Stray dogs in distress- CrowdFunding

Stray dogs in distress

By : Rashila Ramchurn
Created on: 07 Aug, 2024
Rs 300 Raised
Rs 180,000

Dear friends volunteers and animal lovers  I am doing a crowdfunding as fund is not enough to feed more than 350strays daily. From. Khoyratty to Pont Praslin. Daily feeding is costing rs 3500 1bal ration rice 2bals pongos 20kg each rs 2700fuel rs 1000and chicken carcass rs 500.mIn addition my dog shelter needs maintenance and I must buy iron sheets as it has no iron sheets on 2sides and rain pours inside. I need to buy fence and mend where dogs have broken it. A water tank must be bought as in summer there is water shortage and I must clean dog shelter daily and bath 25dogs on Sundays. 

Extension of dog shelter for 5more strays.

I rely on crowdfunding to make the project a reality. 

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  • Anonymous

    MUR 100 Donation
    12 Aug, 2024
  • Karishma Ramnarain

    MUR 200 Donation
    09 Aug, 2024


Dear friends volunteers and animal lovers  I am doing a crowdfunding as fund is not enough to feed more than 350strays daily. From. Khoyratty to Pont Praslin. Daily feeding is costing rs 3500 1bal ration rice 2bals pongos 20kg each rs 2700fuel rs 1000and chicken carcass rs 500.mIn addition my dog shelter needs maintenance and I must buy iron sheets as it has no iron sheets on 2sides and rain pours inside. I need to buy fence and mend where dogs have broken it. A water tank must be bought as in summer there is water shortage and I must clean dog shelter daily and bath 25dogs on Sundays. 

Extension of dog shelter for 5more strays.

I rely on crowdfunding to make the project a reality. 



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