Help us raise fund for Baby Jazeel, 2 years old, for his heart operation in India- CrowdFunding

Help us raise fund for Baby Jazeel, 2 years old, for his heart operation in India

By : Shamira Aliraja
Created on: 01 Apr, 2024
Rs 3,683 Raised
Rs 500,000

We are the Kassim family from the south of Mauritius. Our son Jazeel, 2 years old was diagnosed with a Complex Congenital Heart Disease since his birth.

This was an emergency case and we had to travel for India for advanced medical treatment 2 weeks after his birth, where he underwent his 1st surgery which costed Rs 1.6M. We received financial support from the overseas grant and the remaining balance from families and friends. He did a second intervention in August 2022 thanks to the donations of many generous mauritians.

He currently has a hole in his heart which makes him very vulnerable. The hole increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs and over time, it may cause damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. However as he is very little, the doctors told us that he will need several interventions before getting better. After 2 successful interventions, our baby has been on cobservation in Mauritius.

However we were told that he will need another surgery (Intracardiac repair) in the 1 month. We are making an appeal to you to help us raise funds so we can travel to India for baby Jazeel.

We would be forever grateful if you could donate any amount suitable for you to help us for his operation. We really wish to see him get better and grow up without all these complications. We thank you for your kind help.

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  • Anonymous

    MUR 683 Donation
    30 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 200 Donation
    29 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    25 May, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    12 May, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 300 Donation
    29 Apr, 2024
  • Yanisha Curpen

    MUR 500 Donation
    05 Apr, 2024


We are the Kassim family from the south of Mauritius. Our son Jazeel, 2 years old was diagnosed with a Complex Congenital Heart Disease since his birth.

This was an emergency case and we had to travel for India for advanced medical treatment 2 weeks after his birth, where he underwent his 1st surgery which costed Rs 1.6M. We received financial support from the overseas grant and the remaining balance from families and friends. He did a second intervention in August 2022 thanks to the donations of many generous mauritians.

He currently has a hole in his heart which makes him very vulnerable. The hole increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs and over time, it may cause damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. However as he is very little, the doctors told us that he will need several interventions before getting better. After 2 successful interventions, our baby has been on cobservation in Mauritius.

However we were told that he will need another surgery (Intracardiac repair) in the 1 month. We are making an appeal to you to help us raise funds so we can travel to India for baby Jazeel.

We would be forever grateful if you could donate any amount suitable for you to help us for his operation. We really wish to see him get better and grow up without all these complications. We thank you for your kind help.



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