Feed the homeless and the needy- CrowdFunding

Feed the homeless and the needy

By : ONG Fraternité Nouvel Espoir
Created on: 18 Jan, 2021
Rs 0 Raised

This fundraising is being done in order to have resources and food in order to feed the homeless and needy people of Mauritius. 

Help us to alleviate poverty in our small island. 

Many families are struggling since last year and the number of homeless is increasing. 

We grow by helping and lifting others. 

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This fundraising is being done in order to have resources and food in order to feed the homeless and needy people of Mauritius. 

Help us to alleviate poverty in our small island. 

Many families are struggling since last year and the number of homeless is increasing. 

We grow by helping and lifting others. 


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