totale en quelques heures. Elle peut frapper des personnes de tout âge mais touche principalement les enfants de moins de cinq ans. La poliomyélite peut être prévenue par des vaccins, mais elle n'est pas guérissable. Contrairement à la plupart des maladies, la polio peut être éradiquée. PolioPlus Depuis plus de 30 ans, le Rotary et ses partenaires ont mené des efforts pour éradiquer la polio dans le monde. Notre programme, PolioPlus, a été la première initiative visant à lutter pour l'éradication mondiale de la polio en vaccinant les enfants à grande échelle. En tant que partenaire principal de l'Initiative mondiale pour l'éradication de la poliomyélite, le Rotary se concentre sur le plaidoyer, la collecte de fonds, le recrutement de volontaires et la sensibilisation. Les membres du Rotary ont contribué à plus de 2,1 milliards de dollars et d'innombrables heures de bénévolat pour protéger plus de 2,5 milliards d'enfants dans 122 pays de cette maladie paralysante. Les efforts de plaidoyer du Rotary ont joué un rôle dans la décision des gouvernements de contribuer plus de 10 milliards de dollars à cet effort. La polio aujourd'hui Lorsque le Rotary et ses partenaires ont formé l'IMEP en 1988, il y avait 350 000 cas de polio dans 125 pays chaque année. Aujourd'hui, nous avons réduit les cas de poliomyélite de 99,9%, et seuls deux pays continuent de signaler des cas de poliovirus sauvage: l'Afghanistan et le Pakistan. Grâce aux efforts du Rotary et de ses partenaires, près de 19 millions de personnes qui auraient autrement été paralysées marchent, et plus de 1,5 million de personnes sont en vie qui seraient autrement mortes. L'infrastructure que nous avons aidé à construire pour mettre fin à la polio est également utilisée pour traiter et prévenir d'autres maladies (y compris le COVID-19) et créer un impact durable dans d'autres domaines de la santé publique. Défis Le Rotary et nos partenaires ont fait d'énormes progrès contre la polio, mais l'élimination de tous les cas demandera encore plus de progrès et de persévérance. L'Afghanistan et le Pakistan sont confrontés à des défis uniques, notamment l'insécurité politique, les populations très mobiles, les terrains difficiles et, dans certains cas, le refus de se faire vacciner et la désinformation. Avec des ressources suffisantes, l'engagement des gouvernements nationaux et des innovations qui améliorent l'accès aux zones reculées, nous sommes optimistes quant à la possibilité d'éliminer la polio. Assurer le succès Le Rotary s'est engagé à collecter 50 millions de dollars par an pour l'éradication de la poliomyélite. La Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates s'est engagée à égaler ce montant de 2 pour 1, pour un engagement total de 150 millions de dollars chaque année. Ces fonds fournissent un soutien opérationnel indispensable, du personnel médical, du matériel de laboratoire et du matériel pédagogique. Les gouvernements, les entreprises et les donateurs privés jouent tous un rôle crucial dans le financement. Soutien des célébrités Le Rotary compte une liste croissante de personnalités publiques et de célébrités qui soutiennent notre lutte contre la polio, dont Bill Gates, coprésident de la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates; les actrices Kristen Bell et Archie Panjabi; l'acteur et superstar de la lutte John Cena; top model Isabeli Fontana; Lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix, l'archevêque émérite Desmond Tutu; la star de cinéma d'action Jackie Chan; l'acteur Donald Sutherland; boxe grand Manny Pacquiao; la pop star Psy; la légende du golf Jack Nicklaus; la conservationniste Jane Goodall; le premier violoniste Itzhak Perlman; Les lauréats des Grammy Awards A.R. Rahman, Angélique Kidjo et Ziggy Marley; et l'avocate de la paix, la reine Noor de Jordanie. Ces ambassadeurs aident le Rotary à éduquer le public sur la maladie et la lutte pour mettre fin à la polio pour de bon.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 88,288 RaisedFor a CauseHelping Hands for a New Life & Home for the Verloppe Family in Le Morne Village, Mauritius
ADM - Vision Le MorneIn the heart of Le Morne Village, Mauritius, a family has faced the unimaginable - their lives were turned upside down by a devastating fire. They have lost everything and are left with no place to call home. It's a situation that could happen to any one of us, and it's a stark reminder of how swiftly life can change. Now, they are reaching out to their community for help, and your support can make all the difference in helping them rebuild their lives. The Story: The Verloppe family, who has been an integral part of Le Morne village in Mauritius for years, has faced a series of unfortunate events, leading to the loss of their home and possessions. They have been left with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the love in their hearts. The family consists of: Two parents One 26-year-old son One 13-year-old son One 10-year-old girl One 8-year-old boy One 7-year-old girl One 2-year-old girl The Need: The situation is dire. They require basic necessities like clothing, non-perishable food, and household appliances just to meet their daily needs. However, the dream of rebuilding a house and starting anew is what fuels their hope. They need our support to turn this dream into a reality. How You Can Help: Your donation, no matter how big or small, can make a significant impact on this family's life. Here's how your contribution can help: Clothes and Non-Perishable Food: Your donations can provide the family with the clothing they need to stay warm and comfortable. Non-perishable food items can help put food on their table during this difficult time. Appliances: Essential appliances like a refrigerator, stove, and washing machine will greatly improve their quality of life and help them regain a sense of normalcy. Rebuilding their Home: Every cent you contribute brings them one step closer to rebuilding their home and creating a safe, secure environment for their family. Conclusion: In times of adversity, it's our responsibility to come together as a community to support our neighbors in need. This family has experienced a life-altering crisis, and they need our help to rebuild their lives. Your generosity can provide them with the essentials they need to survive and the opportunity to start anew. Thank you for your compassion and generosity. Your donation, no matter the amount, will make a significant difference in this family's life. Let's unite to help them on their journey towards recovery. Together, we can make a lasting impact and show what it truly means to be a supportive and caring community. Donate today and help us rebuild a family's life in Le Morne Village, Mauritius. Thank you for your help and support. ADM - Vision Le MorneNonprofit (NGO)Rs 240,570 RaisedFor a ProjectEmpower Women in Rugby: Support Our Dubai 7s Dream
Mauritian Barbarians[Version Française] Objet : Soutenez notre équipe de rugby féminine pour le Dubai7s ! Chers concitoyens, Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour réaliser un rêve qui nous tient à cœur : représenter fièrement notre île Maurice au prestigieux tournoi de rugby à 7, le Dubai7s, en décembre 2023. Le rugby féminin, c'est bien plus qu'un simple sport. C'est une source d'inspiration pour des générations de jeunes filles qui rêvent de repousser leurs limites, de gagner sur le terrain et dans la vie. Chaque coup, chaque plaquage, chaque essai est un pas vers l'autonomie, la confiance en soi et la solidarité. Pour réaliser notre rêve, nous avons besoin de collecter 500 000 Rs pour couvrir une partie des frais d'avion et de logement. Nous faisons donc humblement appel à votre générosité. En échange de vos généreux dons, nous nous engageons à organiser des opérations de ramassage des déchets qui souillent notre belle île Maurice. Chaque joueuse s'engage à former une équipe de 5 personnes et à collecter les déchets près de chez elle. Vous trouverez dans nos photos une carte indiquant les différents points de collecte. Les opérations de ramassage auront lieu tous les week-ends du mois de novembre, soit les week-ends du 4/11, 11/11, 18/11 et 25/11, et nous vous tiendrons informés de la quantité de déchets collectés. Les points de collectes sont : Bois mangue, Saint Antoine, Roches Noires, Port Louis, The Mount, Blue Bay, Rose Belle et Tamarin. Chaque contribution, grande ou petite, nous rapproche de notre objectif. Chaque geste de soutien nous renforce dans notre détermination à briller sur le terrain et à protéger notre environnement. Voici comment vous pouvez nous aider : Faites un don Partagez cette campagne avec vos proches, vos amis et vos collègues. Rejoignez-nous lors de nos événements de collecte de fonds et encouragez-nous à chaque étape. Ensemble, nous pouvons montrer au monde entier que le rugby féminin de l'île Maurice est une force à ne pas sous-estimer. Ensemble, nous pouvons défendre notre terre et la préserver pour les générations futures. Un grand merci pour votre soutien indéfectible. Avec gratitude et détermination, Les Mauritian Barbarians .............................................................................................................................................. [English version] Subject: Support Our Women's Rugby Team for the Dubai7s! Dear fellow citizens, We need your help to realize a dream that is close to our hearts: proudly representing our beloved Mauritius at the prestigious Dubai7s rugby tournament in December 2023. Women's rugby is much more than just a sport. It serves as a source of inspiration for generations of young girls who dream of pushing their limits, winning on the field, and in life. Every tackle, every try is a step toward independence, self-confidence, and solidarity. To achieve our dream, we need to raise 500,000 Rs to cover a portion of our airfare and accommodation expenses. We are humbly calling upon your generosity. In exchange for your generous donations, we commit to organizing waste cleanup operations that tarnish the beauty of our island. Each player commits to form a team of 5 individuals and collect litter in their local areas. You will find in our photos a map indicating the different collection points. Cleanup operations will take place every weekend in the month of November, specifically on the weekends of 4/11, 11/11, 18/11, and 25/11, and we will keep you informed of the amount of waste collected. The collection points are: Bois Mangue, Saint Antoine, Roches Noires, Port Louis, The Mount, Blue Bay, Rose Belle, and Tamarin. Every contribution, whether big or small, brings us closer to our goal. Every gesture of support strengthens our determination to shine on the field and protect our environment. Here's how you can help us: Make a donation Share this campaign with your family, friends, and colleagues Join us at our fundraising events and encourage us every step of the way Together, we can show the world that women's rugby in Mauritius is a force not to be underestimated. Together, we can defend our land and preserve it for future generations. A heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support. With gratitude and determination, The Mauritian BarbariansHealth & FitnessRs 86,778 RaisedFor a CauseFaire un don pour que Pascal CATEAUX puisse continuer ses traitements en France
Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs---/// FRENCH ///--- Bonjour à tous, Je suis Pascal CATEAUX et je fais cette collecte de fonds afin de pouvoir venir en France ou à la Réunion pour continuer mes soins. J'ai 28 ans et je suis diabétique de stade I depuis l'âge de 15 ans. Je réalise mes traitements rénaux à l'hôpital Civil à Port-Louis depuis un an et demi. Je souhaiterai de tout coeur venir en France ou à la Réunion pour réaliser ma dialyse pour une durée de 3 mois et avoir la possibilité de réaliser une greffe après des bilans de compatibilité. Je vous remercie également pour votre prière, votre soutien moral et votre générosité ainsi que votre contribution. Que dieu vous bénisse. Merci. ---/// ENGLISH ///--- Hello everyone, My name is Pascal CATEAUX and I am doing this funds raising so I can carry on with my treatments in France or Réunion Island. I am 28 years old and I have type 1 diabetes since the age of 15. For a year & a half, I do my kidney treatments at Civil hospital in Port Louis. It is for that reason I would like to continue my follow-up treatment in France or Reunion Island for 3 months. Thank you all for your prayers, moral support, your generosity and donations. God bless you all Thank youMedical ExpensesRs 22,846 RaisedFor a CauseCollecte de fonds pour le rapatriement d'Adrien depuis la France
Solidarité Mauriciens d'AilleursFrançais : Suite à la tragédie survenue le dimanche 19 novembre à Mirabel en Savoie, France, Adrien VACHER, 24 ans, a été brusquement arraché à la vie. Nous lançons un appel pressant à la générosité mondiale des Mauriciens pour nous aider à rapatrier le regretté auprès de sa famille. Cette cagnotte est une passerelle ouverte à tous dans le but d'orchestrer un adieu digne à Adrien. La famille VACHER vous exprime d'ores et déjà sa gratitude pour votre générosité et votre soutien pendant cette période de deuil. Ensemble, faisons preuve de solidarité, avec les Mauriciens d’Ailleurs. Partagez. Contribuez. Faisons résonner l'amour au-delà des frontières. English : Following the tragedy that occurred on Sunday, November 19, in Mirabel, Savoie, France, Adrien VACHER, 24 years old, was abruptly snatched from life. We urgently appeal to the global generosity of the Mauritian community to assist us in repatriating the deceased to be with his family. This fundraising campaign serves as an open gateway for everyone, with the purpose of orchestrating a dignified farewell to Adrien. The VACHER family extend their gratitude in advance for your generosity and support during this time of mourning. Together, let's demonstrate solidarity with Mauritians Abroad. Share. Contribute. Let love resonate beyond borders. Solidarité Mauriciens d’AilleursEmergency & DisastersRs 318,537 RaisedFor a CauseSolidarity for Sebastien François
Jean Tersley FrançoisHello Everybody My son Jules Arnaud Sebastian who is 22 years old and ex-student of Mont-Lubin College is actually suffering from a rare disease, decompensated liver disease since birth. Now his health has deteriorated that has to be hospitalised in India for treatment (live donor liver transplant). I am grateful to the Ministry of Health and Wellness for granting an amount of one million rupees for the overseas treatment. However, due to complex nature of the surgery, the treatment phase has been extended and the treatment cost has had an exponential increase. Consequently, an additional amount of Rs.600,000 is urgently required to complete the treatment. We extremely need your support, no matter how much but it is the gestures that counts. We count on your generosity and support. God bless you.Medical ExpensesRs 13,150 RaisedFor an OccasionSponsor Our Mauritian Delegate to attend the Global Wellness Summit
Akashic Lotus Designs LtdDear Mauritians,it is with great enthusiasm that we seeked your financial support for our participation in the upcoming Global Wellness Summit 2023 (November 6-9). Link for Summit : Due to the short lapse of time and 4 % of the target amount achieved, our director could not attend as a delegate from Mauritius in this Summit (which brings together top-level international delegates, innovators, and experts from the wellness industry to discuss and shape the global wellness economy) Therefore we are looking forward to order recorded Videos & presentations within the same summit. Link : Our objective of having this is to support our journey in positioning Mauritius within the global wellness economy, share our growth potential and seek for collaboration among professionals dedicated to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities worldwide. Wellness has been an integral part of our organization and we have consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to progress this field. We had recently participated in the JCI Mauritius Creative Young Entrepreneur Award 2023 in Interior Design (Space Programming) and have been the winner of Peoples Choice Awards 2022 in the Property Services category. This recorded version Global Wellness Summit will not only benefit our organization but also contribute to the broader wellness community on our island. We have duly requested for sponsorship from SMEs,companies, associations and NGOs with very few responses. This led us to this platform as we believe that our voice can be heard by you, dear crowdfunders. We kindly request your financial support in this journey of sharing Global Wellness on our island. Here are the details of funds needed: 1. Ordering before 17 November : Rs 20,000 ( $450 ) 2. After 17 November : Rs 22,000 ( $500 )An EventRs 11,274 RaisedFor a CauseFaire un don pour la petite Lucie-Anne
Solidarité Mauriciens d'AilleursFrancais : Le Groupe Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs, en partenariat avec la famille AREKION, fait appel à votre profonde compassion et à votre générosité pour tendre la main à notre petite princesse, Lucie Anne AREKION. À vous qui avez pris le temps de visionner cette vidéo émouvante, nous faisons appel à votre bienveillance pour aider cette petite princesse à réaliser une intervention chirurgicale qui lui ouvrira la voie vers l'école et lui permettra de grandir, tout comme les autres enfants de son âge. Depuis sa naissance, Lucie-Anne lutte contre une sténose supra-aortique. Les nourrissons affectés présentent des signes déchirants, tels qu'un pouls extrêmement faible, une mauvaise circulation sanguine avec des mains et des pieds glacés, une peau pâle comme le ciel avant l'orage, une respiration laborieuse et un foie enflé. Elle est actuellement prise en charge à l'hôpital à l'Île Maurice. Malgré tous les efforts déployés, nous avons besoin de votre aide pour rassembler les fonds nécessaires afin qu'elle puisse subir cette opération. Sa santé a malheureusement décliné, et son gradient moyen de 40 mmHg, qui indique généralement un rétrécissement aortique sévère, est monté à 60 mmHg, rendant l'intervention indispensable et cruciale. Le médecin qui effectuera l'opération sera à Maurice, mais pour que Lucie-Anne puisse bénéficier de cette intervention, nous devons réunir la somme de R700,000. C'est la clé qui ouvrira les portes vers sa guérison ici même. Nous vous prions humblement de vous joindre à nous et de faire preuve de votre précieuse générosité. Votre soutien est notre lumière dans cette période sombre, et nous vous supplions de venir en aide à notre petite fille. English : The group "Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs, in partnership with the AREKION family, is reaching out to your deep compassion and generosity to extend a helping hand to our little princess, Lucie Anne AREKION. To all of you who have taken the time to watch this touching video, we appeal to your kindness to assist this young princess in undergoing a surgical procedure that will pave the way for her to attend school and grow just like other children her age. Since her birth, Lucie-Anne has been battling with a supra-aortic stenosis. Affected infants exhibit heart-wrenching symptoms, including an extremely weak or absent pulse, poor blood circulation resulting in cold hands and feet, skin as pale as the sky before a storm, laboured breathing, and an enlarged liver. She is currently undergoing treatment in hospital in Mauritius. Despite all efforts, we need your assistance to gather the necessary funds for her to undergo this operation. Unfortunately, her health has deteriorated, and her average gradient, which typically indicates a severe aortic constriction at 40 mmHg, has risen to 60 mmHg, making the procedure urgently vital. The doctor who will perform the operation will be in Mauritius, but for Lucie-Anne to receive this intervention, we must raise the sum of R700,000. This is the key that will open the doors to her recovery right here. We humbly implore you to join us and show your invaluable generosity. Your support is our beacon in this dark time, and we earnestly beseech you to come to the aid of our little girl.Medical ExpensesRs 384,266 RaisedFor a ProjectLocal Cocopeat
Cocogrow Co LtdHello All. I am Navind Gajadhur from La Tour Koenig. I actually produce Local Cocopeat. Cocopeat is a substrate of coconut husk, packed in Grow Bags used in Hydroponic Agriculture, in replacement of soil. I have already started production and wish to expand further and contibute in the project "Economie Circulaire" of the Ministry of Environment. Cocopeat is made from the outer part of the coconut, called husk, which are thrown away as waste. Since one year now Cocogrow is contributing thus in converting these waste into usable soil alternative and amendment. Now in view to contribute further in recycling coconut I wish to recycle green coconut also, that are thrown away after drinking its water. These waste can be converted into useful fibers with which ropes can be made. To realise this project, Cocogrow Co, will need new machine that will be made by professional mechanical engineer from Mauritius itself. Please Donate generously for this project and help in reducing waste in Mauritius. Bonjour à tous. Je suis Navind Gajadhur de La Tour Koenig. En fait, je produis du Cocopeat local. Le Cocopeat est un substrait de noix de coco, emballé dans des sacs de culture utilisés dans l’agriculture hydroponique, en remplacement de la terre J’ai déjà commencé la production et je souhaite développer davantage et contribuer au projet « Economie Circulaire » du Ministère de l’Environnemt. Le Cocopeat est fabriquée à partir de la partie externe de la noix de coco, appelée enveloppe, qui est jetée comme déchet. Depuis un an, Cocogrow contribue ainsi à la conversion de ces déchets en alternatives et amendements utilisables pour les sols. Maintenant, en vue de contribuer davantage au recyclage de la noix de coco, je souhaite également recycler la noix de coco verte, qui est jetée après avoir bu son eau. Ces déchets peuvent être convertis en fibres utiles avec lesquelles des cordes peuvent être fabriquées. Pour réaliser ce projet, Cocogrow Co, aura besoin d’une nouvelle machine qui sera fabriquée par un ingénieur mécanicien professionnel de l’île Maurice même. S’il vous plaît faire un don généreux pour ce projet et aider à réduire les déchets à Maurice.AgricultureRs 25,000 RaisedFor a CauseSolidarité pour Thierry MURDAY
Solidarité Mauriciens d'AilleursBonjour tout le monde, En accord avec la famille MURDAY, le groupe Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs a pris l'iniative de créer une cagnotte pour des frais additionnels. Il est actuellement hospitalisé Espagne après un grave accident de la route. La famille a besoin de notre soutien, peu importe la somme, mais c'est le geste qui compte. Nous vous partageons le communiqué du diocèse de Port-Louis. Nous comptons sur votre générosité et votre soutien. Que dieu vous bénisse. "Nous avons été informés cet après-midi qu'un des membres de la délégation mauricienne parti aux Journées Mondiales de la Jeunesse a été victime d'un accident de la route hier à Santiago de Compostelle en Espagne. Le blessé, un homme d'une trentaine d'années, a été hospitalisé. Pour l'heure, les causes de l'accident sont encore inconnues. Les autorités espagnoles sont en contact avec l'ambassade de Maurice pour les suivis. Nous tenons à affirmer notre proximité avec ses parents, sa femme et ses enfants et nous invitons les Mauriciens à le porter, lui et sa famille, dans la prière. Nous pensons aussi à tous ces jeunes et les accompagnateurs qui sont partis aux JMJ, plein d’enthousiasme et qui sont maintenant si éprouvés par cet accident. Quel le Seigneur leur donne de porter cette épreuve avec courage et espérance. + Mgr Jean-Michaël Durhône + Cardinal Maurice E. Piat"Medical ExpensesRs 396,131 RaisedFor a CauseHelp Nicole Coindreau
