#McJacklin Honeymoon- CrowdFunding

#McJacklin Honeymoon

By : Jarryd & Angela
Created on: 22 Sep, 2022
Rs 0 Raised

Hello amazing friends and family!

We appreciate that not everyone can make it for a destination wedding, also many are travelling far which makes it difficult for gifts!

Since there’s little that we need, we've decided to keep things simple and create a donation page. We will use donations towards our honeymoon in case you'd like to gift towards that. 

With love, from Mr & Mrs Jacklin.

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Hello amazing friends and family!

We appreciate that not everyone can make it for a destination wedding, also many are travelling far which makes it difficult for gifts!

Since there’s little that we need, we've decided to keep things simple and create a donation page. We will use donations towards our honeymoon in case you'd like to gift towards that. 

With love, from Mr & Mrs Jacklin.



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