Wendy MootoosamyHello Everyone, I, Wendy Mootoosamy, is doing this fundraising for my mother. My mum, Nicole Coindreau, is 64 years old, and we live in the South of the island. On Sunday, June 11, 2023, my mother traveled for holidays with her siblings in Paris. During the night of 13th June to 14th June 2023, she suffered from severe chest pain from June 13 to 14, 2023. Unknowingly, she was having her third heart attack. Since then, she has spent nearly one week in intensive care, and thank God, her condition is gradually stabilizing at the hospital. But we are left with a bill of EUR 38,800 (MUR 1,940,000) to pay. We would appreciate it if you could please help us to pay my mother's hospital bills. We thank you for your presence, your calls, and your messages of support. We are grateful for your contribution. Thank you. ---///FRENCH///--- Bonjour à tous, Je suis Wendy Mootoosamy et je fais cette collecte de fonds pour ma mère. Ma mère, Nicole Coindreau, a 64 ans et nous vivons dans le sud de l'île. Le dimanche 11 juin 2023, ma mère est partie en vacances avec ses frères et sœurs à Paris. Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 juin 2023, elle a souffert de fortes douleurs thoraciques du 13 au 14 juin 2023. Sans le savoir, elle faisait sa troisième crise cardiaque. Depuis, elle a passé près d'une semaine en soins intensifs, et Dieu merci, son état se stabilise petit à petit à l'hôpital. Mais il nous reste une facture de 38 800 EUR (1 940 000 MUR) à payer. Nous vous serions reconnaissants si vous pouviez nous aider à payer les factures d'hôpital de ma mère. Nous vous remercions pour votre présence, vos appels, et vos messages de soutien. N ous vous remercions de votre contribution. Merci.Medical ExpensesRs 5,113 RaisedFor a CauseLet's contribute to help feed the strays
Dr. Rashila RamchurnHello Mauritians, lets bring a change for the welfare of hungry stray dogs by joining together. I am Dr. Rashila Ramchurn Dr and researcher in anthropology. You can view my article on defi media on feeding of strays where 18k public viewed it on social media; I believe in the motto live and let live. I militate from the last 10 years to save lives of stray dogs, feed them daily, sterilise those i feed, treat the sick ones on time to save their lives. I do it on humanitarian ground. I did successful crowd fundings in the past and it benefitted many strays get food, shelter and medicines. Feeding has become costly because of inflation; I feed 350 strays daily, I also put Rs,1000 fuel daily to travel 4hrs in my car from khoyratty to Pont praslin so that the food reach these strays. Feeding must continue. Many stray dogs are suffering from starvation. I am doing short term crowd funding to be able to buy food for them and enable these strays eat a meal daily. Please collaborate and lets save them from starvation. Thank you.Pets & AnimalRs 1,296 RaisedFor a CauseAvec un euro symbolique, aidons la famille Carpen à se reconstruire
Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs///FRENCH/// Bonjour tout le monde, En ce jour, et pour toujours, la famille CARPEN a besoin de nous et de notre soutien, car elle a reçu une lettre d’Expulsion pour son Logement actuel C'est une famille que je connais très bien. Elle me suit à chaque demande d'aide que nous recevons sur la page de solidarité, elle aide les personnes par ses propres moyens. Aujourd'hui c'est malheureusement elle qui a besoin qu'on la soutienne... J’aurai souhaité apporter de l’AIDE à cette belle famille au grand cœur, laa maman qui n’est pas en bonne santé et deux garcons qui font encore des études. Mon unique souhaite est de les accompagner dans la construction de deux pièces pour y vivre dans la tranquilité. La famille a eu l'autorisation de construire deux pièces à l'étage de la maison familiale. Cela faisait des années qu'elle achète petit à petit les matériaux de construction (des photos jointes), croyant qu'un jour elle finira par tout avoir et commencer la construction, jusqu'au jour ou son propriétaire lui a demandé de quitter le logement. La famille a pu emprunter 80 mille roupies. Elle a fait plusieurs démarches mais sans succès. Ne trouvant aucune solution, aujourd'hui j'ai pris l'initiative d'aider cette famille à travers notre groupe Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs par la création de ce lien de cagnotte. Je ne peux rester sensible à sa situation. Aidons cette famille à reconstruire leur vie juste avec un euro symbolique pour ceux et celles qui sont en europe et l'équivalent d'un euro (50 roupies) pour ceux et celles qui sont à Maurice. Soyons solidaire et aidons cette famille afin qu'elle puisse avoir deux pièces et un toit au dessus de leur tête, je sais que vous avez un bon coeur. Je peux vous assurer que ce n'est pas du tout une arnaque. Au fur et à mesure, le suivi sera effectué et les factures partagées sur la page de Solidarité. Nous vous remercions pour votre générosité ///ENGLISH/// Hello everybody, On this day, and forever, the CARPEN family needs us and our support, because they received an Eviction letter for their current property. It is a family that I know very well. She follows me with each request for help that we receive on the solidarity page, she helps people by her own means. Today, unfortunately, she is the one who needs support... The family has been granted permission to build two rooms on the first floor of the family home. For years she had been buying building materials little by little (photos attached), believing that one day she would end up having everything and start building, until the day her landlord asked her to leave the home.. The family was able to borrow 80 thousand rupees. They took several steps but without success. Unable to find any solution, today, I took the initiative to help this family through our Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs group by creating this fundraising link. I cannot remain sensitive to their situation. Let's help this family rebuild their lives with just one symbolic euro for those in Europe and the equivalent of one euro (50 rupees) for those in Mauritius Let's stand together and help this family so they can have two rooms and a roof over their heads, I know you have a good heart. I can assure you that this is not a scam at all. As time goes by, monitoring will be carried out and invoices shared on the Solidarity page. We thank you for your generosity.Nature & EnvironmentRs 32,275 RaisedFor a CauseSnip Snip - Raising funds for sterilisation campaigns
Isabelle JosephThe Challenge: Completing a full marathon (42.195km) on 24th September 2023 The Cause: Sterilisation campaigns targeting stray dogs and cats as well as pets of low-income families The Background: My name is Isabelle Joseph and I am a small-animal veterinarian working in collaboration with Community Sterilisation Campaign (CSC) in Mauritius. CSC is an organisation run entirely by volunteers with the sole purpose of dealing with the increasing overpopulation of stray animals on the island. They organise free sterilisations in communities that need it the most. Many villages cannot afford to sterilise their pets or have the means of transport to go to veterinary clinics. This results in numerous dogs and cats and their litters being abandoned in sugar-cane fields, beaches and parking lots. By using local village halls and bringing veterinary teams to the community, they are not only sterilising the stray population and pets of low-income communities, but also educating people in animal welfare. Please note: CSC rely solely on donations for funding. I have been working with this amazing organisation on a weekly basis for the past 9 months and we share the same opinion on the way forward in tackling the overpopulation of dogs and preventing animal cruelty. Our goals are 100% in alignment and I want to help them help more animals in need - and you can help us! I am going to challenge MYSELF to do a mighty big run (42km is quite the distance) and I am going to challenge YOU to keep me motivated through your donations! We have 4 weeks to go, any donation, small or large is very welcome, and I will keep you all up to date with the progress. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 158,833 RaisedFor a ProjectSouthern Handicapped Association
Southern Handicapped AssociationSouthern Handicapped Association (SHA), a non-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities in the Southern Region and we believe that your company's support can make a significant impact. SHA has been created in the year 1985 and since then we cater free of costs for people with disabilities. Currently we have around 100 learners aged 2 years till 20+ FREE OF COSTS. Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities by providing them with essential services, resources, and opportunities for personal growth and inclusion in society. We firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and social inclusion. We have been actively engaged in various initiatives that aim to address the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. Some of our activities include: Education and Skill Development: We strive to improve educational opportunities for disabled individuals by offering specialized learning programs, assistive technologies, and field trip. Our skill development programme equips them with valuable vocational skills, enhancing their chances of gainful employment Rehabilitation and Habilitation: We provide physiotherapy, occupational therapy, doctor consultation and psychological support to all students and parents in need. These are done in school or home visits as well. Accessibility and Infrastructure: We work towards creating an inclusive environment by advocating for accessible infrastructure, such as wheelchair ramps, accessible restrooms, and sensory-friendly spaces. We also collaborate with local authorities to ensure proper implementation of disability-friendly regulations. Community Engagement: Our organization organizes awareness campaigns, community events, and sports activities that encourage people to embrace diversity and promote social inclusion. These events foster empathy, understanding, and a sense of belonging among individuals with disabilities We are obtaining several admissions and we wish to further extend our services to a higher number of people. In this regard, we are planning to upgrade our existing building by construction of the 1st Floor of our school located at Coastal Road Riambel Surinam. All necessary permits have been obtained from relevant authorities, and detailed plans as well which are attached. While we have achieved significant milestones in our journey, our ability to expand our reach and impact is reliant on the support of compassionate partners like your organization The aim of this Fund Raising is to have funds to build the 1st floor which will be used for educational purposes, rehabilitation and training unitEducationRs 500 RaisedFor a CausePlease help me to fight cancer
UmmeENGLISH Hello everyone, I am Ibrahim, 60 years old. I am suffering from Lung cancer and making an appeal to your generosity to save my life. I was diagnosed in May 2023 after suffering from sudden breathing issues, after which the doctors did a drainage system to remove near 3 litres of fluids from my lungs. The doctors did a biopsy afterwards, which showed that i have lung cancer. Despite being someone who loves life and helping other people in need, today I am fighting against an invisible enemy that is quickly destroying my life and causing pain to my loved ones My family and loved ones, despite being unmarried, helped me generously to go to India for fast treatment for my lung cancer but unfortunately in india, the doctors quickly discovered that the disease spread fast and already travelled to my neck, shoulder, bones and brain because of which we are running out of money along the way. I have been undergoing Chemotherapy in Apollo Chennai for my lung and will be doing radiotherapy and tomotherapy for the other parts of my body. But it is becoming difficult to continue my treatment as the disease continue to spread and also having to pay for other tests like molecular, PET scan, MRI scan and blood tests. I have two quotations from Apollo Chennai for medical oncology and radiation oncology. Please see below details of costs of chemotherapy and radiotherapy with tomotherapy: CHEMOTHERAPY WITH PEMETREXED CARBOPLATIN x 3 CYCLES Cost per cycle: 35000f- INR : 35000 X 3 = Rs 105000 Maintenance Pemetrexed X 12 cycles- Cost per cycle: 10000 INR: total cost: 10000 X12 = Rs 120000 Investigations and supportive care: RS 95000 RADIOTHERAPY WITH TOMOTHERAPY will be around USD 3250 excluding other tests. The approximate cost in Mauritian rupees will be around Rs 300,000 excluding Air Tickets and additional test or medicine.. But unfortunately i have not been granted the government overseas treatment scheme. This is why we are raising funds so that I can continue my treatment. Please pray for me and help me raise funds for my treatment and surgery. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRENCH Bonjour à tous, je suis Ibrahim, 60 ans. Je souffre d'un cancer du poumon et je fais appel à votre générosité pour que je puisse continue a vivre. J'ai été diagnostiqué en mai 2023 après avoir souffert des problèmes respiratoires, après quoi les médecins ont mis en place un système de drainage pour éliminer près de 3 litres de fluides de mes poumons. Les médecins ont fait une biopsie par la suite, ce qui a montré que j'avais un cancer du poumon. En dépit d'être quelqu'un qui aime la vie et qui aide les autres dans le besoin, je me bats aujourd'hui contre un ennemi invisible qui est entraint de detruire rapidement ma vie. Ma famille et mes proches, malgré le fait que je ne sois pas marié, m'ont généreusement aidé à me rendre en Inde pour un traitement rapide de mon cancer du poumon, mais malheureusement en Inde, les médecins ont rapidement découvert que la maladie se propageait rapidement et avait déjà atteint mon cou, mon épaule, mes os. et cerveau à cause de quoi nous manquons d'argent en cours de route. J'ai subi une chimiothérapie à Apollo Chennai pour mon poumon et je ferai de la radiothérapie et de la tomothérapie pour les autres parties de mon corps. Mais il devient difficile de poursuivre mon traitement car la maladie continue de se propager et de devoir également payer pour d'autres tests comme les tests moléculaires, le PET scan, l'IRM et les tests sanguins. J'ai deux quotations de Apollo Chennai concernant l'oncologie médicale et la radio-oncologie. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les détails des coûts de la chimiothérapie et de la radiothérapie avec tomothérapie : CHIMIOTHÉRAPIE AU PEMETREXED CARBOPLATINE x 3 CYCLES Coût par cycle : 35000 INR : 35000 X 3 = Rs 105000 Entretien Pemetrexed X 12 cycles- Coût par cycle : 10000 INR : coût total : 10000 X12 = Rs 120000 Investigations et soins de support : RS 95000 RADIOTHÉRAPIE AVEC TOMOTHERAPIE sera d'environ 3250 USD hors autres tests. Le coût approximatif en roupies mauriciennes sera d'environ Rs 300 000, hors billets d'avion et tests ou médicaments supplémentaires. Mais malheureusement, je n'ai pas bénéficié du programme de traitement gouvernemental à l'étranger. C'est pourquoi nous collectons des fonds pour que je puisse continuer mon traitement. S'il vous plaît, priez pour moi et aidez-moi à collecter des fonds pour mon traitement. Merci beaucoup.Medical ExpensesRs 31,235 RaisedFor a ProjectLeg surgery (last chance to walk again)
Nusrath Karrimbuccus-DoomunHiAm Nusrath Karrimbuccus-Doomun resident of Pailles, 38 years old married with 2 kids, am here today to request for your help so that I can once again walk, be independent, and be able to look after myself and my kids.I was leading a normal life till 9 May 2017,when withing seconds everything's changed, within seconds I was robbed of the ability to walk again. I have had a road accident from which I was left bedridden then luckily confined to wheelchair till date.But with your help, I can be once again on my both legs, and feel the floor.Following the accident, I was admitted for 8 months at Jeetoo Hospital, and went through over 50 surgeries there then once discharged I started my orthopedic treatments at Darne Clinic Floreal, where again I had to undergo several surgeries.Then, since my leg is quite a complex case, and gaining several opinions from many ortho surgeons and consultants i decided with the support of doctors from both Jeetoo Hospital and Darne clinic to fly for India for further surgeries. I went to India 3 times, and underwent many surgeries.Last year for 9 months I was in India, but I returned in September as my funds were over leaving incomplete the treatments i was having.Now unfortunately, my ankle is complex, and i have to go to India asap for surgeries so as to save my leg and be able to walk again.I sincerely hope you will help me be it financially or be it prayers. I indeed need all of u to support me in this long medical battle which am fighting.I need your help to walk again.Please help me dearies.God will bless you million times more, and will bless n protect u and your family snd give all of you the best of everything that life has to offer.Please find attached my documents.Please help meThank youHealth & FitnessRs 5,700 RaisedFor a CauseDonate for my father's Treatment in India
DeviaHello, I am Devia and I am doing this crowdfunding for my father, Ramalingum Chuckravanen who is aged 55 years old. My dad has a tumor and recently he has completed his operation successfully, which has cost more than Rs 900,000. We were granted the overseas grant from the government and we had to find additional funds for his operation. Now, he will have to proceed with Radiation sessions and chemotherapy which will cost more than Rs 500,000. These treatments are not available in Mauritius. I will be grateful to any amount crontributed to the health of my father. Thanking you for your generosity. DeviaEmergency & DisastersRs 4,738 RaisedFor a CauseUnleashing the Power of Kindness: Join Us in Making a Difference!
Ashley EpsteinDo you believe in the transformative power of kindness? Are you passionate about creating a world where acts of compassion can touch lives and inspire positive change? Look no further! We invite you to be a part of our mission to spread undercover kindness and uplift those in need. Imagine a world where each act of kindness has a ripple effect, touching hearts, transforming lives, and instilling hope. Together, we can make this vision a reality. By supporting our project, you become a catalyst for change, joining a movement that embraces the power of human connection and generosity. It all began with a simple idea: to capture the profound impact of kindness. I embarked on a journey to showcase the extraordinary moments when strangers' lives are changed by a single act of kindness. But that's not all - I also received countless messages from individuals in desperate need, sharing their stories of hardship and hopelessness. Every day, I am humbled by the heartfelt letters and messages I receive. Stories of resilience, dreams deferred, and people desperately seeking a glimmer of hope in their darkest moments. It is these stories that drive me to do more, to go beyond viral videos and make a tangible impact on the lives of those who reach out to me. With your generous support, we can take undercover kindness to new heights. Your donations will not only enable us to continue producing high-quality videos that touch hearts and ignite positive change, but they will also allow us to extend a helping hand to those in need who write to us every day. Here's how your contribution will make a difference: Producing Compelling Videos: Your support will help us create captivating content that showcases the power of kindness in action. By sharing these videos through our social media channels and beyond, we will inspire a local audience and encourage a ripple effect of compassion and goodwill. Extending a Lifeline: Your donations will directly assist individuals who reach out to us, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope. We will use the funds to provide vital support, such as financial assistance and basic necessities, ensuring that kindness becomes a lifeline for those in need. (We will also be sure to thoroughly vet those requesting assistance to make sure that no one is taking advantage of our goodwill and kindness) Amplifying Impact: As our movement grows, so does the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and extend our reach. Your contributions will empower us to forge partnerships with local charities, shelters, and community initiatives, exponentially increasing our collective impact. Together, we can create a world where kindness reigns supreme. Your donation, no matter how small, will enable us to continue capturing the magic of undercover kindness and extending support to those who need it most. Join us in spreading hope, restoring faith, and building a brighter future for individuals in need. Donate now and become a driving force for positive change. Unleash the power of kindness and transform lives today! Thank you for your unwavering support. With gratitude, Ashley EpsteinCommunityRs 49,119 RaisedFor a CauseGalimatias - Mon combat contre les gènes de la violence
Kinsley DavidChers amis, soutiens et lecteurs, J'aimerais partager avec vous une nouvelle importante et un projet qui me tient profondément à cœur. J'ai écrit un livre intitulé "Galimatias - Mon combat contre les gènes de la violence - Ma guérison contre les blessures infligées par mon père violent". Ce livre est bien plus qu'une simple histoire personnelle, c'est un témoignage inspirant de résilience et de guérison. Mon objectif est d'aider d'autres jeunes qui ont vécu des situations similaires à la mienne à se relever et à se libérer des séquelles de la violence. Je veux prouver que la violence n'est pas une fatalité, mais qu'elle peut être surmontée avec courage, soutien et détermination. J'ai de bonnes nouvelles à partager : une maison d'édition renommée, Les Trois Colonnes, en France a accepté de publier mon livre. Cependant, pour concrétiser ce projet, j'ai besoin de fournir une participation financière de plus de 2000 euros. C'est pourquoi je m'adresse à vous aujourd'hui, dans l'espoir que vous pourrez contribuer à la publication de ce livre important. Votre soutien financier permettra de rendre ce témoignage accessible à un large public, offrant de l'espoir et des ressources à ceux qui en ont besoin. Je crois fermement en l'impact positif que ce livre peut avoir, en inspirant d'autres victimes de la violence à se reconstruire et à se libérer de leur passé. Votre contribution représente bien plus qu'une simple somme d'argent, c'est un acte de solidarité qui peut véritablement changer des vies. Si vous souhaitez participer à cette noble cause, veuillez prendre contact avec moi pour obtenir plus d'informations sur la manière de contribuer. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une différence et aider ces jeunes à se remettre sur pieds. Je vous remercie du fond du cœur pour votre soutien précieux et votre engagement à faire de ce projet une réalité. Bien à vous, KinsleyEducation & SchoolsRs 1,500 RaisedFor a ProjectRoad to Olympics- World Championships
Kobita DookheeKobita Dookhee and Lorna Bodha are Mauritian International Badminton players. We are the current national champions and have also been crowned African champions in 2022. To achieve these feats, we have worked very hard and made lots of sacrifices. We are blessed to represent Mauitius on the international scenes, and we are filled with pride when our national anthem resonates in the stadium. We have been identified by the Badminton Confederation of Africa as potential players who can qualify for the Olympic Games. To achieve this goal, we must participate in various tournaments to accummulate points. We worked strenuously to be able to qualify for the upcoming World Championships in Denmark. We are grateful for the unflinching support given by our parents so far specially financially. We are also thankful for the assistance we have had for some tournaments by the Ministry of Sports and the federation. However, due to restricted budgets, a lot of the tournaments are self-funded and it's becoming very tough to continue this path. Hence, we are turning to the generosity of our fellow countrymen and make an appeal that you support us in our endeavour so that we can achieve our mission and in doing so make our country and all Maurians be proud of our achievements. Whatever sum you deem fit would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. Attached are documents from the Badminton Confederation of Africa to support our cause.Health & FitnessRs 14,595 RaisedFor a CauseAidons ' Hope ' à avoir un avénir meilleur
Laura JauneLe 18 juillet 2019, Hope est née. Sa mère l'a portée pendant toute sa durée de 9 mois. Malheureusement, elle rencontre quelques difficultés pendant le travail sans obstétricien gynécologue de garde, ils ne peuvent pas lui faire de césarienne, la sage-femme n'étant pas qualifiée pour le faire. En raison de cet incident, Hope est née avec une asphyxie périnatale sévère avec encéphalopathie ischémique hypoxique de grade 3. Parce qu'elle est née asphyxiée, cela a entraîné une paralysie cérébrale sévère, avec des crises incontrôlées et elle a également un kyste de 14 mm dans son cerveau droit côté lobe temporal profond. Hope a maintenant 2 ans et ne peut pas s'asseoir, parler et marcher comme le ferait un enfant normal. En raison de l'état de Hope, sa mère est sa soignante à plein temps et le père est le seul pourvoyeur de la famille. Malheureusement, depuis que COVID a frappé, le père n'obtient pas assez de travail dans l'industrie du tourisme en tant qu'homme à tout faire et peut à peine se permettre un traitement médical continu à Hope, comme son discours deux fois par semaine, sa physiothérapie et ses médicaments. La collecte de fonds sera d'une grande aide pour que le parents de Hope puisse faire, son orthophonie et sa physiothérapie deux fois par semaine et ses médicaments. Les Sceance de thérapie 3 fois par semaine - Rs1500 par séance. Medication: Rufinamide Rs 12,200 tout les mois. Ce medicament elle le prendra a vie malheureusement. Mensuellement- Au totale Rs 30,200 environ Les test,'EEG ,MRI, PRISE DE SANG' et Les consultations,exclus. Chaque petite aide sera grandement apprécié alors creusons profondément et aidons Hope à avoir un avenir meilleur. Comme l'a dit le médecin, si elle continue à suivre des cours d'orthophonie et d'ergothérapie à un âge précoce, elle a de grandes chances d'être debout et nous ne perdrons pas cet espoir. C'est pourquoi nous l'appelons "Hope". Les familles Boncoeur et Jaune tiennent à remercier tout le monde d'avoir aidé leur petite princesse à avoir un avenir meilleur.Medical ExpensesRs 15,098 RaisedFor a CauseSolidarité pour mon papa Linley Meunier
David Meunier----------/// FRENCH ///----------- Bonjour à tous, je m'appelle David Meunier et je fais appel à votre générosité pour sauver la vie de mon papa Linley Meunier, 52 ans. En novembre 2022 il a subi une ablation d'un rein et aujourd'hui il continue son combat contre une tumeur au cerveau. Linley est une personne qui aime la vie, la pêche et surtout prendre soin de ses proches. L'équipe médicale de Maurice lui a proposé la radiothérapie mais nous ne voulons pas le voir affaibli et cloîtrer sur un lit d'hôpital. C'est pour cela que nous avons décidé de tenter un traitement (l'immunothérapie) en Inde. La famille et les amis ont fait preuves de beaucoup de générosité et nous avons pu trouver la somme pour l'envoyer en Inde et commencer le traitement mais toutefois nous allons en manquer en cours de route. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les détails du coût. Coût de l'évaluation: 1200 USD = Rs 55, 200 Immunotherapy: 21days × 4cycles 1 cycle: 5000 USD ×4= Rs 230, 000 Total: Rs 55, 200 + Rs 920,000= Rs 975, 200 Avec l'aide de la famille et des amis nous avons pu payer les billets d'avion, le premier cycle et une partie du deuxième cycle. Ils sont logés dans un studio à coté de l'hopital et sont en recherche d'un logement moins couteux Peut importe le montant de votre donation nous serons infiniment reconnaissant envers vous. Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous protège. ----------/// ENGLISH ///---------- Hello everyone, my name is David Meunier and I appeal to your generosity to save the life of my dad Linley Meunier, 52 years old. In November 2022 he had his kidney removed and today he continues his fight against a brain tumor. Linley is a person who loves life, fishing and especially taking care of his loved ones. Maurice's medical team has offered him radiotherapy, but we don't want to see him weakened and confined to a hospital bed. That's why we decided to try a treatment (immunotherapy) in India. Family and friends were very generous and we were able to find the money to send him to India and start the treatment, but we will run out of it along the way. Please see below details of cost: Cost of evaluation: 1200 USD = Rs 55, 200 Immunotherapy: 21days × 4cycles 1 cycle: 5000 USD ×4= Rs 230, 000 Total: Rs 55, 200 + Rs 920,000= Rs 975, 200 With the help of family and friends we were able to pay for the plane tickets, the first cycle and part of the second cycle. They are housed in a studio next to the hospital and are looking for less expensive accommodation. Regardless of the amount of your donation, we will be infinitely grateful to you. May God bless you and protect you.Medical ExpensesRs 165,812 RaisedFor a Cause350 sugarcane strays welfare in north
DR RASHILA RAMCHURNDear citizens animal lovers and philantropis petflation persistent rise in price level of fuel and pellets and food for animals is causing starvation of many stray dogs which I can no more feed alone from my salary daily as its costing around rs 3000 daily to travel and feed around 350 strays from khoyratty, ilot, mongout, calbas, Mount, Rosalie, Pont praslin, Arsenal and Darutty. Besides iv adopted several sick, old , handicapped, blind and ill-treated strays in my dog shelter and I am not an ngo. Funds are not enough to continue the good work alone. I rely on your help. Than you.Pets & AnimalRs 33,800 RaisedFor a CausePlease donate for my mother's surgery
Farhad munseeaHi all. I am raising fund for my mom, Rosida Munseea 61 years old and residing at curepipe, who has to undergo a leg surgery. She been suffering a lot since the past 6 months. She has already undergone a surgery before but it did not work. Now she needs to go for another surgery to bypass the circulation of blood in her left leg artery. As we are from a middle class family, we do not have that much fund as everything we had have gone in her treatment for all these 6 months in doctor visit, medecine transport etc.. Now It has been 2 months since she is having a lot of pain and she cannot even walk and sleep. Only the surgery will be costing around Rs 300,000 excluding pre operation treatment and after that, surgery treatment will cost around Rs 200,000 more. This is why we are raising fund only for surgery and the rest we will cope ourselves. I thank you all in advance for your donations so that my mother can get well and be able to walk like before. Thank You, FarhadMedical ExpensesRs 41,721 RaisedFor a CauseHorizon : Cap sur Moris
Henri RadenacHorizon : Cap sur Moris est un projet visant à préserver l'environnement de l'île Maurice. A travers un partenariat avec Ebony Forest et la réalisation d'un , je souhaite réunir des fonds pour la préservation de la faune et la flore mauricienne. Afin de réunir des fonds en alliant sport et nature, je vais réaliser un tour de l'Île Maurice à pieds. Fin juillet, pendant 1 semaine je vais parcourir plus de 250 kilomètres autour de l'île. 1 don (250RS = 1 kilomètre parcouru), l'objectif étant de réunir 250 dons de cette valeur !! Cette levée de fond est en faveur d'Ebony Forest, une organisation qui a pour missions de sauver les espèces en voie de disparition à Maurice, éduquer et sensibiliser à la valeur de la biodiversité et être une entreprise durable. Depuis sa création en 2006 : - 141 000 plantes indigènes ont été plantées - Création d'un refuges pour les espèces menacées - Création d'un centre d'écologie - Espèces réintroduites (Pigeon rose) A travers leur passion pour la nature et leur persévérance, ils se battent afin de préserver l'écosystème de l'île Maurice. Vos dons leurs permettront de poursuivre leurs actions de préservation. N'hésitez à vous rendre sur leur site internet : Et à suivre la page instagram du projet : horizon_capsurmorisNature & EnvironmentRs 72,000 RaisedFor a CauseFundraising for Association Pour Les Handicapés De Malherbes
Association Pour Les Handicapés De MalherbesDear friends, supporters and others. Today I share this message with you because it is about the future of 50 disable children. The Association Les Handicapés De Malherbes(APLHDM) is a Mauritian NGO which manages a specialised Education Need school and a specialised residential care centre for disable children. The covid19 global pandemic in the meantime has caused many of the generous sponsors to stop their support (reluctantly). The proceeds of this project will bear the running cost of our Specialised care centre(specialised materials,clothes,rent, etc ) Today we are counting on you, to contribute to this noble cause.Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 3,300 RaisedFor a CauseFaites un don pour Soutenir Sunita dans sa lutte contre le cancer
Prescilla ThomasSunita à 53 ans et mère d'un adolescent de 16 ans. Elle a été opérée d'urgence en Décembre 2021 à la clinique Muller. Elle a commencé son traitement de chimiothérapie en Janvier 2022 qui a duré jusqu'au mois d'août 2022, 16 séances faits au New Cancer Center. Elle suit actuellement un traitement ormonale prescrit par l'oncologue de l'hôpital Victoria à base de Letrozole. Pour empêcher le développement agressif de la maladie, un traitement complémentaire à base de PALPOCICLIB à ète prescrit dont le cout mensuel est de Rs 7,000 pour une durée de 4 ans. PALBOCICLIB 125mg n'étant pas disponible dans les hôpitaux publiques, dont le but de la collecte.Medical ExpensesRs 4,100 RaisedFor a CauseSolidarité pour Gérard Ludovic Désiré SAMINADEN
Solidarité Mauriciens d'AilleursBonjour tout le monde, Je m'appelle Saminaden Ludovic. J'ai eu un grave accident de la route le 22 octobre 2022. J'ai le visage défiguré, la colonne vertébrale fracturée et depuis je ne marche pas. Je me déplace en fauteuil roulant ou en voiture et dans un ambulance pour mes rendez-vous à l'hôpital. Après plusieurs rendez-vous, les médecins m'ont dit qu'ils ne pensent pas réaliser des interventions chirurgicales, et ils n'ont même pas refait des examens ou même une radiographie pour voir mon état si je me porte bien. Les médicaments ne calment pas mes douleurs à long terme, raison pour laquelle qu'un membre de ma famille qui vit en France m'a proposé de venir continuer mon traitement en France. La seule problématique est que je n'arrive pas à réunir l'argent pour mon voyage. Les billets d'avion me coûtent dans les Rs47,000 par personne. J'ai réussi à réunir environ Rs15,000 et il me manque environ Rs 90,000. Mon voyage est prévu pour le 29 mai 2023, la date ou les billets d'avion sont moins chers. Je vais bientôt avoir une cotation pour savoir combien de temps et combien d'argent il va me falloir pour mon traitement. Quelqu'un de mon entourage essaye de faire de son mieux pour que le gouvernement m'accorde un soutien financier pour mon déplacement en France pour le traitement. Je sollicite votre bienveillance et votre aide si précieuse afin que je puisse continuer en France mes soins et réaliser cette intervention chirurgicale. Je vous remercie par avance pour votre gentillesse et l'intérêt que vous portez à mon égard. LudoMedical ExpensesRs 16,169 RaisedFor a CauseFUNDRAISING FOR MR VELE RAMEN - CANCER SURGERY
SUNITA RAMENGreetings everyone, my name is RAMEN Sunita, i am requesting any contributions on behalf of my husband Mr RAMEN Vele who is suffering from a type of cancer called 'Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma'. One intervention had already been done in 2021 in India, but last year doctors noticed that there has been cancer recurrence. Due to the progressive stage of the cancer, the right side of his face had to be partially removed and will require reconstructive surgery. As such my husband will again need a surgical procedure to be done and unfortunately same cannot be done in Mauritius, reason why we will need to raise funds (approx Rs 1.5Million) to be able to go to India for the procedure. Due to my husband's medical condition, i am the only one in the family to work and cater for the needs of my husband and two children. All legal documents have already been received from concerning authorities. I am counting on the generosity and donations of anyone who can contribute so i can cater for the medical expenses of my husband. Thank you in advance to those who will be contributing and helping us. God bless youMedical ExpensesRs 4,200 RaisedFor a ProjectRecycling & Upcycling
Rameshwaram Rughoobur - PraveeI am Rughoobur Rameshwaram, a visual and graphic Artist for the past 17 years. I have actively participated in national and international art exhibitions promoting culture and building sustainability in the visual arts community. The essence of writing this letter is to invite you to be a Co-Sponsor or Supporter of the grand Art exhibition on ‘’Recycling & Upcycling’’ to be held in February 2024 at The Caudan Arts Centre. This theme reminds us of that simple, daily act, to eventually help prevent our environment from suffocating from pollution thus enabling us to lead a healthier life, building and promoting a stronger and happier community for tomorrow. This event is indeed an opportunity for us participants to sensitise our people the importance of a sound planet and how we can contribute to protect our environment and care to help in fighting climate change by considering the Sustainable Development Goals. I will make use of scrap materials like plastics, metals, wastes from textiles, glass, bottles and other objects which are otherwise disposed of in nature and which are the principle factors which destroy nature. It shall be a great opportunity to demonstrate to people how these non-desired items may be transformed into Arts. My attempt will be to exhibit “from eyesore to eye catching”. Be the proud sponsor of the primary source of funding of this event to ensure its success!!Arts & CultureRs 2,100 RaisedFor a ProjectFundraising for participation at African Beach Games 2023
Vashisht JagurnathAs pre-selected athletes to represent Mauritius in the discipline of air Badminton at the African Beach Games 2023 and after months of training for the event, we were made aware that the Mauritius Badminton Association does not have enough funds to send our delegation to the competition. Well- prepared for the games which is scheduled to take place from 27-30 June 2023 and to win the tournament and qualifying the country for the ANOC World Beach Games scheduled to take place in Bali August 2023, we are looking for funds that can help us represent our country at the esteemed multi-sport tournament and defend our national colours. We are approaching fellow Mauritians to contribute and help us participate for the tournament and fight for our country. As pre-selected members; Mr. Tamesh BHOYROO, Mr. Shaheer RAMRAKHA and Mr. Vashisht JAGURNATH, rely a lot on the support from the public.We thank you for the usual trust and helpTravelRs 23,505 RaisedFor a CauseMission : Stérilisation
Well-Being Of StraysDon de 200,000 rs nécesaire pour diminuer le nombre d'animaux errants... Well-Being of Strays organise en May 2023, et une campagne pour stériliser environ 200 animaux afin d'éviter les portées non-désirées et donc réduire le nombre d'abandon ou d'animaux errants sur l'île. Soutenez-nous en contribuant pour rendre cette Campagne un succès...Nonprofit (NGO)Rs 10,806 RaisedFor a CauseHelp Turkey and Syria Relief Fund
Platinum premiumOur Team Platinum Premium based in Port Louis Mauritius has been working with Turkey since 2009. We have many close friends suffering their loss of their family members. We are in collaboration with an association in Turkey to help with this fundraising here in Mauritius. The whole world is affected by what happened to Turkey and Syria for the past weeks, they need our help. Thousands of people died and thousands still need urgent help. The earthquake in Turkey and Syria has created an urgent humanitarian crisis, drawing relief and aid workers from around the world. To date, more than 40,000 lives have been lost and more than 5 million people may need shelter in Syria and Turkey alone. All donations to this fund will support Turkey and Syria earthquake relief and recovery efforts. Initially, the fund helps first responders meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, medicine, and shelter. As needs evolve, we will prioritize longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted organizations in the impacted areas. Families with children are sleeping in the streets, malls, schools, mosques, bus stations and under bridges. They are staying with their children in open areas, afraid to return home to buildings that may be structurally unsound and vulnerable to the potential impact of likely aftershocks. Tens of thousands of families are exposed to the elements at a time of year when temperatures are bitingly cold, and snow and freezing rain are common. Reports rise daily of the number of children suffering from hypothermia and respiratory infections. Your donation will be used to: Provide food, clean water, and medicine to survivors Provide shelter and temporary housing to people who lost their homes Provide psycho-social and mental health support to survivors Support economic relief efforts Support long-term recovery efforts And much, much more!Emergency & DisastersRs 500 RaisedFor a CauseFaire un don pour que David puisse réaliser ses soins
Solidarité Mauriciens d'AilleursFRENCH Bonjour David FRANCIS âgé de 39 ans, un jeune homme habitant avec sa maman retraitée et invalide. Le 30/04/2022 il a été victime d'un AVC entraînant une paralysie de son membre du côté droit. Depuis le mois de mai dernier, il réalise des séances de rééducation à l'hôpital. Pendant ces séances de rééducation, ils ont découvert que David présente une dépression sévère et l'os de son épaule droite est usé. Malheureusement il ne peut plus continuer les séances à l'hôpital mais a été obligé de suivre ses traitements dans le privé surtout au niveau de la physiothérapie. Il est également prévu de débuter un traitement dans le privé avec un psychologue pour sa dépression ainsi que des séances de massage, mais tout cela a un coût malheureusement. Malgré l'aide qu'il reçoit de l'état, le montant reste insuffisant pour la continuité de ces soins. Prise de court par cette décision soudaine, pour sauver David, nous faisons appel à votre générosité et soutien à travers vos dons pour qu'elle puisse avoir les traitements nécessaires. Merci d'avance de votre bienveillance.Medical ExpensesRs 13,629 RaisedFor a CauseMission : Remplir leur gamelle
Well-Being Of StraysNous faisons appel à votre générosité :) Well-Being Of Strays est une ONG créée en 2017 pour aider les animaux abandonnés, traitant dans les rues de l'île Maurice ou maltraitants à trouver une famille aimante, les soigner, les nourrir, les sauver et aussi les stériliser. Pour que notre combat continue, WOS a besoin de votre aide pour acheter de la nourriture, chaque jour des bénévoles nourrissent les animaux de leur région ou partent sur les plages/champs de cannes où beaucoup sont abandonnés sur place. Vous pouvez contribuer pour l'achat d'un sac de riz ou de croquettes etc : Bal de riz = 270rs Pâtée = 50rs Bal de croquettes = 1000rs ENSEMBLE NOUS POUVONS CHANGER LEUR VIEPets & AnimalRs 26,100 RaisedFor a CauseGraffiti a boundary wall
Association A.S.K you?Association A.S.K you is located at Cité Richelieu. We have for objective to deliver tuition for free to the children and we collect food donation for vulnerable families. A new boundary wall has been constructed to separate the agricultural field to our village. We have to plaster the boundary wall To paint the wall in white To graffiti the wall ( 80 panels - embellishment design in red, blue dark and pale, yellow, black, green dark, green pale, orange brown, white) Budget Amount Plaster the wall with cement 25,000 Painting the wall + graffiti + materials 25,000 50,000 Our objectif is to embellish our villages through graffiti. To do so, we need your help to achieve our goal.Nature & EnvironmentRs 1,200 RaisedFor a ProjectQBVBC - African Clubs Championship participation - Tunisia
QUATRE BORNES VOLLEYBALL CLUBGood news : You can now support by funding ! Two weeks after a fulfilling 4th consecutive champion title in the Zone 7 - Club Championship in Mauritius and with the full support of fans, Quatre Bornes Volleyball Club is targeting even higher by dreaming of a 1st participation in the African Clubs Championship to be held from 13th to 26th May in Tunis, Tunisia Only our fighting spirit and winning mindset will not be enough to fund this project, and so we are looking to raise Rs500,000/- or any amount you can donate towards the Rs2.2M project costs. With your help and support we know we can make it happen.TravelRs 307,947 RaisedFor a CauseFund Raising for Mr Vadamootoo-Renal Transplant
Varouna RamgoolamMr Ganessen Vadamootoo, aged 47, and actually working as Office Attendant at the Financial Reporting Council is facing a severe health issue and needs our support. Ganessen and his family went to Manipal Haspital, Bangalore, India on 3 January 2023 for Renal Transplant. Ganessen is under observation of Dr Deepak Kumar Chitralli for his renal treatment which is amouting to around Rs 1.6 million. However, before proceeding with the transplant, he has been advised to undergo an urgent heart surgery after doing several tests. For this reason, Ganessen and his family need our support and generosity. On behalf of Ganessen and his family I am requesting for your support and generosity to reach the target of 500,000 MUR. You may contribute any amount you wish to. Any little amount counts to support his treatment. Please also share this link to create awareness of this collect. Let us all join our efforts together to help Ganessen to have his heart surgery and transplant and follow-ups to allow him to return safely, in good health and lead a normal life with us, his family and little daughter. Pray and donate for Ganessen. Thank you heartfully for your contribution and generosity.Medical ExpensesRs 152,568 RaisedFor a CauseBRAIN ANEURYSM SURGERY IN INDIA
KOWLESSUR RiteshHello everyone. My name is Ritesh Kowlessur. I am seeking help for my father, Mr. Ravindranath Kowlessur, who is also known as “Ravin tailleur”. On the 19th of January, he had a sudden episode of hypertension, which resulted in a brain aneurysm and subarachnoid hemorrhage [blood vessel bleeding in the brain]. Unfortunately, the neurosurgeon said there is no treatment in Mauritius and he had to travel to Apollo Mumbai hospital on the 29th of January. Since his time of admission, he has been in the ICU. The Ministry of Health and Wellness along with the Ministry of Social Security Office had provided us with a grant but the amount for overseas medical surgery and treatment has already exceeded. He underwent surgery on the 31st of January but is still hospitalized due to a slow recovery along with multiple hospital-acquired infections. As per the treating doctor, my father will need a prolonged stay in the hospital as he is still drowsy. On behalf of my father and my family, I am humbly requesting any kind of assistance or help to support and contribute to his treatment. Any amount will count. Kindly share this link to create awareness of this collection. Pray and donate for my dad. Thank you heartfully for your contributions and prayers.Medical ExpensesRs 95,106 RaisedFor a CauseFund raising for brain tumour operation
Woodun DhanraneeHello Everyone, I am Dhanranee Woodun and I am 49 years old. I have got a tumour in my head that has extended in my nose and since then I am having trouble to breathe. I have had a surgery once in 2020 in India wherby all the medical expenses was covered by the Government Overseas Grant. Unfortunately my tumour has reccur and grown bigger in size. It is affecting my nose, ears, eyes and even my soft and hard palate. I can hardly breathe and I am constantly in pain. I need to go urgently to India for a second operation that will cost me about 1 to 1.5 million mauritian rupees. Unfortunately this time the government will not cover my medical expenses and I do not have the means to afford this much my myself. That is why I am coming to the public to ask for financial help. Please help me, I am badly in need of your donations. Thank you for your generosity. God will bless you all.Medical ExpensesRs 27,033 RaisedFor a CauseLevée de fonds pour Louis Charlondo Antoine
Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs---------- FRENCH ----------Louis Charlondo Antoine âgé de 39 ans, un papa de deux enfants est atteint d'une exophthalmie désignant une protrusion du globe oculaire (œil qui sort). La maladie peut toucher un œil ou les deux qui paraissent globuleux. Elle est le plus souvent causée par une hyperthyroïdie. Le traitement repose le plus souvent sur l'équilibre de la thyroïde. Il était soigné à l'hôpital de Souillac et il a même bénéficié d'un entretien avec le médecin expertise à l'hôpital de Moka. Le médecin de l'hôpital lui a conseillé de réaliser une chirurgie en Inde qui consiste à faire "de la place" dans l'orbite en enlevant de l'os, plus ou moins de la graisse, afin de réduire l'exophtalmie et de faire rentrer les yeux dans les orbites. Le ministère de la santé publique financera son déplacement et le coût de la chirurgie en Inde, mais il leur a conseillé d'avoir un peu plus d'argent en leur possession pour le frais de logement, la réalisation des tests COVID et s'il arrive que l'intervention coûtera plus chère, tous ces dépensements seront à leurs frais. Prise de court par cette décision soudaine, pour sauver Louis Charlondo Antoine, nous faisons appel à votre générosité et soutien à travers vos dons pour qu'il puisse avoir les traitements nécessaires le plus rapidement possible avant que son état s'aggrave encore plus. Merci d'avance de votre bienveillance. ---------- ENGLISH ---------- Louis Charlondo Antoine, 39 years old, a father of two children, suffers from exophthalmos, meaning a protrusion of the eyeball (eye sticking out). The disease may affect one or both eyes which appear bulging. It is most often caused by hyperthyroidism. Treatment is most often based on balancing the thyroid. He was being treated at Souillac hospital and he even had an interview with the expert doctor at Moka hospital. The doctor at the hospital advised him to perform surgery in India which consists of making "room" in the orbit by removing bone, more or less fat, in order to reduce exophthalmos and bring the eyes back into their sockets. The Ministry of Public Health will fund his travel and the cost of the surgery in India, but he advised them to have some extra cash in their possession for accommodation costs, carrying out COVID tests and if it happens that the intervention will cost more, all these expenses will be at their expense. Taken aback by this sudden decision, to save Louis Charlondo Antoine, we appeal to your generosity and support through your donations so that he can have the necessary treatments as quickly as possible before his condition worsens even more. Thank you in advance for your kindness.Medical ExpensesRs 19,013 RaisedFor a CauseDonate to help Nicolas return back to India to complete MIBG therapy for his tumours.
Nicolas Lacourt///ENGLISH/// Hi, I Nicolas Lacourt ,first of all I would like to thank you all for your donation and prayers for my previous treatment of Radiotherapy in Fortis Memorial hospital in India. The therapy was done and we returned back to Mauritius. Unfortunately due to some complications and pains we returned to India urgently in August 2022. It cost me Rs 450,000 which I paid from personal savings and help from families and friends. After some tests were done, the doctor found some new legions in the L3 vertebrae and left femur. The doctor advise me to come back to India for follow-upand to have a second MIBG therapy after 3 months, due to lack of money we are planning to return back to India in January 31st. This will cost me approximately Rs 500,000 for all expenses air tickets, food, accomodations,tests and treatments. I am in short of funds and I sincerely hope you will consider my request and give me a positive reply I need your help and prayers to continue my treatment. Thank you in advance.Nicolas///FRENCH/// Bonjour, je suis Nicolas Lacourt, tout d'abord je voudrais tous vous remercier pour votre don et vos prières pour mon précédent traitement de radiothérapie à l'hôpital Fortis Memorial en Inde. La thérapie a été faite et nous sommes retournés à Maurice. Malheureusement, en raison de complications et de douleurs, nous sommes retournés d'urgence en Inde en août 2022. Cela m'a coûté 450 000 roupies que j'ai payées grâce à mes économies personnelles et à l'aide de ma famille et de mes amis. Après quelques tests, le médecin a trouvé de nouvelles légions dans les vertèbres L3 et le fémur gauche. Le médecin m'a conseillé de revenir en Inde pour un suivi et d'avoir une deuxième thérapie MIBG après 3 mois, faute d'argent, nous prévoyons de retourner en Inde le 31 janvier. Cela me coûtera environ Rs 500 000 pour tous les billets d'avion, la nourriture, l'hébergement, les tests et les traitements. Je suis à court de fonds et j'espère sincèrement que vous considérerez ma demande et me donnerez une réponse positive. J'ai besoin de votre aide et de vos prières pour continuer mon traitement. Merci en avance. NicolasMedical ExpensesRs 15,030 RaisedFor a CauseNeed help for Hydrocephalus treatment abroad
Seetaram Naib Adan AlvinioHello everyone, I am Seetaram Naib Adan Alvinio and I am 25 years old. I suffer from hydrocephalus since birth. I live with a Vp shunt in the brain. I have done 5 surgeries till now but there is still liquid in my brain. After doing several tests and MRI, the doctor found that will have to do another surgery again as the shunt is partially blocked. We sought for help from the government as the case has become more complicated but the board rejected our request this is clearly a medical negligence. I went to a private clinic and the doctor has found that the shunt has been partially blocked and need to be changed. I am having severe headaches and vomiting. The private doctor has found that an advanced MRI has to be done at Reunion Island in order to know the exact amount of fluid in the brain as they have more advanced technology. The cost for the test only is approximately Rs 100,000, which we have been able to collect from famillies and friends. The shunt replacement surgery has to be done in England as the particular is not available in Mauritius and will cost approximately Rs 2 million. Please help me in any way you can so that I can go for the surgery abroad and have a better life.Medical ExpensesRs 12,134 RaisedFor a CauseHelp save Karan
Vindoomutee Tohooloo/// ENGLISH VERSION /// Meeta Toholoo flew to India with her son Govind Avtaar Karan last month. He was recently operated on in a hospital in Manipal. The 22-year-old suffers from ‘complex congenital heart disease’. Govind Avtaar Karan Toholoo, since his birth, suffers from several health problems: heart, kidney, stomach and bladder malformations. Last month, Meeta Toholoo rushed to India for an emergency operation with her youngest child, who was losing consciousness regularly due to a heart problem. Meeta did her best so that the surgery could be done as soon as possible. Her family was able to raise Rs 250,000 through public donations, but Rs 800,000 was missing. The hospital refused to proceed with the surgery as long as the payment of 2.2 million Indian rupees (Rs 1.1 million) was not made and a relative gave her this loan which she has to repay. The intervention went well and we were able to put a valve. This is the tenth operation that Govind Avtaar Karan has undergone. The first was when he was one day old. Her mother is asking for help to be able to finance the operation of his son. /// FRENCH VERSION /// Meeta Toholoo est allée en Inde avec son fils Govind Avtaar Karan le mois dernier. Il a récemment été opéré dans un hôpital de Manipal. Le jeune homme de 22 ans souffre d'une "maladie cardiaque congénitale complexe". Govind Avtaar Karan Toholoo, depuis sa naissance, souffre de plusieurs problèmes de santé : malformations du cœur, des reins, de l'estomac et de la vessie. Le mois dernier, Meeta Toholoo s'est précipitée en Inde pour une opération d'urgence avec son plus jeune enfant, qui perdait régulièrement connaissance à cause d'un problème cardiaque. Meeta a fait de son mieux pour que l'opération puisse avoir lieu le plus tôt possible. Sa famille a pu récolter 250, 000 roupies par des dons publics, mais il manquait 800 000 roupies. L'hôpital a refusé de procéder à l'opération tant que le paiement de 2,2 millions de roupies indiennes (Rs 1,1 million) n'a pas été effectué et qu'un proche lui a accordé ce prêt qu'elle doit rembourser. L'intervention s'est bien déroulée et nous avons pu mettre une valve. C'est la dixième opération subie par Govind Avtaar Karan. Le premier était quand il avait un jour. Sa mère demande de l'aide pour pouvoir financer l'opération de son fils.Medical ExpensesRs 3,100 RaisedFor a CauseFaire un don pour que Niguel puisse continuer ses traitements en Inde
Solidarité Mauriciens d'Ailleurs---/// FRENCH ///---Bonjour, Nous sollicitons votre bienveillance, votre soutien et votre aide afin que la maman de Nigel puisse avoir un soulagement. Elle est une mère très courageuse qui depuis plus de 2 ans se bat pour la santé de son fils. Nous comptons sur votre aide, merci pour votre générosité. eint de la maladie de Hirschprung - qui affecte le système digestif, Nigel a déjà subi 9 opérations. Il est actuellement sous traitement à l'unité cardiaque de l'hôpital SSRN mais doit se précipiter à nouveau en Inde pour une chirurgie cardiaque qui n'est pas disponible à Maurice. Ils ont aujourd'hui besoin d'aides financières, car le salaire de sa mère ne lui permettra pas d'obtenir un crédit additionel. Elle travail dans une école en tant que surveillante. Elle fait le va et le vient entre l'Inde et Maurice pour les soins de Nigel. Elle avait déjà eu l'aide de l'état la première fois. Sa mère s'est endettée jusqu'au cou pour la survie de Nigel. Aidons-les à traverser cette épreuve! Les soins sont de plus en plus chers étant toute seule, ce n'est plus possible. Nous comptons sur votre aide, merci pour votre générosité.---/// ENGLISH ///--- Hello, We are asking for your kindness, your support and your help so that Nigel's mother can have relief. She is a very courageous mother who for more than 2 years has been fighting for the health of her son. We count on your help, thank you for your generosity. Suffering from Hirschprung's disease - which affects the digestive system, Nigel has already undergone 9 operations. He is currently undergoing treatment at Cardiac Unit of SSRN Hospital but has to rush back to India for heart surgery which is not available in Mauritius. They now need financial assistance because her mother's salary will not allow her to obtain additional credit. She works in a school as a supervisor. She goes back and forth between India and Mauritius for Nigel's care. She had already had help from the state the first time. His mother went into debt up to her neck for Nigel's survival. Let's help them get through this ordeal! Care is more and more expensive being alone, it is no longer possible. We are counting on your help, thank you for your generosity.Medical ExpensesRs 17,983 RaisedFor a CauseSpine surgery
Andrew Chan Kam TakJe suis David, mais étant en fauteuil depuis 10 ans, déjà ayant une vie difficile car souffrant des douleurs affreuses dit neuropatique depuis l'opération, que j'ai subie dans un des hôpitaux publics qui c'est bien mal passé. c'est pourquoi j'ai choisi de le faire dans une clinique privée cette fois. J'ai deux opérations à faire pour ma colonne vertébrale qui vont me coûter très cher, environ Rs 2, 800, 000. C'est pour cela que je fais appel à votre gérosité afin que je puisse avoir une vie quasi normale et que j'arrête de dépendre des médicaments de plus 20 pilules par jour. La situation devient urgente.Medical ExpensesRs 53,645 RaisedFor a ProjectLooking for Partners
Caffrine Délices Team c/o Mrs Précilla PermallSince November 2022 we have been raising funds to help Caffrine Délices ( a group of 4 women - Précilla, Francine, Dorothy, and Thessa) get a food outlet at the Food Avenue found at Coeur de Ville Tamarin Mall - Super U Caffrine Délices is there since 1st.December and is gradually making itself known to the public. We would like to thank all those who contributed to support the project. We have been able to get the following equipment through funds raised and the sales of our products: 1. Small Fridge 2. Electric "Bain Marie" devices - on credit by installments 3. Professional Kitchen Hood - on credit by installments 4. Extractor - on credit by installments 5. Signage at our outlet Yet we still need support to purchase the following which we cannot afford with our actual sales - (not much left after paying the installments and other expenses) 1. Gas Rice Cooker 2. Oven 3. Professional Kitchen utensils 4. Part payments for our kitchen hood, extractor & electric "bain marie" devices 5. Cash Register Your continuous support is most welcome. Thank you!Local BusinessRs 13,839 RaisedFor a CauseNeed help for treatment expenses abroad
Hansha TeeluckMy name is Avinash Teeluck. First of all I would like to thank you all for the contributions made to my previous campaign for the surgery of my broken leg treament in India and your prayers. The surgery was successfully done and i had returned to Mauritius last June 2022. Unfortunately due to some complication i have to go to India again for another surgery. Following my last check-up with Doctor in Mauritius and after having consuling the Doctor who did my surgery in India, it was found on x-rays that the bone is growing in a curve direction. There is the urgency to go back to India for another surgery which can only be done in India since in Mauritius we dont have such facilities for this type of treatment. This particulqr surgery is to put the growing bone right on track so that it should meet the bone at the next end and clear the gaps between the bones Ministry of health has referred my case to India for the said surgery with no further fundings. I am hereby making appeal to everybody whatever possible as per your means if you can help me out in this difficult situation so that i can finally stand on my feet. I am bed ridden since 2 years now. Please help me.Medical ExpensesRs 2,600 RaisedFor a CauseDonate to save a life
Hanaa JacksonDanabarlen Gooroiah, aged 53, suffered from a stroke and underwent a brain surgery in Indonesia. He is stuck there and the medical costs are expensive. Danabarlen, from his nickname Navin, has always been a good person and soul to others. He is kind, helpful, loving and he lights up everywhere he goes with his contagious smile and laugh. Now, he is bedridden and cannot do anything. My family and myself, needs your help to save him. Please donate to save a life and help a good soul to have his way back home. We will be eternally grateful to everyone who can help him. Thank you all for your kind heart and generosity.Medical ExpensesRs 117,140 RaisedFor a CauseConstruction of dog shelter and feeding of stray dogs
DR RASHILA RAMCHURNHello Everyone, I am Rashila, a teacher by profession. Daily, on my way back from work, I feed around 300 stray dogs who live in villages in the North of Mauritius. They are starving and they need food. Daily I need 30 kg pongo which cost Rs 2400, 1 bag of ration rice which cost Rs 270, Rs 300 of chicken necks, and Rs 700 for fuel used in travelling to feed. I have adopted 22 stray dogs at my place: handicapped, blind, dog which have been burnt when sugarcane field was set on fire, accidented dogs and gastro puppies. They don't have a proper place of shelter and they all sleep in my garage and during rainy seasons the garage is flooded. The project aim is to build different kennels for different categories of dogs, to feed 300 Street dogs daily and sterilise the female strays which I feed and their puppies.Pets & AnimalRs 64,900 RaisedFor a CauseNeed donations for a child who is suffering from ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA cancer.
Richemond LafontanHello I am Richemond Lafontan , I have a nephew named Valentin Lafontan of 25 years old, he has a wife with 2 small kids. And he is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Valentin Lafontan is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia since a longtime. I have been to India for the first time with Valentin Lafontan for one month as the Mauritius Government has helped us with an overseas grant of MUR 1 million for his treatment, and now, he have to go to India once again to transplant a spongy material found inside bones.(stem cell) We received a further grant of MUR 500, 000 from Rodrigues Island as he is of a nationality of Rodrigues. Valentin Lafontan had gone to India with the sum we received from Rodrigues but he could not begin his treatment when we got to know that his treatment is going to cost approximately MUR 2 million rupees and the MUR 500 000 rupees won't be enough. So he had to returned to Mauritius without doing any treatment. I Richemond Lafontan requested you all if you can do a small donation for my nephew Valentin Lafontan so that he can have his treatment as soon as possible. He can recover from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and continue his journey with his wife and children.Medical ExpensesRs 4,800 RaisedFor a CausePlease donate to help us save our dad
Ayesha VydelingumHello everyone, I am Ayesha Vyedelingum and I am doing this crowdfunding for my dad, Kesavah Vyedelingum, who is 55 years old and is suffering from a liver abscess cause by Covid-19.He has small pus filled pouch in various part of his body. The abscess was caused by his blood getting infected (septicemia) and all those issues combined made his diabete get out of control at a rapid rate. It kept fluctuating constantly causing his heart rate to beat more than a 100 times in one minute(Tachycardia). Due to the impact his body and immune system had to go through, he started losing sight and now has completely lost sight in one eye and it is currently protruding and bleeding. My dad is under the care of my brother and I and we unfortunately do not have an insurance to support us with his medical expenses. We have been relying on our savings so far but not even two weeks in and the bill for the clinic keeps piling up to quite a big amount of money, which we unfortunately do not have in our possession. He requires a long stay in the clinic as per his medical certificate attached. The doctors did mention that the type of treatment he is on does require a bit of time to see an improvement. Even now with proper treatment his life is still in danger, if we move him elsewhere once we are unable to afford the cost, his health will surely deteriorate. I don't think he will have a chance to survive if that happens. We would be immensely grateful for any help we can get from you all.Medical ExpensesRs 151,439 RaisedFor a ProjectLeve de fond pour un projet educatif
Beatrice RiviereHELP US ! Donate for a good cause ‘A NOU VIVRE BIEN!’ is a project with the purpose of helping the Citizens of Mauritius to be more effective and productive in today’s busy world by creating positive changes in the society and by making mindful practice a part of life of Mauritians via an universal approach towards a healthy community. Vision Aim to promote and provide a toolkit for stress management and to prevent burnout and ensure a healthy lifestyle and a better living Be our clients' partner in the stress management associated with their activities. Mission To empower people to be more focus and productive To sensitize people on the risk of stress and create awareness to reduce stress and to prevent burnout To promote people’s wellbeing and fight against stress With these practices, one can actually experience immediate inspiration, learn how to deal with difficult people, manage change, and confront fears. We are sure that if we can touch at least one person in each house with the program of ‘A NOU VIVRE BIEN!’ ‘ we can make magic.EducationRs 5,892 RaisedFor a CausePlease help for my son's Medical expenses
Ramesh DhunnooHello Everyone, I am Ramesh Dhunnoo, father of Havishek Dhunnoo. We are from St Pierre, Verdun. I am doing this crowdfunding for the medical expenses of my son who met with a serious road accident last year at Riche Terre. He is 27 years old and he has already undergone three surgeries in Mauritius. He lost his knee during the accident and necessary treatment is to be done in India as advised by the Ministry of Health for a knee replacement which is very costly. A part of the sum needed for treatment has been granted by the Government of Mauritius, that is, Rs 800 000 and according to his treating Doctor it may amount up to nearly Rs 2 millions including his stay for post surgery treatments. We have been able to collect Rs 200,000 and we need Rs 1 million. This sum is beyond our means. After the 5th of December 2022, the patient will have to bear the expenses of his stay and treatment at his own costs. His probable date of return is so far unknown and is already facing financial difficulties. (Copy of Ministry of Health enclosed). This is why I am pleading help from the public to help me pay my son medical expenses. Any amount contributed and share will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.Medical ExpensesRs 10,344 Raised